Radical: | 皮+ 5 strokes = 10 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.185#38 p.426#10 Kangxi: p.791#07 Hanyu: v4,p2754#22 |
Composition: | Left: 央, right: 皮. |
Mandarin: | yàng ㄧㄤˋ |
Cantonese: | zing4 |
Guangyun: | 《···》㿮:靑皃。 《···》㿮:靑面。 |
Kangxi: | 《··》㿮:《》《集韻》𠀤於驚切,音英。《玉篇》靑貌。又《》《集韻》《正韻》𠀤於亮切,音怏。義同。又靑血也。一曰面蒼。 |
Fanqie: | 於驚 (《···》) 於亮 (《···》) |
Unihan definition: | green; blue; black, extravasation of blood, to look pale or pallid (of the facial complexion) |
Example usage
《·》: | 㿮:靑皃。 |
《·》: | 㿮:《》《集韻》𠀤於驚切,音英。 |
《·》: | ...𩅉挹兮可掆江則膠戾㿮毅,砰湧便汪丕庨 |
《·》: | 瑛㿮媖... |
《·》: | 㿮狠明徳任智自神太昊氏沒俶亂天常... |
《·》: | ...鉠𧯀㿮 |
《》: | 皴㿮𥀁 |
《》: | 影三怏䬬詇㿮柍坱鞅 |
《》: | 〇怏鞅䬬㿮詇 |
The highlighted results are from texts in the Wiki section that may not yet have been adequately proofread. Please correct any errors encountered by editing the Wiki directly.You can examine all occurrences of this character or phrase in Pre-Qin and Han texts or Post-Han texts on the site.
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