亂 |
luàn ㄌㄨㄢˋ (1): 紊亂,混亂。 Chaos, disorder.
《·》: | 夫辯者,將以明是非之分,審治亂之紀,明同異之處,察名實之理,處利害,決嫌疑。 | "Distinguishing" will be used to make clear the distinction between so and not-so; investigate the rules of order and chaos; make clear the locations of similarity and difference; examine the patterns of name and stuff; locate benefit and harm, and resolve doubts. | 《·》: | 曰:禮義之謂治,非禮義之謂亂也。 | 《·》: | 高皇帝時,天下初定,發德音,行一切之令,權也,非撥亂反正之常也。 | 《·》: | 贊曰:漢承百王之弊,高祖撥亂反正,文景務在養民,至于稽古禮文之事,猶多闕焉 | 《》: | 高祖撥亂反正。 | 《·》: | 光武皇帝受命中興,撥亂反正,武暢方外,震服百蠻,戎狄奉貢,宇內治平,登封告成,修建三雍,肅穆典祀,功德巍巍,比隆前代。 |
luàn ㄌㄨㄢˋ (2): 昏亂,惑亂。 Confusion, confused state of mind.
《·》: | 不好犯上,而好作亂者,未之有也。 | There have been none, who, not liking to offend against their superiors, have been fond of stirring up confusion. | 《》: | 不見可欲,使心不亂。 | Not to show them what is likely to excite their desires is the way to keep their minds from disorder. | 《·》: | 故老子曰:「不見可欲,使心不亂。」 | 《》: | 文士並餝,諸侯亂惑。 |
luàn ㄌㄨㄢˋ (3): 暴亂,動亂。 Turmoil, unrest, revolt.
《·》: | 臣聞之曰:「以亂攻治者亡,以邪攻正者亡,以逆攻順者亡。」 | 《·》: | 博而不失,因以備能而無遺國猶是國也,民猶是民也,桀紂以亂亡,湯武以治昌。 | 《》: | 臣聞之曰:『以亂攻治者亡,以邪攻正者亡,以逆攻順者亡』 |
luàn ㄌㄨㄢˋ (4): 叛亂,禍亂。 Rebellion, uprising.
《·》: | 彘之亂,宣王在邵公之宮,國人圍之,邵公曰:「昔吾驟諫王,王不從,是以及此難。」 | 《·》: | 明年,山東義兵大起,討董卓之亂。 |
luàn ㄌㄨㄢˋ (5): 擾亂,敗壞。 Disturb, corrupt.
《·》: | 子曰:「巧言亂德,小不忍則亂大謀。」 | The Master said, "Specious words confound virtue. Want of forbearance in small matters confounds great plans." | 《·》: | 昔者,魯昭公少喪其母,有慈母良,及其死也,公弗忍也,欲喪之,有司以聞,曰:『古之禮,慈母無服,今也君為之服,是逆古之禮而亂國法也。』 | Formerly duke Zhao of Lu having lost his mother when he was little, had a foster-mother, who was good; and when she died, he could not bear (not) to mourn for her, and wished to do so. The proper officer on hearing of it, said, "According to the ancient rule, there is no mourning for a foster-mother. If you wear this mourning, you will act contrary to that ancient rule, and introduce confusion into the laws of the state." | 《·》: | 胥僮長魚矯諫曰:「大臣貴重,敵主爭事,外市樹黨,下亂國法,上以劫主,而國不危者,未嘗有也。」 | 《·》: | 哀帝崩,王莽白太后詔有司曰:「前皇太后與昭儀俱侍帷幄,姊弟專寵錮寢,執賊亂之謀,殘滅繼嗣以危宗廟,誖天犯祖,無為天下母之義。」 | 《》: | 宜務先所長,以觀其變,設購開賞,宣示反悔,勿貪小功,以亂大謀。 |
luàn ㄌㄨㄢˋ (6): 淫亂,邪惡。 Lecherous, wicked.
luàn ㄌㄨㄢˋ (7): 混淆,混雜。 Confuse, mix up.
《·》: | 豐殺莖柯,毫芒繁澤,亂之楮葉之中而不可別也。 | 《·》: | 鋒殺莖柯,毫芒繁澤,亂之楮葉中,而不可別也。 |
luàn ㄌㄨㄢˋ (8): 治理。 Rule, administer.
《·》: | 之人也,之德也,將旁礡萬物,以為一世蘄乎亂,孰弊弊焉以天下為事! | That man, with those attributes, though all things were one mass of confusion, and he heard in that condition the whole world crying out to him to be rectified, would not have to address himself laboriously to the task, as if it were his business to rectify the world. | 《·》: | 乂,亂,靖,神,弗,淈,治也 | 《》: | 惠風春施,神武電斷,華夏肅清,五服攸亂。 |
luàn ㄌㄨㄢˋ (9.1): 橫渡。 Traverse, cross.
《·》: | 西傾因桓是來,浮于潛,踰于沔,入于渭,亂于河。 | From Xiqing you come along the river Huan, float down the Qian, cross over to the Mian, enter the Wei, and ferry across the Yellow river. | 《·》: | 厥貢璆、鐵、銀、鏤、砮磬、熊、羆、狐、狸、織皮,西傾因桓是來,浮于潛,逾于沔,入于渭,亂于河。 | Its articles of tribute, were - the best gold, iron, silver, steel, flint stones to make arrow-heads, and sounding-stones; with the skins of bears, foxes, and jackals, and (nets) woven of their hair. From (the hill of) Xi-qing they came by the course of the Huan; floated along the Qian, and then crossed (the country) to the Mian; passed to the Wei, and (finally) ferried across the He. | 《·》: | 西頃因桓是來,浮于灊,逾于沔,入于渭,亂于河。 | 《·》: | 亂弱水之潺湲兮,逗華陰之湍渚。 |
luàn ㄌㄨㄢˋ (9.2): 到達,越過。 Reach, pass.
《·》: | 其穿地也,下不亂泉,上不泄臭。 | 《》: | 昔帝堯之葬也,窾木為櫝,葛藟為緘,其穿下不亂泉,上不泄殠。 |
luàn ㄌㄨㄢˋ (10.1): 樂曲的末章。 Last section of a piece of music.
《·》: | 弦匏笙簧,會守拊鼓,始奏以文,復亂以武,治亂以相,訊疾以雅。 | The stringed instruments (above) and those made from gourd shells with the organs and their metal tongues (below), are all kept waiting for the striking of the drum. The music first strikes up at the sound of the drum; and when it ends, it is at the sound of the cymbals. The close of each part of the performance is regulated by the Xiang, and the rapidity of the motions by the Ya. |
luàn ㄌㄨㄢˋ (10.2): 辭賦的結束詞。 Last words of a piece of writing.
《·》: | 昔正考父校商之名頌十二篇于周太師,以《那》為首,其輯之亂曰:『自古在昔,先民有作。』 | 《·》: | 亂曰:已矣哉, |
luàn ㄌㄨㄢˋ (10.3): 終結,完成。 Complete, finish.