Chinese Text Project |
㣀 U+38C0 |
Radical: | 弓+ 10 strokes = 13 strokes total. |
References: | Kangxi: p.360#26 Hanyu: v2,p1001#11 |
Composition: | Left: 弓, right: 真. |
Mandarin: | zhèn ㄓㄣˋ |
Cantonese: | zan3 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·弓部·十》㣀:《類篇》陟刃切,眞去聲。彈也。 |
Unihan definition: | to rebound, to impeach, to play |
Example usage
《集韻·卷七》: | 〇鎭𨦸陟刃切說文博壓也古作𨦸文六填定也瑱玉充耳也㣀彈也駗馬載重行也 |
《五音集韻》: | 知三鎭陟刃切壓也周禮有四鎮揚州之㑹稽青州之沂山幽州之醫無閭兾州之霍山又姓出姓苑六𨥵古文瑱玉充耳又吐甸切塡定也亦星名又音田㣀彈也駗馬載重行也 |
You can examine all occurrences of this character or phrase in Pre-Qin and Han texts or Post-Han texts on the site.
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