《·》: | 夫如是,故遠人不服,則修文德以來之。 |
So it is. Therefore, if remoter people are not submissive, all the influences of civil culture and virtue are to be cultivated to attract them to be so. |
《·》: | 殀壽不貳,修身以俟之,所以立命也。 |
When neither a premature death nor long life causes a man any double-mindedness, but he waits in the cultivation of his personal character for whatever issue; this is the way in which he establishes his Heaven-ordained being. |
《·》: | 以脯修置者,左朐右末。 |
When slices of dried and spiced meat are put down, where they are folded is turned to the left, and the ends of them to the right. |
《·》: | 修身慎行,恐辱先也。 |
He cultivates his person and is careful of his conduct, fearing lest he should disgrace his predecessors. |
《·》: | 事有本真,陳施於意,動不克,咸本諸身,譔《修身》。 |
Everything has an original essence, but it is unfolded in myriad forms. If one's actions cannot be brought to completion, one must seek the root of the matter in oneself. Thus, I have written "Cultivating the Self." |
《·》: | 德者,成和之修也。 |
The virtuous efficacy is the perfect cultivation of the harmony (of the nature). |
《》: | 修之於身,其德乃真。 |
Dao when nursed within one's self, His vigour will make true. |
《·》: | 詩、書、禮、樂、善、修、仁、廉、辯、慧,國有十者,上無使守戰。 |
If, in a country, there are the following ten things: odes and history, rites and music, virtue and the cultivation thereof, benevolence and integrity, sophistry and intelligence, then the ruler has no one whom he can employ for defence and warfare. |
《·》: | 修櫓轒轀,具器械,三月而後成。 |
The preparation of mantlets, movable shelters, and various implements of war, will take up three whole months. |
《·》: | 軒轅乃修德振兵,治五氣,藝五種,撫萬民,度四方,教熊羆貔貅貙虎,以與炎帝戰於阪泉之野。 |
Who practised virtue, marshalled his men, controlled the five elements, cultivated the five kinds of grain, pacified the nations, and went over all parts of his country. Training black bears, grizzly bears, foxes, panthers, lynxes, and tigers, he, with their aid, fought with 'Flame emperor' in the desert of Banquan. |
《·》: | 立大學,設庠序,修六禮,明七教,所以道之也。 |
《·》: | 曰,禮不豫凶事,死而後治凶服,衣衰飾,修棺槨,作穿窆宅兆,然後喪文成,外親畢至,葬墳集,孝子忠臣之恩厚備盡矣。 |
《·》: | 《春秋》修本末之義,達變故之應,通生死之志,遂人道之極者也。 |
《·》: | 修身自強,則名配堯禹。 |
《》: | 帶之銘曰:「火滅修容,慎戒必恭,恭則壽。」 |
《·》: | 夫人一國之母,修閨門之內,群下亦化之,故設謚以彰其善惡。 |
《·》: | 特此三者而不修政德,亡於不暇,有何能濟,君其許之。 |
《·》: | 故君子修德,始乎笄丱,終乎鮐背,創乎夷原,成乎喬嶽。 |
《·》: | 是故,昔者明王內修七教,外行三至。 |
《·》: | 修發戒懼,聞喜若憂,故能成吉以有天下。 |
《·》: | 不改政修行,坐出三善言,安能動天? |
《·》: | 次八,或擊之,或剌之,修其玄鑒,渝。 |
《·》: | 晉文為踐土之會,修朝聘之禮,納襄剋帶,翼戴天子。 |
《·》: | 臣之修善,欲人知之。 |
《·》: | 是以伊尹負鼎,屈於有莘之野,修達德於草廬之下,躬執農夫之作,意懷帝王之道,身在衡門之裏,志圖八極之表,故釋負鼎之志,為天子之佐,剋夏立商,誅逆征暴,除天下之患,辟殘賊之類,然後海內治、百姓寧。 |
《·》: | 翠鳥時來集,振翼修形容,迴顧生碧色。 |
《·》: | 見不見離,一二不相盈,廣修堅白。 |
《·》: | 欲得其所不得,修人所不為。 |
《·》: | 彼雖至人,能以練其精神,修其耳目,整飾其身,若合符節,小大曲制,無所遺失,遠近邪直,無所不及。 |
《·》: | 是以聖人內修其本,而不外飾其末,厲其精神,偃其知見故漠然無為而無不為也,無治而無不治也。 |
《·》: | 善內學,常服精華,隱德修行,時人莫知。 |
《》: | |
《·》: | 修守備,戒強敵,有蓄積、築城池以守固。 |
《·》: | 是以過修於身,而下不敢以善驕矜。 |
《·》: | 齊修械器於衡山十月,燕代聞之,果令人之衡山求買械器。 |
《·》: | 先生修儒術而非仲尼之所取,欲學而使龍去所教,則雖百龍,固不能當前矣。 |
《·》: | 昔承桑氏之君,修德廢武,以滅其國。 |
《·》: | 太公曰:「王其修德,以下賢惠民。」 |
《·》: | 既誅有罪,王及諸侯修正其國,舉賢立明,正復厥職。 |
《·》: | 吾用天下之用為用,吾制天下之制為制,修吾號令,明吾刑賞,使天下非農所得食,非戰無所得爵,使民揚臂爭出農、戰,而天下無敵矣。 |
《·》: | 致清白之士,修其禮。 |