Character | Composition | Variants | Reading | Meaning | Hanyu | Kangxi | Cihai |
陳 | 阜+8 | 𨸬 軙 敶 陣 陈 | chén zhèn ㄔㄣˊ ㄓㄣˋ | exhibit, display; plead; surname | v6,p4136#01 | p.1353#19 | p.1424r5c01 |
書 | 曰+6 | 书 | shū ㄕㄨ | book, letter, document; writings | v2,p1509#09 | p.502#12 | p.650r3c02 |
曰 | 曰+0 | | yuē ㄩㄝ | Say, speak. / Call, name. / Particle. | v2,p1482#02 | p.502#01 | p.648r3c03 |
侯 | 人+7 | 𥎦 | hóu hòu ㄏㄡˊ ㄏㄡˋ | marquis, lord; target in archery | v1,p0167#01 | p.103#07 | p.104r3c06 |
景 | 日+8 | | jǐng yǐng ㄐㄧㄥˇ ㄧㄥˇ | scenery, view; conditions | v2,p1520#03 | p.496#30 | p.643r2c01 |
亂 | 乙+12 | 𠧎 𠧏 𠮗 乱 | luàn ㄌㄨㄢˋ | Chaos, disorder. / Confusion, confused state of mind. / Turmoil, unrest, revolt. / Rebellion, uprising. / Disturb, corrupt. / Lecherous, wicked. / Confuse, mix up. / Rule, administer. / Traverse, cross. / Reach, pass. / Last section of a piece of music. / Last words of a piece of writing. / Complete, finish. | v1,p0057#10 | p.84#33 | p.57r5c01 |
時 | 日+6 | 旹 时 | shí ㄕˊ | Season. / Unit of time equal to two hours. / [The passage of] time. / Time, times. / Age, period, epoch. / Occasion, opportune moment. / On time. / Then, at that time. / Always, constantly. / Same as 「」 sì ㄙˋ: Wait until, wait for (a chance). | v2,p1505#05 | p.494#22 | p.639r3c04 |
吳 | 口+4 | 呉 虞 𡗿 𡗾 吴 | wú ㄨˊ | one of warring states; surname | v1,p0595#08 | p.179#04 | p.258r6c01 |
明 | 日+4 | 朙 | míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ | Bright, brilliant. / Daytime. / Clear, obvious. / Clarify, make clear. / Understand. / Straightforwardly, clearly. / Clear, clean. / Wise. / Make wise. / Spirit, god. / Respect. / Eyesight. / Good eyesight. / See clearly. / The following (day, month, year, etc.). | v2,p1491#08 | p.491#12 | p.631r3c01 |
徹 | 彳+12 | 𢖉 𢕹 澈 𦔞 彻 | chè ㄔㄜˋ | penetrate, pervade; penetrating | v2,p0844#07 | p.371#10 | p.519r6c01 |
有 | 月+2 | | yǒu ㄧㄡˇ | Have, possess. / Store, collect. / Occupy. / Hold on to, retain. / Have in abundance. / Good harvest. / Obtain. / Only. / Be, exist. / Occur, happen. / Make. / Particle used before a noun with no meaning. / Particle used before a monosyllabic adjective with no meaning. / Particle used before a verb with no meaning. / Still, yet. / Some people. / Region. | v3,p2041#05 | p.504#20 | p.656r5c01 |
| | | yòu ㄧㄡˋ | Help, assist. / Same as 「」 yòu ㄧㄡˋ: Moreover. | | | |
粟 | 米+6 | 𥾄 𥸫 𥹟 𠧼 䅇 | sù ㄙㄨˋ | unhusked millet; grain | v5,p3146#17 | p.908#14 | p.1025r6c01 |
麥 | 麥+0 | 麦 | mài ㄇㄞˋ | wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 | v7,p4600#01 | p.1512#08 | p.1551r1c01 |
三 | 一+2 | 叁 弎 | sān sàn ㄙㄢ ㄙㄢˋ | three | v1,p0004#03 | p.76#05 | p.11r2c01 |
千 | 十+1 | 仟 | qiān ㄑㄧㄢ | thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler | v1,p0059#01 | p.155#19 | p.212r5c01 |
餘 | 食+7 | 馀 余 | yú yé ㄩˊ ㄧㄝˊ | surplus, excess, remainder | v7,p4456#09 | p.1420#25 | p.1492r3c03 |
斛 | 斗+7 | | hú ㄏㄨˊ | dry measure equal to some five or ten dou (U+6597 舒) | v3,p2254#02 | p.478#14 | p.613r1c02 |
而 | 而+0 | | ér ㄦˊ | Whiskers. / Like, similar to. / Pronoun: you. / Pronoun: this, like this. / Connective: and, with. / Connective: and, then. / Connective: if, supposing. / Connective: yet, however. / Connective: therefore, hence. / Connective: expresses method or state. / Particle: of. / Expressive particle. | v4,p2810#01 | p.961#18 | p.1080r2c03 |
| | | néng ㄋㄥˊ | Same as 「」 néng ㄋㄥˊ: Able to, competent. / Same as 「」 néng ㄋㄥˊ: Ability, talent. | | | |
鄰 | 邑+12 | 隣 厸 邻 | lín lìn ㄌㄧㄣˊ ㄌㄧㄣˋ | neighbor; neighborhood | v6,p3797#11 | p.1278#08 | p.1347r5c02 |
里 | 里+0 | 裏 裡 | lǐ ㄌㄧˇ | unit of distance; village; lane | v6,p3680#01 | p.1291#02 | p.1357r4c01 |
饑 | 食+12 | 飢 𩜆 𩚮 饥 | jī qí ㄐㄧ ㄑㄧˊ | starve, be hungry; famine | v7,p4475#05 | p.1425#35 | p.1494r5c01 |
餒 | 食+7 | 餧 馁 | něi ㄋㄟˇ | hungry, starving, famished | v7,p4457#03 | p.1420#03 | p.1493r1c01 |
乃 | 丿+1 | 廼 𢏩 𢎧 迺 𠄎 𠧤 | nǎi ㄋㄞˇ | Second person pronoun: you. / Demonstrative pronoun: like this, thus. / Adverb: expresses affirmation. / Adverb: expresses limiting of scope: only, just. / Adverb: and then. / Adverb: just. / Adverb: expresses two contradictory or contrasting states of affairs. / Adverb: expresses beginning, origin. / Connective: hence / Adverb: regarding, as for. / Connective: if. / Particle, no meaning. | v1,p0031#05 | p.81#12 | p.46r6c01 |
白 | 白+0 | 𦣺 𤼽 | bái bó ㄅㄞˊ ㄅㄛˊ | white; pure, unblemished; bright | v4,p2642#01 | p.785#01 | p.927r1c01 |
諸 | 言+9 | 𢒕 诸 | zhū ㄓㄨ | The many, every. / Third person pronoun: him, her, it. / Contraction of "之於": "It in". / Contraction of "之乎": "Is it?" / Modal particle. | v6,p3982#03 | p.1172#04 | |
兄 | 儿+3 | | xiōng ㄒㄩㄥ | elder brother | v1,p0266#04 | p.123#09 | p.133r5c02 |
今 | 人+2 | | jīn ㄐㄧㄣ | now, today, modern era | v1,p0105#05 | p.91#18 | p.83r5c02 |
人 | 人+0 | 𠔽 亻 | rén ㄖㄣˊ | Man, person. / Others, other people. / The people, ordinary men. / Talent, material. / [A man's] character. / Affairs of men, world of man. / Benevolence. | v1,p0101#10 | p.91#01 | p.80r2c01 |
不 | 一+3 | 不 𠀚 𠙐 | bù ㄅㄨˋ | Not have. / To not be. / Negational adverb, used before verbs, adjectives, etc. to indicate negation. / Negational adverb expressing prohibition: do not. / Negational adverb expressing rhetorical question: is not...? | v1,p0011#06 | p.76#15 | p.30r1c01 |
| | | fǒu ㄈㄡˇ | Same as 「」 fǒu ㄈㄡˇ: Adverb used together with an affirmative word, expressing its negative or opposite. / Same as 「」 fǒu ㄈㄡˇ: Adverb used at the end of a question to form a yes-no question. | | | |
| | | fū ㄈㄨ | Sepal of a flower. | | | |
| | | pī ㄆㄧ | Same as 「」 pī ㄆㄧ: Large. | | | |
| | | bǐ ㄅㄧˇ | Show disdain for. | | | |
圖 | 囗+11 | 図 圗 𡈖 𡇴 圕 图 | tú ㄊㄨˊ | diagram; chart, map, picture | v1,p0725#06 | p.220#18 | p.308r3c03 |
久 | 丿+2 | 乆 | jiǔ ㄐㄧㄡˇ | long time (ago); time passage, grow late | v1,p0033#03 | p.81#19 | p.47r1c02 |
奈 | 大+5 | 柰 | nài ㄋㄞˋ | but, how; bear, stand, endure | v1,p0532#02 | p.251#01 | p.371r5c01 |
何 | 人+5 | | hé ㄏㄜˊ | Ask, enquire. / What. / Who, which one. / How, in what way. / Why, for what reason. / Where, in what place. / How much, to what extent. | v1,p0130#04 | p.98#15 | p.97r2c04 |
| | | hē ㄏㄜ | Criticize, condemn. | | | |
| | | hè ㄏㄜˋ | Carry on one's back. / Bear, carry a burden. | | | |
與 | 臼+8 | 与 𢌱 𦦲 𠔔 | yǔ ㄩˇ | Give. / Follow, go along with. / Comrade, ally. / Association, contact. / Oppose. / Engage [an enemy]. / Approve, consent to. / Help. / Wait. / Preposition indicating passive tense. / Preposition: to, with. / Preposition: with. / Preposition: as. / Preposition: in, on. / Connective: and, with. / Connective: with its ... / Connective: or. | v1,p0251#04 | p.1004#13 | p.1113r2c03 |
| | | yù ㄩˋ | Participate, take part in. | | | |
| | | yǔ ㄩˇ | Interfere in. | | | |
| | | yú ㄩˊ | Auxiliary word: used at the end of a sentence to express questioning , exclamation, or a rhetorical question. / Auxiliary word: used in the middle of a sentence to express a pause. | | | |
鄉 | 邑+9 | 郷 鄕 乡 | xiāng xiǎng xiàng ㄒㄧㄤ ㄒㄧㄤˇ ㄒㄧㄤˋ | country; rural; village | v6,p3786#04 | p.1275#02 | |
共 | 八+4 | 𦱹 | gòng ㄍㄨㄥˋ | Occupy or accept together. / Together. / Total, in all. / Preposition: together with. | v1,p0243#02 | p.127#05 | p.160r5c02 |
| | | gōng ㄍㄨㄥ | Provide. / Respectful. | | | |
| | | gǒng ㄍㄨㄥˇ | Cup one's hands in obeisance or greeting。 / Rotate, turn around. | | | |
此 | 止+2 | | cǐ ㄘˇ | This. / Like this. / Here. / Adverb: then. | v2,p1438#03 | p.574#10 | p.735r4c01 |
於 | 方+4 | 烏 𣱏 𤕘 于 亏 扵 | yú ㄩˊ | Be (copula). / Be, exist. / Preposition: in. / Preposition: from or to. / Preposition: compared to. / Preposition: to, for, towards. / Preposition: by (indicating passive tense). / Preposition: with, using. / Preposition: due to, because of. / Preposition: by, according to. / Connective: just as. / Auxiliary word, no meaning. | v3,p2175#02 | p.481#11 | p.622r2c03 |
是 | 日+5 | 昰 𣆞 | shì ㄕˋ | Straight. / Right, correct. / Believe accurate, affirm. / Demonstrative pronoun: this. / Be (copula). / Auxiliary word, used after moving forward the object. | v2,p1497#05 | p.493#26 | p.639r1c01 |
計 | 言+2 | 计 | jì ㄐㄧˋ | plan, plot; strategem; scheme | v6,p3937#04 | p.1147#01 | p.1237r2c01 |
口 | 口+0 | 𠮚 𠙵 | kǒu ㄎㄡˇ | mouth; open end; entrance, gate | v1,p0566#14 | p.171#01 | |
平 | 干+2 | 𤔁 𠀭 | píng ㄆㄧㄥˊ | flat, level, even; peaceful | v1,p0407#01 | p.339#03 | p.480r4c02 |
分 | 刀+2 | 份 | fēn ㄈㄣ | Separate, split. / Distribute, divide among. / Distinguish, tell apart. / Difference. / Clear, evident. / Share. / Half. / Gist, general point. / Equinox (in the Chinese unisolar calendar). / Measure word: unit of length equivalent to a tenth of one cun. / Measure word: unit of area equivalent to a tenth of one mu. / Measure word: unit of weight equivalent to a tenth of one qian. | v1,p0321#03 | p.136#04 | p.174r1c04 |
| | | fèn ㄈㄣˋ | Rank, position occupied. / Work, office. / Guess, speculate. / Happy, content. | | | |
同 | 口+3 | 仝 衕 | tóng tòng ㄊㄨㄥˊ ㄊㄨㄥˋ | same, similar; together with | v1,p0578#01 | p.175#06 | p.252r1c01 |
其 | 八+6 | 丌 亓 | qí ㄑㄧˊ | Third-person possessive pronoun: his, her, its, their. / Demonstrative pronoun: that, those. / Adverb expressing estimation or guess. / Adverb expressing imperative. / Adverb expressing rhetorical question. / Adverb expressing future tense. / Connective expressing hypothesis: if, supposing. / Connective expressing choice: or. / Connective expressing concession: even if. / Particle used after an adjective. / Particle: of. / Particle used for emphasis after single-character adjectives or onomatopoeia. / Particle used in the middle of a sentence to alter the tempo. | v1,p0245#01 | p.127#18 | p.162r5c01 |
| | | jì ㄐㄧˋ | Particle used after bi and he. | | | |
| | | jī ㄐㄧ | Modal particle expressing interrogative tone. / A year. | | | |
豐 | 豆+11 | 豊 𣍈 𧯮 丰 | fēng ㄈㄥ | abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty | v6,p3569#02 | p.1193#12 | p.1261r4c01 |
儉 | 人+13 | 𠈏 俭 | jiǎn ㄐㄧㄢˇ | temperate, frugal, economical | v1,p0226#06 | p.119#12 | p.128r5c05 |
群 | 羊+7 | 羣 | qún ㄑㄩㄣˊ | (same as U+7FA3 羣) group, crowd, multitude, mob | v5,p3134#12 | p.952#26 | p.1072r5c02 |
盜 | 皿+7 | 𠪁 𠉭 𤋆 𨹇 盗 | dào ㄉㄠˋ | rob, steal; thief, bandit | v4,p2564#13 | p.794#21 | p.940r1c01 |
聞 | 耳+8 | 𦕁 䎽 䎹 𦖫 𥹢 闻 | wén ㄨㄣˊ | Hear. / Make hear. / Have heard, become aware of. / Knowledge, experience. / Rumour, saying. / Renowned, well-known. / Spread, disseminate. | v7,p4294#12 | p.968#11 | p.1084r3c01 |
| | | wèn ㄨㄣˋ | Reputation, fame. / Same as 「」 wèn ㄨㄣˋ: Inquire after, give regards to. | | | |
避 | 辵+13 | 辟 𨓶 𢕾 | bì ㄅㄧˋ | avoid; turn aside; escape; hide | v6,p3891#05 | p.1266#09 | p.1333r6c05 |
焉 | 火+7 | | yān ㄧㄢ | Same as 「」 zhī ㄓ: Demonstrative pronoun: this, these. / Same as 「」 zhī ㄓ: Third person pronoun: him, her, it. / Demonstrative pronoun and modal particle: than this. / Interrogative pronoun: how, where. / Interrogative pronoun: what. / Connective: and, then. / Preposition: in. / Modal particle. / Adjectival or adverbal suffix. | v3,p2206#14 | p.672#21 | p.847r5c01 |
賴 | 貝+9 | 𩓃 頼 赖 | lài ㄌㄞˋ | rely, depend on; accuse falsely | v6,p3651#11 | p.1210#31 | p.1278r3c02 |
以 | 人+3 | 㠯 | yǐ ㄧˇ | Use. / Believe. / Command. / Lead. / Connect, implicate. / Have. / Cause, reason. / Preposition: because. / Preposition: from, in. / Preposition: at [some time]. / Preposition: using. / Preposition: in accordance with. / Preposition: relying upon. / Preposition: in the capacity of. / Preposition: with, together with. / Connective: indicates the following action is the objective of the preceding one. / Connective: used between adverbial clause and verb to express modification. / Connective: and. / Connective: but. / Connective: and so, thus. / Particle: used together with some words expressing direction and time. / Modal particle. / Same as 「」 yǐ ㄧˇ: Stop, discontinue. / Same as 「」 yǐ ㄧˇ: Adverb: already. / Same as 「」 yǐ ㄧˇ: Adverb: extremely. | v1,p0105#07 | p.94#01 | p.87r6c01 |
存 | 子+3 | 𠩯 | cún ㄘㄨㄣˊ | exist, live, be; survive; remain | v2,p1009#07 | p.278#02 | p.398r3c01 |
者 | 老+4 | | zhě ㄓㄜˇ | Pronoun used after verbs, adjectives, etc. in place of a person or thing. / Pronoun used after numbers in place of a thing. / Pronoun used after time or negation to express "when" or "if". / Expressive particle used in a declarative sentence after the subject. / Expressive particle used in a sentence after the subject to express cause or explanation. | v4,p2780#05 | p.961#01 | p.1080r1c01 |
| | | zhuó ㄓㄨㄛˊ | In, located in. | | | |
甚 | 甘+4 | 什 𠯕 𥱅 | shén shí shèn ㄕㄣˊ ㄕˊ ㄕㄣˋ | great extent; considerably | v1,p0025#05 | p.754#06 | p.906r4c01 |
眾 | 目+6 | 衆 𠂝 𥅫 𠱧 众 | zhòng ㄓㄨㄥˋ | masses, people, multitude, crowd | v4,p2917#04 | p.807#15 | p.951r1c02 |