Character | Composition | Variants | Reading | Meaning | Hanyu | Kangxi | Cihai |
滿 | 水+11 | 𡈪 满 | mǎn mèn ㄇㄢˇ ㄇㄣˋ | fill; full, satisfied | v3,p1714#01 | p.644#18 | p.824r1c02 |
道 | 辵+9 | 𨕥 衟 𡬹 | dào ㄉㄠˋ | Road, path. / Journey. / Method. / Law, reason. / Doctrine, claim. / Skill, technique. / Principle, right way. / The Dao, the origin of all things in Daoism. / Speak, talk. / Take a course of action. / Take a course of action. / Rites paid to the spirit of roads. / Ancient administrative unit. / Daoism. | v6,p3864#01 | p.1262#06 | p.1326r3c02 |
| | | dǎo ㄉㄠˇ | Lead. / Flow smoothly. | | | |
喧 | 口+9 | 吅 諠 | xuān xuǎn ㄒㄩㄢ ㄒㄩㄢˇ | lively, noisy; clamor, talk loudly | v1,p0662#02 | p.200#03 | p.281r2c02 |
遇 | 辵+9 | 𠓱 | yù ㄩˋ | meet, come across, encounter | v6,p3857#16 | p.1261#07 | p.1324r4c01 |
君 | 口+4 | 𠱩 𠱭 | jūn ㄐㄩㄣ | The son of heaven. / The ruler of a state. / Dafu (title). / To be ruler. / To rule, to govern. | v1,p0595#06 | p.177#07 | p.256r6c08 |
別 | 刀+5 | 𠔁 别 | bié ㄅㄧㄝˊ | separate, other; do not | v1,p0328#13 | p.138#12 | p.179r4c01 |
爭 | 爪+4 | 争 𠫩 𠄙 | zhēng zhèng ㄓㄥ ㄓㄥˋ | to dispute, fight, contend, strive | v3,p2031#03 | p.688#33 | p.863r1c01 |
窺 | 穴+11 | 窥 | kuī kuǐ ㄎㄨㄟ ㄎㄨㄟˇ | peep, watch, spy on, pry | v4,p2739#13 | p.868#05 | p.1001r4c05 |
玉 | 玉+0 | 𤣪 | yù ㄩˋ | jade, precious stone, gem | v2,p1100#01 | p.726#04 | p.884r5c02 |
潤 | 水+12 | 润 | rùn ㄖㄨㄣˋ | soft, moist; sleek; freshen | v3,p1748#02 | p.649#24 | p.831r5c02 |
與 | 臼+8 | 与 𢌱 𦦲 𠔔 | yǔ ㄩˇ | Give. / Follow, go along with. / Comrade, ally. / Association, contact. / Oppose. / Engage [an enemy]. / Approve, consent to. / Help. / Wait. / Preposition indicating passive tense. / Preposition: to, with. / Preposition: with. / Preposition: as. / Preposition: in, on. / Connective: and, with. / Connective: with its ... / Connective: or. | v1,p0251#04 | p.1004#13 | p.1113r2c03 |
| | | yù ㄩˋ | Participate, take part in. | | | |
| | | yǔ ㄩˇ | Interfere in. | | | |
| | | yú ㄩˊ | Auxiliary word: used at the end of a sentence to express questioning , exclamation, or a rhetorical question. / Auxiliary word: used in the middle of a sentence to express a pause. | | | |
冰 | 冫+4 | 氷 冫 𣲝 | bīng níng ㄅㄧㄥ ㄋㄧㄥˊ | ice; ice-cold | v1,p0295#09 | p.131#24 | p.167r4c01 |
清 | 水+8 | 淸 | qīng qìng ㄑㄧㄥ ㄑㄧㄥˋ | clear, pure, clean; peaceful | v3,p1637#11 | p.633#37 | |