Radical: | 力+ 9 strokes = 11 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.365#40 Kangxi: p.148#20 Cihai: p.197r5c01 GSR: 1109.j Hanyu: v4,p2765#09 |
Composition: | Left: 矛, right: 务. Component of: 奦 㜈 𡺱 𡻒 熃 𣖶 𬁒 𭞤 𣊃 𥉠 𦃤 𧎻 𥊦 𦏃 𧐙 𧰈 蓩 𨄝 霧 䥐 [More] |
Mandarin: | wù ㄨˋ |
Cantonese: | mou6 |
Tang reconstruction: | miò |
Shuowen: | 《》務:趣也。从力敄聲。 |
Guangyun: | 《···》務:事務也,又強也,遽也,趣也,又姓列仙傳有務光。亡遇切,十四。 |
Kangxi: | 《··》務:《唐韻》《集韻》《韻會》𠀤亡遇切,音霧。《》趣也。从力,敄聲。《徐曰》言趣赴此事也。《·》務,彊也。《註》事務以力勉彊。《》事務也,專力也。《易·繫辭》夫易開物成務。又姓。《》列仙傳有務光。又《集韻》微夫切,霧平聲。務婁,邑名。又《》謨袍切,音毛。前高後下。又《集韻》莫𠋫切,音茂。昏也。又《正韻》罔古切,音武。同侮。《·》兄弟鬩于牆,外禦其務。又《韻補》叶迷侯切,音謀。《劉楨·瓜賦》豐細異形,圓方殊務。揚暉發藻,九采雜糅。糅平聲。 |
Fanqie: | 亡遇 (《···》) |
Unihan definition: | affairs, business; must, should |
務 |
wù ㄨˋ (1): 致力,專力從事。 Do one's utmost.
《·》: | 君子務本,本立而道生。 | The superior man bends his attention to what is radical. That being established, all practical courses naturally grow up. | 《·》: | 當此時也,民務勝而力征。 | At that time, people were intent on excelling others and subjected each other by means of force. | 《·》: | 積於不涸之倉者,務五穀也。 |
wù ㄨˋ (2): 追求,謀求。 Seek, aim for.
《·》: | 是故置本不安者,無務豐末。 | When the seeds are not well sown, there is no use in labouring for a good harvest. | 《·》: | 先王之于民也,懋正其德而厚其性,阜其財求而利其器用,明利害之鄉,以文修之,使務利而避害,懷德而畏威,故能保世以滋大。 | 《》: | 且楚王之為人也,好用兵而甚務名,終為齊患者,比楚也。 |
wù ㄨˋ (3): 事、事情。 Things, circumstances.
《·》: | 是故夫至治之國,善以止姦為務 | 《·》: | 上曰:「農,天下之本,務莫大焉。」 |
wù ㄨˋ (4): 務必,一定。 Must, need to.
《·》: | 故亂國之君,務廣其地而不務仁義,務高其位而不務道德。 | 《·》: | 臣聞之,欲富國者務廣其地,欲彊兵者務富其民,欲王者務博其德,三資者備而王隨之矣。 | 《·》: | 臣聞之欲富者務廣其地,欲強者務富其民,欲王者務博其德,三資者備而王隨之矣。 | 《》: | 難者必明其據,說者務立其義,浮華無用之言不陳於前,故精思不勞而道術愈章。 |
wǔ ㄨˇ (5): 通「侮」:欺侮。 Bully.
《·》: | 兄弟鬩于牆、外禦其務 | Brothers may quarrel inside the walls, But they will oppose insult from without. |
mào ㄇㄠˋ (6): 通「暓」:亂,眩惑。 Cheat, mislead.
《·》: | 此謂以法致法,以言致言,則君務於說言,官亂於治邪。 | This may be said to be bringing about laws by means of the law and causing volubility by means of words. Then the prince will devote himself to talking; officials will be distracted with ruling the wicked. |