Chinese Text Project |
䩗 U+4A57 |
Radical: | 革+ 4 strokes = 13 strokes total. |
References: | Kangxi: p.1386#10 Hanyu: v7,p4328#06 |
Composition: | Left: 革, right: 月. Compositionally related: 䐙 . Component of: 𧈉 霸 |
Mandarin: | bà ㄅㄚˋ |
Cantonese: | baa3 |
Unihan definition: | (same as 霸) to rule by might rather than right; a feudal lord |
Example usage
《御批歷代通鑑輯覽》: | 自數世以來,政多恩貸,馭委其轡,馬駘其銜,四牡橫犇,皇路險傾,方將拑勒鞬䩗以救之,豈暇嗚和鸞清節奏哉! |
《龍龕手鑑·卷四》: | ...音告𩌶俗音近正作覲䩗䩻二俗步罵反𩊒羊制... |
《古音叢目·卷五》: | ...朸居力切韓詩如矢斯朸毛作棘䩗韓詩如烏斯䩗翅也毛作革... |
《銀雀山漢墓竹簡》: | .明禮常,䩗霸者之526 |
《毛詩》: | ...朸朸隅也旅即反革如字《韓詩》作䩗云翅也稜力登反挾子沓反又子協反... |
《字彙補·十一》: | ...鏡●何浪切音吭亦作●䩗步罵切音𤝡見篇韻●... |
《唐詩紀事》: | ...覊安禄山毎進焉必珠特而極衘䩗之飾五王扈駕夾成路傳聲校獵... |
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