Chinese Text Project |
㧜 U+39DC | 擸 Semantic variant |
Radical: | 手+ 5 strokes = 8 strokes total. |
References: | Kangxi: p.427#16 |
Composition: | Left: 扌, right: 匝. Component of: 箍 |
Mandarin: | liè ㄌㄧㄝˋ |
Cantonese: | laap3 laap6 lip6 |
Unihan definition: | (same as U+64F8 擸) to hold, to grasp, to hold the hair; to pull at; (Cant.) to take at a glance |
Example usage
《闗中奏議·關中奏議》: | ...餘人官軍在前者奮死力戰在內者擠㧜不得展手彼時心慌目亂莫辨誰何直... |
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