Character | Composition | Variants | Reading | Meaning | Hanyu | Kangxi | Cihai |
年 | 干+3 | 秊 𠫺 | nián ㄋㄧㄢˊ | year; new-years; person's age | v1,p0037#06 | p.340#01 | p.483r6c01 |
少 | 小+1 | | shǎo shào ㄕㄠˇ ㄕㄠˋ | few, less, inadequate | v1,p0561#02 | p.296#20 | p.442r4c01 |
平 | 干+2 | 𤔁 𠀭 | píng ㄆㄧㄥˊ | flat, level, even; peaceful | v1,p0407#01 | p.339#03 | p.480r4c02 |
戎 | 戈+2 | | róng ㄖㄨㄥˊ | arms, armaments; military affair | v2,p1397#08 | p.411#08 | p.550r4c03 |
老 | 老+0 | 耂 𠄰 | lǎo ㄌㄠˇ | old, aged; experienced | v4,p2778#01 | p.960#25 | p.1077r3c03 |
學 | 子+13 | 𢻯 斈 学 | xué ㄒㄩㄝˊ | Study, learn. / Doctrine, teaching. / School of thought. / School, place of learning. / Account, state. | v2,p1019#11 | p.280#28 | p.403r3c05 |
| | | xiào ㄒㄧㄠˋ | Instruct, teach. | | | |
仙 | 人+3 | 僊 | xiān ㄒㄧㄢ | Taoist super-being, transcendent, immortal | v1,p0114#03 | p.92#13 | p.85r4c01 |
表 | 衣+3 | 𧘝 𧞧 𧜫 錶 | biǎo ㄅㄧㄠˇ | show, express, manifest, display | v1,p0021#12 | p.1111#13 | p.1209r2c03 |
求 | 水+2 | 裘 | qiú ㄑㄧㄡˊ | seek; demand, request; beseech | v3,p1547#08 | p.604#04 | p.763r3c02 |
骸 | 骨+6 | 䠹 | hái gāi ㄏㄞˊ ㄍㄞ | skeleton, body; leg bone | v7,p4412#01 | p.1448#50 | p.1513r2c06 |
骨 | 骨+0 | | gǔ gū gú ㄍㄨˇ ㄍㄨ ㄍㄨˊ | bone; skeleton; frame, framework | v7,p4406#01 | p.1447#25 | p.1512r1c02 |
乞 | 乙+2 | | qǐ ㄑㄧˇ | beg; request | v1,p0050#07 | p.84#03 | p.54r6c01 |
生 | 生+0 | 𤯓 | shēng ㄕㄥ | life, living, lifetime; birth | v4,p2575#01 | p.754#26 | p.906r5c03 |
全 | 入+4 | 𠓴 㒰 | quán ㄑㄩㄢˊ | maintain, keep whole or intact | v1,p0115#08 | p.126#05 | p.144r6c01 |
不 | 一+3 | 不 𠀚 𠙐 | bù ㄅㄨˋ | Not have. / To not be. / Negational adverb, used before verbs, adjectives, etc. to indicate negation. / Negational adverb expressing prohibition: do not. / Negational adverb expressing rhetorical question: is not...? | v1,p0011#06 | p.76#15 | p.30r1c01 |
| | | fǒu ㄈㄡˇ | Same as 「」 fǒu ㄈㄡˇ: Adverb used together with an affirmative word, expressing its negative or opposite. / Same as 「」 fǒu ㄈㄡˇ: Adverb used at the end of a question to form a yes-no question. | | | |
| | | fū ㄈㄨ | Sepal of a flower. | | | |
| | | pī ㄆㄧ | Same as 「」 pī ㄆㄧ: Large. | | | |
| | | bǐ ㄅㄧˇ | Show disdain for. | | | |
堪 | 土+9 | | kān ㄎㄢ | adequately capable of, worthy of | v1,p0460#01 | p.233#27 | p.324r2c06 |
腰 | 肉+9 | | yāo ㄧㄠ | waist; kidney | v3,p2094#05 | p.989#13 | p.1100r5c02 |
下 | 一+2 | 丅 厥 𠄟 | xià ㄒㄧㄚˋ | under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down | v1,p0007#01 | p.76#10 | p.28r1c01 |
懸 | 心+16 | 悬 | xuán ㄒㄩㄢˊ | hang, suspend, hoist; be hung | v4,p2368#05 | p.408#24 | p.548r6c01 |
金 | 金+0 | 钅 𨤾 𨥄 釒 | jīn jìn ㄐㄧㄣ ㄐㄧㄣˋ | gold; metals in general; money | v6,p4167#01 | p.1295#01 | p.1363r1c01 |
印 | 卩+4 | 𠘄 | yìn ㄧㄣˋ | print, seal, stamp, chop, mark | v1,p0312#02 | p.159#10 | p.225r2c04 |
已 | 己+0 | | yǐ ㄧˇ | Stop, discontinue. / Complete / The past. / Recover, be cured. / Leave [a post], retire. / Value and carry out. / Adverb: shortly, before long. / Adverb: already. / Adverb: extremely. / Modal particle used at the end of a sentence. / Interjection. / Same as 「」 yǐ ㄧˇ: Use. / Same as 「」 yǐ ㄧˇ: Particle: used together with some words expressing direction and time. | v2,p0984#01 | p.326#11 | p.467r3c01 |
向 | 口+3 | 嚮 曏 | xiàng ㄒㄧㄤˋ | toward, direction, trend | v1,p0579#08 | p.176#04 | p.256r3c01 |
雲 | 雨+4 | 云 | yún ㄩㄣˊ | clouds; Yunnan province | v6,p4058#09 | p.1372#05 | p.1447r4c03 |
西 | 襾+0 | 覀 𠧧 㢴 | xī ㄒㄧ | west(ern); westward, occident | v4,p2805#02 | p.1128#10 | p.1221r6c03 |
寄 | 宀+8 | | jì ㄐㄧˋ | send, transmit, mail; rely on | v2,p0937#01 | p.288#04 | p.423r4c01 |
玉 | 玉+0 | 𤣪 | yù ㄩˋ | jade, precious stone, gem | v2,p1100#01 | p.726#04 | p.884r5c02 |
田 | 田+0 | | tián ㄊㄧㄢˊ | field, arable land, cultivated | v4,p2524#01 | p.756#11 | p.909r3c02 |
旄 | 方+6 | | máo ㄇㄠˊ | a kind of ancient flag; old | v3,p2177#06 | p.482#18 | p.623r4c02 |
節 | 竹+7 | 罇 卩 节 | jié jiē ㄐㄧㄝˊ ㄐㄧㄝ | knot, node, joint; section | v5,p2976#04 | p.891#24 | p.1018r1c03 |
抱 | 手+5 | 抔 | bào ㄅㄠˋ | embrace, hold in arms, enfold | v3,p1856#04 | p.423#08 | p.565r4c03 |
歸 | 止+14 | 帰 归 𤾤 | guī kuì ㄍㄨㄟ ㄎㄨㄟˋ | return; return to, revert to | v2,p1446#15 | p.578#07 | p.739r6c01 |
官 | 宀+5 | 𠕍 | guān ㄍㄨㄢ | official, public servant | v2,p0921#04 | p.283#15 | p.413r2c01 |
路 | 足+6 | 路 | lù luò ㄌㄨˋ ㄌㄨㄛˋ | road, path, street; journey | v6,p3704#06 | p.1225#22 | p.1289r6c04 |
上 | 一+2 | 丄 𠄞 | shàng ㄕㄤˋ | top; superior, highest; go up, send up | v1,p0005#04 | p.76#07 | p.24r2c01 |
公 | 八+2 | 㒶 | gōng ㄍㄨㄥ | fair, equitable; public; duke | v1,p0242#01 | p.126#28 | p.151r3c01 |
卿 | 卩+9 | | qīng ㄑㄧㄥ | noble, high officer | v1,p0318#03 | p.160#08 | p.228r2c01 |
送 | 辵+6 | 𨕪 𨕩 | sòng ㄙㄨㄥˋ | see off, send off; dispatch, give | v6,p3832#06 | p.1256#21 | p.1314r6c02 |
到 | 刀+6 | | dào ㄉㄠˋ | go to, arrive, been to | v1,p0334#03 | p.138#36 | p.181r5c02 |
國 | 囗+8 | 圀 國 囗 囶 𢧌 䆐 囯 国 | guó ㄍㄨㄛˊ | nation, country, nation-state | v1,p0720#09 | p.219#16 | p.303r4c02 |
門 | 門+0 | 门 | mén ㄇㄣˊ | gate, door, entrance, opening | v7,p4281#01 | p.1329#53 | p.1403r4c05 |
前 | 刀+7 | 歬 𣦃 | qián ㄑㄧㄢˊ | in front, forward; preceding | v1,p0248#04 | p.140#15 | p.184r4c01 |