Chinese Text Project |
兆 U+5146 | ![]() Seal script | ![]() Jianbo |
Radical: | 儿+ 4 strokes = 6 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.297#10 Kangxi: p.124#03 Cihai: p.134r2c03 GSR: 1145.a Hanyu: v1,p0268#02 |
Composition: | Component of: 𫍥 𫑜 𠛪 𠧞 𠩓 佻 恌 挑 狣 洮 𡱜 𢓝 𡭰 咷 庣 𪜍 𣴝 垗 𪨱 姚 [More] |
Mandarin: | zhào ㄓㄠˋ |
Cantonese: | siu6 ziu6 |
Tang reconstruction: | djhiɛ̌u |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·上聲·小·肇》兆:十億曰兆。《說文》分也,又姓。 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·儿部·四》兆:《唐韻》治小切《集韻》《韻會》直紹切,𠀤音肇。《說文》灼龜坼也。《周禮·春官·大卜》掌三兆之法,一曰玉兆,二曰瓦兆,三曰原兆。《註》兆者,灼龜發于火,其形可占者。《前漢·文帝紀》兆得大橫。《註》應劭曰:龜曰兆。又壇域塋界皆曰兆。《前漢·郊祀志》謹按周官兆五帝于四郊。《註》兆謂爲壇之塋域也。《孝經·喪親章》卜其宅兆,而安厝之。《註》塋墓界域也。又朕兆。《老子·道德經》我則泊兮其未兆。《註》意未作之時也。又數名。《韻會》十萬爲億,十億爲兆。又京兆。《韻會》兆者,衆數。言大衆所在也。又《史記·曆書》游兆執徐三年。《註》游兆,景也。執徐,辰也。丙辰歲也。又《韻補》叶直遙切,音朝。《晉書·樂志歌》神之來,光景昭。聽無聲,視無兆。 |
Fanqie: | 治小 (《廣韻·上聲·小·肇》) |
Unihan definition: | omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion |
Example usage
《孟子·萬章下》: | 曰:「為之兆也。」 |
He wished to make a trial of carrying his doctrines into practice. | |
《禮記·緇衣》: | 《甫刑》曰:『一人有慶,兆民賴之。』 |
It is said in the Punishments of Fu (V, xxvii, 13), "I, the One man, will have felicity, and the millions of the people will look to you as their sure dependence." | |
《孝經·喪親》: | 卜其宅兆,而安措之。 |
They consult the tortoise-shell to determine the grave and the ground about it, and there they lay the body in peace. | |
《揚子法言》: | 節莫差於僣,僣莫重於祭,祭莫重於地,地莫重於天,則襄、文、宣、靈其兆也。 |
In the rules of ceremony there is no fault greater than usurpation. In usurpation, no fault is greater those than in making sacrificial offerings. In making offerings, there is nothing more important than the place of the ceremony, and in the place of the ceremony, nothing is more important than choosing a place to sacrifice to Tian. This being so, Duke Xiang, Duke Wen, Duke Xuan and Duke Ling built their temples. | |
《墨子·明鬼下》: | 故昔夏王桀,貴為天子,富有天下,有勇 力2之 人3推哆大戲,生列兕虎,指畫殺人,人民之眾兆億,侯盈厥澤陵,然不能以此圉鬼神之誅。 |
Now, King Jie of Xia was an emperor in honour and possessed the whole empire in wealth. In his service was the man of great daring and strength, Tui Yi Da Xi, who had torn apart a buffalo alive. He could kill a man at the move of a finger, and the number of those killed amounted to a million, and they were thrown into lakes and mountains. Yet, for all this, Jie coald not evade the punishment from ghosts and spirits. | |
《莊子·天下》: | 以天為宗,以德為本,以道為門,兆於變化,謂之聖人。 |
To regard Heaven as his primal Source, Its Attributes as the Root (of his nature), and the Dao as the Gate (by which he enters into this inheritance), (knowing also) the prognostics given in change and transformation, constitutes what we call the Sagely man. | |
《道德經》: | 我獨怕兮其未兆。 |
I alone seem listless and still, my desires having as yet given no indication of their presence. | |
《商君書·算地》: | 故其國刑不可惡而爵祿不足務也,此亡國之兆也。 |
So, if the penalties of the country are such that they do not cause dislike, and the titles and emoluments are not worth attention, it is an omen of the ruin of the country. | |
《荀子·君子》: | 傳曰:「一人有慶,兆民賴之。」 |
《說苑·脩文》: | 曰,禮不豫凶事,死而後治凶服,衣衰飾,修棺槨,作穿窆宅兆,然後喪文成,外親畢至,葬墳集,孝子忠臣之恩厚備盡矣。 |
《春秋繁露》: | 故曰:「一人有慶,兆民賴之。」 |
《大戴禮記》: | 龍非風不舉,龜非火不兆,此皆陰陽之際也。 |
《白虎通德論·爵》: | 《書逸篇》曰:「厥兆天子爵。」 |
《新書·保傅》: | 《書》曰:「一人有慶,兆民賴之。」 |
《新序·善謀》: | 遇黃帝戰於阪泉之兆。 |
《中論·治學》: | 是以為之者億兆,而成之者無幾。 |
《孔子家語·好生》: | 夫質也,黑白宜正焉,今得《賁》,非吾兆也。 |
《潛夫論·浮侈》: | 王者以四海為一家,以兆民為通計。 |
《論衡·本性》: | 人善因善,惡亦因惡,初稟天然之姿,受純壹之質,故生而兆見,善惡可察。 |
《太玄經·養》: | 次六,次次,一日三餼,祇牛之兆,肥不利。 |
《風俗通義·三王》: | 經美文王,三分天下有其二,王業始兆於此耳。 |
《孔叢子·問軍禮》: | 既筮,則獻兆於天子。 |
《忠經·兆人章》: | 是故祗承君之法度,行孝悌於其家,服勤稼穡以供王賦,此兆人之忠也。 |
《新語·術事》: | 故說事者上陳五帝之功,而思之于身,下列桀、紂之敗,而戒之于己,則德可以配日月,行可以合神靈,登高及遠,達幽洞冥,聽之無聲,視之無形,世人莫覩其兆,莫知其情,校脩《五經》之本末,道德之真偽,既□其意,而不見其人。 |
《獨斷·卷上》: | 天子曰兆民,諸侯曰萬民,百乘之家曰百姓。 |
《蔡中郎集·獨斷》: | 漢家不言禘祫,五年而再殷祭,則西廟惠帝、景、昭皆別祠,成、哀、平三帝以非光武所後,藏主長安,故高廟四時祠于東廟,京兆尹侍祠衣冠車服,如太常祠行陵廟之禮,順帝母故云姓李,或姓張。 |
《列子·周穆王》: | 儒生曰:「此固非卦兆之所占,非祈請之所禱,非藥石之所攻。」 |
《鶡冠子·度萬》: | 過生於上,罪死於下,有世將極,驅馳索禍,開門逃福,賢良為笑,愚者為國,天咎先見,菑害並雜,人孰兆生,孰知其極。 |
《文始真經·二柱》: | 兆龜,數蓍,破瓦,文石,皆能告吉凶。 |
《老子河上公章句》: | 我獨怕兮其未兆,我獨怕然安靜,未有情欲之形兆也。 |
《韓非子·初見秦》: | 襄主鑽龜筮占兆,以視利害,何國可降。 |
《管子·輕重丁》: | 管子入復桓公曰:「地重,投之哉兆,國有榷。」 |
《六韜·文師》: | 非龍非螭,非虎非羆,兆得公侯。 |
《尉繚子·攻權》: | 信在期前,事在未兆,故眾已聚不虛散,兵出不徒歸,求敵若求亡子,擊敵若救溺人。 |
《孫子算經·卷上》: | 凡大數之法,萬萬曰億,萬萬億曰兆,萬萬兆曰京,萬萬京曰陔,萬萬陔曰秭,萬萬秭曰壤,萬萬壤曰溝,萬萬溝曰澗,萬萬澗日正,萬萬正曰載。 |
《周髀算經·卷下》: | 故日兆月,月光乃出,故成明月。 |
《淮南子·繆稱訓》: | 故一人有慶,兆民賴之。 |
《呂氏春秋·慎大》: | 干辛任威,凌轢諸侯,以及兆民,賢良鬱怨。 |
《鬼谷子·抵巇》: | 其施外兆萌牙櫱之謀,皆由抵巇。 |
《鄧析子·無厚》: | 誠聽能聞於無聲,視能見於無形,計能規於未兆,慮能防於未然,斯無他也。 |
《史記·孝文本紀》: | 卜之龜,卦兆得大橫。 |
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