Character | Composition | Variants | Reading | Meaning | Hanyu | Kangxi | Cihai |
𥊇 | 目+10 | | jiān ㄐㄧㄢ | | v4,p2506#02 | p.816#18 | |
字 | 子+3 | 𡥜 𥤪 | zì ㄗˋ | letter, character, word | v2,p1010#02 | p.277#18 | p.398r1c03 |
彙 | 彐+10 | 彚 汇 | huì wèi ㄏㄨㄟˋ ㄨㄟˋ | collect, compile, assemble; hedgehog | v2,p0962#04 | p.362#21 | p.507r2c02 |
補 | 衣+7 | 𢒏 补 | bǔ ㄅㄨˇ | mend, patch, fix, repair, restore | v5,p3093#05 | p.1117#30 | p.1214r1c02 |
古 | 口+2 | 𠖠 𡇣 | gǔ ㄍㄨˇ | old, classic, ancient | v1,p0568#03 | p.171#08 | p.240r1c02 |
晏 | 日+6 | | yàn ㄧㄢˋ | peaceful, quiet; clear; late in the day | v2,p1509#07 | p.495#15 | p.641r1c02 |
切 | 刀+2 | 切 | qiē qiè qì ㄑㄧㄝ ㄑㄧㄝˋ ㄑㄧˋ | cut, mince, slice, carve | v1,p0320#05 | p.136#09 | p.176r5c01 |
音 | 音+0 | | yīn yìn ㄧㄣ ㄧㄣˋ | sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation | v7,p4495#01 | p.1396#25 | p.1472r4c04 |
監 | 皿+9 | 𧨭 𧩾 譼 监 | jiān jiàn kàn ㄐㄧㄢ ㄐㄧㄢˋ ㄎㄢˋ | supervise, control, direct | v4,p2566#03 | p.796#02 | p.940r5c01 |
視 | 示+7 | 眎 𥄙 眡 𥄚 𥅭 𥉙 𤋇 视 | shì ㄕˋ | look at, inspect, observe, see | v6,p3665#19 | p.1134#21 | |
也 | 乙+2 | 𠃟 匜 | yě ㄧㄝˇ | Modal particle used at the end of a sentence, expressing assertion and affirmation. / Modal particle used at the end of a question for emphasis. / Modal particle used at the end of a cause-effect sentence to express explanation. / Modal particle used in the middle of a sentence to express a pause. | v1,p0050#05 | p.84#04 | p.55r1c01 |
亦 | 亠+4 | 𠅃 | yì ㄧˋ | Original character for 腋. / Also. / Just, merely. / Again. / Modal particle at the beginning or middle of a sentence. / Accumulate. | v1,p0281#03 | p.88#09 | p.78r2c02 |
作 | 人+5 | 胙 𢓓 | zuò ㄗㄨㄛˋ | Arise, stand up. / Grow, flourish. / Begin. / Create, make. / Work, effort. / Serve as, work as. / When, at such time as. | v1,p0134#06 | p.99#07 | p.99r3c01 |
𥂄 | 皿+9 | | | | v4,p2567#01 | p.796#06 | |