Radical: | 手+ 7 strokes = 10 strokes total. |
References: | Kangxi: p.432#06 Hanyu: v3,p1880#01 |
Composition: | Left: 扌, right: 否. |
Mandarin: | póu pǒu ㄆㄡˊ ㄆㄡˇ |
Cantonese: | bau2 bong6 gong1 paau2 paau4 |
Kangxi: | 《··》㧵:《正字通》掊字之譌。掊克之掊本作㧵。因字形相近譌爲㧵,正韻㧵與抔同,誤也。詳掊字註。互見抔字註。㧵字从㕻。 |
Unihan definition: | (corrupted form of U+638A 掊) to exact, to get salt from sea-water, to break up; to injure, to hold something in both hands; to scoop up mud; (Cant.) to hit, strike, knock |
Example usage
《》: | 今盜宗廟器而族之,有如萬分一,假令愚民取長陵一㧵土, |
《·》: | 裒 |
《·》: | 㧵 |
《·》: | 抔㧵... |
《》: | 掊 |
《》: | ...南方草木状丨丨樹三四十丈實大如㧵椀泰康五年林邑獻百枚味極甜美安... |
《》: | 散人愁兩㸃愁 |
《》: | 㧵 |
《·》: | 㧵 |
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