Chinese Text Project |
㑐 U+3450 |
Radical: | 人+ 6 strokes = 8 strokes total. |
References: | Kangxi: p.102#29 Hanyu: v1,p0147#05 |
Composition: | Left: 亻, right: 尗. Compositionally related: 𠈒 . |
Mandarin: | shū ㄕㄨ |
Cantonese: | suk1 |
Unihan definition: | to move; to start; to shake, name of a person |
Example usage
《尚書正義》: | ○俶,本又作㑐,亦作叔,同尺六反。 |
《廣雅·卷一》: | ...抁弋巽弋芮搈容𧘂㑐賦蝡如兗東風動也 |
《輶軒使者絕代語釋別國方言》: | 案廣雅𧘂㑐動也義本此𧘂㑐即衝俶 |
《廣雅·卷一》: | ...抁弋巽弋芮搈容●㑐賦□如兖東風動也摧挫摺... |
《廣雅·卷一》: | ...抁弋巽弋芮搈容㑐賦□如兖東風動也摧挫摺... |
《字彙補·一》: | ...女與鄆同地名見國名記㑐式竹切音叔人名𠈩相... |
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