Chinese Text Project |
㮾 U+3BBE |
Radical: | 木+ 11 strokes = 15 strokes total. |
References: | Kangxi: p.551#18 Hanyu: v2,p1270#09 |
Composition: | Top: 朗, bottom: 木. |
Mandarin: | lǎng ㄌㄤˇ |
Cantonese: | long5 |
Unihan definition: | a place in today's Hunan Province |
Example usage
《太上助國救民總真秘要》: | �㭘������銝���黸�㮾撉券�㯄�����銝� |
《晦菴先生朱文公文集》: | ...㑹稽遂如天台鴈蕩不審亦可留此勝㮾以俟來春相與俱行否若爾則不必登... |
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