Chinese Text Project |
Character | Composition | Variants | Reading | Meaning | Hanyu | Kangxi | Cihai |
玞 | 玉+4 | fū ㄈㄨ | an inferior agate | v2,p1103#03 | p.727#30 | p.891r6c01 | |
廣 | 广+12 | 广 | guǎng ㄍㄨㄤˇ | broad, wide, extensive | v2,p0897#04 | p.351#03 | p.493r4c01 |
韻 | 音+10 | 均 韵 | yùn ㄩㄣˋ | rhyme; vowel | v7,p4497#12 | p.1397#29 | p.1474r1c02 |
甫 | 用+2 | fǔ pù pǔ ㄈㄨˇ ㄆㄨˋ ㄆㄨˇ | begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li | v1,p0020#01 | p.756#02 | p.909r1c03 | |
無 | 火+8 | 𣟒 𣚨 𠘩 无 橆 | wú ㄨˊ | Not have. / Philosophical category referring to absence, non-existence, or vacuity. / Adverb expressing negation: not. / Adverb expressing questioning: or not. / Connective: regardless of. / Connective: even if. / Particle used at the beginning of a sentence, no meaning. / Do not. / Barren, uncultivated. | v3,p2211#15 | p.673#26 | p.848r2c04 |
切 | 刀+2 | 切 | qiē qiè qì ㄑㄧㄝ ㄑㄧㄝˋ ㄑㄧˋ | cut, mince, slice, carve | v1,p0320#05 | p.136#09 | p.176r5c01 |
集 | 隹+4 | 雦 亼 | jí ㄐㄧˊ | assemble, collect together | v6,p4092#10 | p.1365#15 | p.1438r4c01 |
會 | 曰+9 | 𣌭 㞧 𠃐 㣛 𣥈 会 | huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ | Assemble, gather. / Banquet. / Meet with. / Agree with. / Tempo. / Examine, test. / Meeting place. / Copulation . / Chance, opportunity. / Name of an acupuncture point in Chinese medicine. / Luckily, coincidentally. / Should. / Able, capable. / Understand. / Pay money. / Benefit, kindness. / Embroidery in the five colours. | v2,p1524#05 | p.503#08 | p.654r3c02 |
kuài ㄎㄨㄞˋ | Total, settle (a bill). / Seams of a cap or collar of official dress. / Broker, buyer and seller. / A type of flag. / The state of Kuai. / Cover of a container for food, also used for serving. | ||||||
風 | 風+0 | 𠙊 𠙈 凬 飌 檒 风 | fēng fěng fèng ㄈㄥ ㄈㄥˇ ㄈㄥˋ | wind; air; manners, atmosphere | v7,p4480#01 | p.1411#01 | p.1483r6c02 |
正 | 止+1 | 㱏 𣥔 𤴓 𧾸 | zhèng ㄓㄥˋ | Straight, not at an angle. / Appropriate. / Normal. / Decent, upstanding. / Fix, determine. / Govern, rule. / Set punishments. / Formal, primary. / Pure, unadulterated. / Son by one's official wife. / Luckily, fortuitously. / Expresses continuation of an action or state. / Officer. / Only. / Government, state affairs. / Prove, verify. | v2,p1436#01 | p.574#02 | p.732r5c02 |
zhēng ㄓㄥ | First month in the Chinese calander. / Centre of a target. / Attack, punitive expedition. | ||||||
芳 | 艸+4 | fāng ㄈㄤ | fragrant; virtuous; beautiful | v5,p3184#06 | p.1021#02 | p.1127r3c01 | |
𠀤 | 一+6 | v1,p0019#11 | p.78#13 | ||||
音 | 音+0 | yīn yìn ㄧㄣ ㄧㄣˋ | sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation | v7,p4495#01 | p.1396#25 | p.1472r4c04 | |
膚 | 肉+11 | 肤 | fū ㄈㄨ | skin; superficial, shallow | v3,p2107#05 | p.992#28 | p.1102r5c04 |
美 | 羊+3 | 羙 | měi ㄇㄟˇ | beautiful, pretty; pleasing | v5,p3126#05 | p.951#10 | p.1069r5c01 |
石 | 石+0 | 𥐘 | shí dàn ㄕˊ ㄉㄢˋ | stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 | v4,p2416#01 | p.827#01 | p.957r5c03 |
次 | 欠+2 | 𦮏 𠕞 𠤣 | cì ㄘˋ | order, sequence; next | v3,p2133#02 | p.565#03 | p.728r5c04 |
玉 | 玉+0 | 𤣪 | yù ㄩˋ | jade, precious stone, gem | v2,p1100#01 | p.726#04 | p.884r5c02 |
同 | 口+3 | 仝 衕 | tóng tòng ㄊㄨㄥˊ ㄊㄨㄥˋ | same, similar; together with | v1,p0578#01 | p.175#06 | p.252r1c01 |
砆 | 石+4 | fū ㄈㄨ | 1/2 pr stone | v4,p2419#02 | p.828#06 | p.963r4c02 | |
山 | 山+0 | shān ㄕㄢ | mountain, hill, peak | v1,p0759#11 | p.307#01 | p.452r2c03 | |
海 | 水+7 | hǎi ㄏㄞˇ | sea, ocean; maritime | v3,p1627#01 | p.625#14 | p.795r4c04 | |
經 | 糸+7 | 経 𦀇 𤔕 坕 经 | jīng jìng ㄐㄧㄥ ㄐㄧㄥˋ | classic works; pass through | v5,p3402#11 | p.925#24 | p.1045r5c01 |
稽 | 禾+10 | 乩 𩠜 | jī qǐ ㄐㄧ ㄑㄧˇ | examine, investigate; delay | v4,p2622#08 | p.858#01 | p.994r5c03 |
之 | 丿+3 | 㞢 | zhī ㄓ | Towards; go to. / Demonstrative pronoun: this, these. / Third person pronoun: him, her, it. / Auxiliary word: of. / Auxiliary word: used between subject and predicate, cancels independence of a clause. / Auxiliary word: used in a sentence for aesthetic purpose only, no meaning. | v1,p0043#01 | p.82#04 | p.47r2c02 |
下 | 一+2 | 丅 厥 𠄟 | xià ㄒㄧㄚˋ | under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down | v1,p0007#01 | p.76#10 | p.28r1c01 |
多 | 夕+3 | 夛 𡖇 𡖈 | duō ㄉㄨㄛ | much, many; more than, over | v2,p0862#02 | p.246#11 | p.339r4c01 |
註 | 言+5 | 注 | zhù ㄓㄨˋ | explain; annotate; make entry | v6,p3957#01 | p.1152#26 | p.1240r4c04 |
郭 | 邑+8 | 𨟍 | guō guó ㄍㄨㄛ ㄍㄨㄛˊ | outer part (of a city); surname | v6,p3780#07 | p.1273#13 | p.1340r5c01 |
璞 | 玉+12 | pú ㄆㄨˊ | unpolished gem, uncarved gem | v2,p1137#10 | p.742#09 | p.900r3c03 | |
曰 | 曰+0 | yuē ㄩㄝ | Say, speak. / Call, name. / Particle. | v2,p1482#02 | p.502#01 | p.648r3c03 | |
武 | 止+4 | wǔ ㄨˇ | Military, combative. / Powerful, formidable. / Moral principles to be honoured during warfare. / Military achievement. / Soldier. / Footprint, trail. / Successor. / Name of a piece of music comemmorating King Wu of Zhou. / A metal percussion instrument. / Unit of length equal to three chi, or half a pace. / Tie of a cap. / Dance. | v2,p1439#05 | p.575#09 | p.736r4c01 | |
似 | 人+5 | 𠚦 | sì shì ㄙˋ ㄕˋ | resemble, similar to; as if, seem | v1,p0127#02 | p.97#10 | p.95r1c04 |
今 | 人+2 | jīn ㄐㄧㄣ | now, today, modern era | v1,p0105#05 | p.91#18 | p.83r5c02 | |
長 | 長+0 | 镸 𨱗 𠤐 𠑷 𠔊 𠑻 𠑿 𡕣 长 | cháng zhǎng zhàng ㄔㄤˊ ㄓㄤˇ ㄓㄤˋ | long; length; excel in; leader | v6,p4050#01 | p.1328#07 | p.1399r3c04 |
沙 | 水+4 | 砂 | shā shà suō ㄕㄚ ㄕㄚˋ ㄙㄨㄛ | sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated | v3,p1562#09 | p.611#21 | p.772r2c02 |
臨 | 臣+11 | 臨 𦣷 临 | lín lìn ㄌㄧㄣˊ ㄌㄧㄣˋ | draw near, approach; descend | v4,p2802#19 | p.999#24 | p.1106r5c01 |
湘 | 水+9 | xiāng ㄒㄧㄤ | Hunan province | v3,p1670#04 | p.637#11 | p.815r5c01 | |
縣 | 糸+10 | 县 | xiàn xuán ㄒㄧㄢˋ ㄒㄩㄢˊ | county, district, subdivision | v5,p3435#11 | p.934#23 | p.1055r5c05 |
出 | 凵+3 | 岀 | chū ㄔㄨ | Go out, exit. / Outside, without. / Take up a post. / Exile, banish. / Abandon (one's wife). / Free, release. / Give out, hand over. / Give, offer. / Send out, distribute. / Exceed. / Appear, emerge. / Create, make. / Produce, cause to grow. / Bear, give birth. / Origin, place of birth. / Part of an object which extends outwards. / Measure word: times, occurrences. / Measure word: section. | v1,p0307#08 | p.135#11 | p.172r1c01 |
赤 | 赤+0 | 𤆍 烾 | chì ㄔˋ | red; communist, 'red'; bare | v5,p3506#01 | p.1213#22 | p.1280r2c02 |
地 | 土+3 | 埊 𨻐 埅 𠏂 嶳 | dì de ㄉㄧˋ ㄉㄜ· | earth; soil, ground; region | v1,p0420#12 | p.224#06 | p.312r6c01 |
白 | 白+0 | 𦣺 𤼽 | bái bó ㄅㄞˊ ㄅㄛˊ | white; pure, unblemished; bright | v4,p2642#01 | p.785#01 | p.927r1c01 |
文 | 文+0 | 㒚 穩 | wén ㄨㄣˊ | Mixture of colours. / Decorative design. / Portray in words or pictures. / Adornment, embellishment. / External appearance. / Characters, words. / Books, works. / Confucian doctrine. / Civilian, non-military. / Drum (musical instrument). / Measure word for money. | v3,p2169#01 | p.477#01 | p.608r4c02 |
wèn ㄨㄣˋ | Adorn, embellish. / Conceal, gloss over. | ||||||
色 | 色+0 | 𢒸 | sè ㄙㄜˋ | Colour. / [Facial] appearance, countenance. / Become angry. / Feminine beauty. / Appearance. | v5,p3071#01 | p.1014#02 | p.1120r1c01 |
蔥 | 艸+11 | 葱 | cōng ㄘㄨㄥ | scallions, onions, leeks | v5,p3281#02 | p.1055#11 | p.1165r3c05 |
蘢 | 艸+16 | 茏 | lóng lǒng lòng ㄌㄨㄥˊ ㄌㄨㄥˇ ㄌㄨㄥˋ | tall grass; water-weeds | v5,p3328#12 | p.1069#28 | p.1179r5c04 |
不 | 一+3 | 不 𠀚 𠙐 | bù ㄅㄨˋ | Not have. / To not be. / Negational adverb, used before verbs, adjectives, etc. to indicate negation. / Negational adverb expressing prohibition: do not. / Negational adverb expressing rhetorical question: is not...? | v1,p0011#06 | p.76#15 | p.30r1c01 |
fǒu ㄈㄡˇ | Same as 「否(1.2)」 fǒu ㄈㄡˇ: Adverb used together with an affirmative word, expressing its negative or opposite. / Same as 「否(1.3)」 fǒu ㄈㄡˇ: Adverb used at the end of a question to form a yes-no question. | ||||||
fū ㄈㄨ | Sepal of a flower. | ||||||
pī ㄆㄧ | Same as 「丕(1)」 pī ㄆㄧ: Large. | ||||||
bǐ ㄅㄧˇ | Show disdain for. | ||||||
分 | 刀+2 | 份 | fēn ㄈㄣ | Separate, split. / Distribute, divide among. / Distinguish, tell apart. / Difference. / Clear, evident. / Share. / Half. / Gist, general point. / Equinox (in the Chinese unisolar calendar). / Measure word: unit of length equivalent to a tenth of one cun. / Measure word: unit of area equivalent to a tenth of one mu. / Measure word: unit of weight equivalent to a tenth of one qian. | v1,p0321#03 | p.136#04 | p.174r1c04 |
fèn ㄈㄣˋ | Rank, position occupied. / Work, office. / Guess, speculate. / Happy, content. | ||||||
了 | 亅+1 | 了 | le liǎo ㄌㄜ· ㄌㄧㄠˇ | to finish; particle of completed action | v1,p0048#06 | p.85#11 | p.58r1c02 |
也 | 乙+2 | 𠃟 匜 | yě ㄧㄝˇ | Modal particle used at the end of a sentence, expressing assertion and affirmation. / Modal particle used at the end of a question for emphasis. / Modal particle used at the end of a cause-effect sentence to express explanation. / Modal particle used in the middle of a sentence to express a pause. | v1,p0050#05 | p.84#04 | p.55r1c01 |
吳 | 口+4 | 呉 虞 𡗿 𡗾 吴 | wú ㄨˊ | one of warring states; surname | v1,p0595#08 | p.179#04 | p.258r6c01 |
任 | 人+4 | 仼 | rèn rén ㄖㄣˋ ㄖㄣˊ | trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow | v1,p0122#06 | p.94#24 | p.88r6c05 |
臣 | 臣+0 | 𢘑 | chén ㄔㄣˊ | minister, statesman, official | v4,p2801#01 | p.999#13 | p.1106r2c02 |
水 | 水+0 | 氵 | shuǐ ㄕㄨㄟˇ | water, liquid, lotion, juice | v3,p1545#01 | p.603#01 | p.757r1c01 |
注 | 水+5 | 註 | zhù zhòu ㄓㄨˋ ㄓㄡˋ | concentrate, focus, direct | v3,p1592#01 | p.618#05 | p.783r6c02 |
作 | 人+5 | 胙 𢓓 | zuò ㄗㄨㄛˋ | Arise, stand up. / Grow, flourish. / Begin. / Create, make. / Work, effort. / Serve as, work as. / When, at such time as. | v1,p0134#06 | p.99#07 | p.99r3c01 |
又 | 又+0 | yòu ㄧㄡˋ | Hand. / Again, once more. / Moreover. / And, while. Expresses two situations happening at once or sequential action. / And yet. Expresses contrast. / Offer wine. / Forgive. | v1,p0390#01 | p.164#43 | p.233r4c03 | |
通 | 辵+7 | 𢓶 | tōng tòng ㄊㄨㄥ ㄊㄨㄥˋ | pass through, common, communicate | v6,p3845#08 | p.1258#04 | p.1317r2c02 |
夫 | 大+1 | fū ㄈㄨ | General term for adult men. / Adult labourers in particular. / Soldier. / Respectful term for a man. / Husband. / Unit of area equal to one hundred mu. | v1,p0521#01 | p.248#11 | p.367r2c01 | |
fú ㄈㄨˊ | Demonstrative pronoun: this, these. / Modal particle used at the start of a sentence for emphasis or to indicate an assertion. / Modal particle used in the middle of a sentence to soften the tone. / Modal particle used at the end of a sentence to express exclamation. | ||||||
前 | 刀+7 | 歬 𣦃 | qián ㄑㄧㄢˊ | in front, forward; preceding | v1,p0248#04 | p.140#15 | p.184r4c01 |
漢 | 水+11 | 㵄 𣶔 汉 | hàn tān ㄏㄢˋ ㄊㄢ | the Chinese people, Chinese language | v3,p1713#09 | p.646#17 | p.826r5c01 |
董仲舒 | 艸+9 人+4 舌+6 | 𦱦 摴 | dǒng zhòng shū ㄉㄨㄥˇ ㄓㄨㄥˋ ㄕㄨ | [人名] [Name of a person] | v5,p3250#03 v1,p0121#07 v5,p2943#20 | p.1045#23 p.94#11 p.1007#11 | p.1154r4c01 p.88r4c01 p.1116r3c01 |
傳 | 人+11 | 传 | chuán zhuàn ㄔㄨㄢˊ ㄓㄨㄢˋ | summon; propagate, transmit | v1,p0208#09 | p.114#23 | p.122r2c01 |
猶 | 犬+9 | 犹 | yóu ㄧㄡˊ | A species of monkey / Same, similar. / Similarly, in the same way. / Like, similar to. / Can, able to. / Fitting, suitable. / Still, nevertheless. / Additionally, furthermore. / Connective expression concession: although, despite. / Connective expression supposition: if. / Stratagem, plot. / Method, way. / Scheme, conspire. / Road, path. / Criticize, fault. / Relaxed, at ease. / Same as 「由(1.1)」 yóu ㄧㄡˊ: Do, carry out. / Same as 「由(5.2)」 yóu ㄧㄡˊ: Preposition: from. / Same as 「由(5.1)」 yóu ㄧㄡˊ: Preposition: due to, because of. / Name of a river in modern Shaanxi, flowing into the Yellow River. / Same as 「已(7.3)」 yǐ ㄧˇ: Adverb: extremely. | v2,p1359#09 | p.715#20 | p.878r1c06 |
yáo ㄧㄠˊ | Tremble, shake. | ||||||
yōu ㄧㄡ | Good, superior. | ||||||
與 | 臼+8 | 与 𢌱 𦦲 𠔔 | yǔ ㄩˇ | Give. / Follow, go along with. / Comrade, ally. / Association, contact. / Oppose. / Engage [an enemy]. / Approve, consent to. / Help. / Wait. / Preposition indicating passive tense. / Preposition: to, with. / Preposition: with. / Preposition: as. / Preposition: in, on. / Connective: and, with. / Connective: with its ... / Connective: or. | v1,p0251#04 | p.1004#13 | p.1113r2c03 |
yù ㄩˋ | Participate, take part in. | ||||||
yǔ ㄩˇ | Interfere in. | ||||||
yú ㄩˊ | Auxiliary word: used at the end of a sentence to express questioning , exclamation, or a rhetorical question. / Auxiliary word: used in the middle of a sentence to express a pause. |
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