Radical: | 頁+ 8 strokes = 17 strokes total. |
References: | Kangxi: p.1406#04 Hanyu: v7,p4377#10 |
Composition: | Left: 林, right: 頁. |
Mandarin: | lín ㄌㄧㄣˊ |
Cantonese: | laam4 laau5 |
Kangxi: | 《··》䫐:《集韻》犁針切,音林。䫐䫈,俯首。又力鴆切,臨去聲。義同。或作𠐼。 |
Unihan definition: | to bend (or lower) one's head; to bow (usually refer to submission or admission of a wrong doing) |
Example usage
《》: | 訖客䫐䫈頭不舉,分明𤿆飽嘴猶貪。 |
《·》: | 汵䫈㞥... |
《》: | ...故前後皆植以杞菊春苗恣肥得以採䫐供左右杯案及夏五月枝葉老硬氣味... |
《》: | 來三臨𠐼箖菻淋䫐 |
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