《·》: | 孟武伯問孝。 |
Meng Wu asked what filial piety was. |
《·》: | 孟子曰:「伯夷辟紂,居北海之濱,聞文王作興,曰:『盍歸乎來!』」 |
Mencius said, 'Bo Yi, that he might avoid Zhou, was dwelling on the coast of the northern sea when he heard of the rise of king Wen. He roused himself and said, "Why should I not go and follow him?'" |
《·》: | 子曰:「昔者明王之以孝治天下也,不敢遺小國之臣,而況於公、侯、伯、子、男乎?」 |
The Master said, "Anciently, when the intelligent kings by means of filial piety ruled all under heaven, they did not dare to receive with disrespect the ministers of small states. How much less would they do so to the dukes, marquises, counts, and barons!" |
《》: | 召伯述職,蔽芾甘棠,其思矣。 |
Shaobo carried out his duties and resided under "the shade of the pear tree." Being thus remembered in verse is being cherished. |
《·》: | 舜染於許由1、伯陽,禹染於皋陶、伯益,湯染於伊尹、仲虺,武王染於太公、周公。 |
Thus Shun came under the influences of Xu You and Bo Yang; Yu, under that of Gao Yao and Bo Yi; Tang, under that of Yi Yin and Zhong Hui; and King Wu, under that of the Grand Duke and Duke Zhou. |
《·》: | 顏闔將傅衛靈公大子,而問於蘧伯玉曰:「有人於此,其德天殺。」 |
Yan He, being about to undertake the office of Teacher of the eldest son of duke Ling of Wei, consulted Qu Bo-yi. 'Here,' said he, 'is this (young) man, whose natural disposition is as bad as it could be.' |
《》: | 使有什伯之器而不用。 |
I would so order it, that, though there were individuals with the abilities of ten or a hundred men, there should be no employment of them. |
《·》: | 故善治者,使跖可信,而況伯夷乎? |
Therefore, a good ruler succeeds in making a man like Zhi trustworthy; how much more, then, a man like Bo Yi. |
《·》: | 而禹、皋陶、契、后稷、伯夷、夔、龍、倕、益、彭祖自堯時而皆舉用,未有分職。 |
Now Yu, Gaoyao, Xie, Houji, Boyi, Kui, Long, Chui Yi, and Pengzu were all from the time of Yao promoted to office, but had not separate appointments. |
《·》: | 子曰:「好賢如《》,惡惡如《巷伯》,則爵不瀆而民作愿,刑不試而民咸服。」 |
《·》: | 誥誓不及五帝,盟詛不及三王,交質子不及五伯。 |
《·》: | 成王封伯禽為魯公,召而告之曰:「爾知為人上之道乎?」 |
《·》: | 問者曰:「是君死,其子未逾年,有稱伯不子,法辭其罪何?」 |
《·》: | 王子比干殺身以成其忠,柳下惠殺身以成其信,伯夷叔齊殺身以成其廉,此三子者,皆天下之通士也,豈不愛其身哉! |
《·》: | 衛靈公之時,蘧伯玉賢而不用,迷子瑕不肖而任事,史怅患之,數言蘧伯玉賢而不聽。 |
《·》: | 謂公、侯、伯、子、男 |
《·》: | 與大臣為國者,伯。 |
《·》: | 周之先自后稷,堯封之邰,積德累善十餘世,公嬌避桀居邠,大王以狄伐去邠,杖馬策居岐國,人爭歸之,及文王為西伯,斷虞芮訟,始受命,呂望、伯夷自海濱來歸之,武王伐紂,不期而會孟津上八百諸侯,滅殷,成王即位,周公之屬傅相,乃營成周雒邑,以為天下中,諸侯四方,納貢職道里均矣。 |
《·》: | 原憲之清,伯夷不能間。 |
《·》: | 孔子謂伯魚曰:「鯉乎!」 |
《·》: | 伯夷、叔齊餓于首陽,白駒、介推遯逃於山谷,顏、原、公拆困饉於郊野,守志篤固,秉節不虧,寵祿不能固,威勢不能移,雖有南面之尊、公侯之位,德義有殆,禮義不班,撓志如芷,負心若芬,固弗為也。 |
《·》: | 若顏淵、伯牛之徒,如何遭凶? |
《·》: | 「僉曰伯禹」,「禹平水土」,是也 |
《·》: | 秦莊子死,孟武伯問於孔子曰:「古者同寮有服乎?」 |
《·》: | 故跖可使與伯夷同功。 |
《·》: | 伯夷、叔齊餓於首陽,功美垂於萬代。 |
《·》: | 六神之別名:風伯神、箕星也,其象在天,能興風。 |
《·》: | 右九棘、公侯伯子男位也,群吏在其後。 |
《·》: | 雖然,夫子嘗語伯昏瞀人,吾側聞之,試以告女。 |
《·》: | 權人有五至:一曰伯己,二曰什己,三曰若己,四曰廝役,五曰徒隸。 |
《·》: | 五帝貴德,三王用義,五伯任力,今取帝王之道,施五伯之世,非其道也。 |
《·》: | 道貫黃庭,伯陽仰儔。 |
《》: | 使有什伯之器而不用, |
《·》: | 知伯率三國之眾以攻趙襄主於晉陽,決水而灌之三月,城且拔矣。 |
《·》: | 夫三王五伯之德,參於天地,通于鬼神,周於生物者,其得助博也。 |
《·》: | 桓公即為百里之城,使人之楚買生鹿,楚生鹿當一而八萬,管子即令桓公與民通輕重,藏穀什之六,令左司馬伯公將白徒而鑄錢於莊山,令中大夫王邑載錢二千萬求生鹿於楚 |
《·》: | 王、伯之所以治諸侯者六:以土地形諸侯。 |
《·》: | 獨出獨入者,王伯之兵也。 |
《·》: | 故諸侯二師,方伯三師,天子六師。 |
《·》: | 次得十二,為伯分。 |
《·》: | 異日,知伯與襄子飲,而批襄子之首 |