Chinese Text Project |
䩻 U+4A7B |
Radical: | 革+ 10 strokes = 19 strokes total. |
References: | Kangxi: p.1391#07 Hanyu: v7,p4345#12 |
Composition: | Left: 革, right: 馬. Compositionally related: 𮪏 . Component of: 羈 𬰕 |
Mandarin: | bà ㄅㄚˋ |
Cantonese: | baa3 |
Unihan definition: | (same as U+9738 霸) to be chief, to rule by might rather than by right, a tyrant; a usurper; the strong the fierce ones |
Example usage
《嘉泰吳興志》: | 史家長少有道術,「日游廛巿,落魄不(,狗去」句改䩻),言人災福,往往多應窮,冬折枝吐氣吹之,須臾生蓓蕾,又噓之則花開。 |
《嘉泰吳興志》: | 史家長吐氣噓花 史家長少有道術日游廛巿落魄不(狗去句改䩻)言人災福往往多應窮冬折枝吐氣吹之須臾生蓓蕾又噓之則花開方臘之亂郡守使人問之以一書附回及開緘大書明年春三月者取去賊滅果方臘被擒 |
《龍龕手鑑·卷四》: | ...告𩌶俗音近正作覲䩗䩻二俗步罵反𩊒羊制反... |
《周易傳義大全·卷十九》: | ...溪張氏曰九四雖在近君之地而處于䩻旅之中此其所以未得位也縱得其資... |
《開慶四明續志》: | ...霽己未(匚僉)作奩羇作(上四下䩻)洞仙歌三用韻濕作濕又偵字缺末... |
《字彙補·十一》: | ...也𥌕公魯切音古與瞽同䩻步罵切音𤝡義無考𩌓... |
《集韻·卷十》: | ...行也徐邈讀文十二適適適䩻視自失皃謫讁博雅責也或... |
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