Chinese Text Project |
㯩 U+3BE9 |
Radical: | 木+ 12 strokes = 16 strokes total. |
References: | Kangxi: p.167#08 Hanyu: v1,p0402#08 |
Composition: | Left: 桑, right: 夷. |
Mandarin: | tì ㄊㄧˋ |
Cantonese: | daai3 taai3 |
Unihan definition: | to put the growing up silkworms in different frames according to their sizes |
Example usage
《湖蠶述·序》: | 至於提蠶、擇葉,有目力焉;出㯩、繅絲,有手法焉;分寸刂、節度,匪可言傳,器具形製,亦難摩狀。 |
《集韻·卷七》: | ...剔揥所以摘髪詩像之揥也㯩𣜹蠶易曲也或从弟涕... |
《五音集韻·卷九至卷十》: | ...𥫵車節也䣟亭名㯩𣜹蚕易曲也𧝐裼褅說... |
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