Chinese Text Project |
勤 U+52E4 | ![]() Seal script | ![]() Jinwen | 懃 Alternate form | 瘽 Semantic variant |
Radical: | 力+ 11 strokes = 13 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.112#25 Kangxi: p.149#06 Cihai: p.199r3c02 GSR: 480.x Hanyu: v1,p0378#03 |
Composition: | Left: 堇, right: 力. Compositionally related: 勤 . Component of: 𠪲 懃 懄 㢙 𡀣 𭏶 𣝀 𤐂 𤯺 𫦽 𥵚 𮜺 |
Mandarin: | qín ㄑㄧㄣˊ |
Cantonese: | kan4 |
Tang reconstruction: | *ghiən |
Shuowen: | 《力部》勤:勞也。从力𡏳聲。 |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·上平聲·欣·勤》勤:勞也,盡也。巨斤切,八。 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·力部·十一》勤:〔古文〕瘽《唐韻》巨斤切《集韻》《正韻》渠中切《韻會》渠斤切,𠀤音芹。《說文》勞也。从力,堇聲。《爾雅疏》勤者,勞力也。《書·武成》王季其勤王家。又《詩·豳風》恩斯勤斯。《註》勤,篤厚也。《左傳·僖三年》楚人伐鄭,鄭伯欲成,孔叔不可。曰:齊方勤我,棄德不祥。《註》勤我,言齊恤鄭難也。《前漢·司馬相如傳》重賜文君侍者,通殷勤。又《揚子·法言》民有三勤。《註》勤,苦也。又《韻補》叶渠焉切,音乾。《鄭曼贈陸雲詩》垂龔之會,匪言不宣。嗟我懷人,斯恩斯勤。又通作廑。《前漢·揚雄傳》其廑至矣。《註》師古曰:古勤字。又《集韻》渠之切,音其。通作期。耄勤,老稱也。 |
Fanqie: | 巨斤 (《廣韻·上平聲·欣·勤》) |
Unihan definition: | industrious, diligent, attentive |
Example usage
《論語·微子》: | 丈人曰:「四體不勤,五穀不分。」 |
The old man replied, "Your four limbs are unaccustomed to toil; you cannot distinguish the five kinds of grain" | |
《孟子·滕文公上》: | 為民父母,使民盻盻然,將終歲勤動,不得以養其父母,又稱貸而益之。 |
When the parent of the people causes the people to wear looks of distress, and, after the whole year's toil, yet not to be able to nourish their parents, so that they proceed to borrowing to increase their means. | |
《禮記·問喪》: | 曰:孝子喪親,哭泣無數,服勤三年,身病體羸,以杖扶病也 |
And the answer is - When a filial son mourns for a parent, he wails and weeps without regard to the number of times; his endurances are hard for three years; his body becomes ill and his limbs emaciated; and so he uses a staff to support his infirmity. | |
《揚子法言》: | 或曰:「孔子之事多矣,不用,則亦勤且憂乎?」 |
Someone said: Confucius's abilities were many. Since he was not employed, was he not distressed and worried. | |
《墨子·兼愛下》: | 然即敢問,今歲有癘疫,萬民多有勤苦凍餒,轉死溝壑中者,既已眾矣。 |
Then let us consider further: Suppose, now, that there is a disastrous pestilence, that most people are in misery and privation, and that many lie dead in ditches | |
《莊子·大宗師》: | 以德為循者,言其與有足者至於丘也,而人真以為勤行者也。 |
Considering virtue to be accordance (with others), they sought to ascend its height along with all who had feet (to climb it). (Such were they), and yet men really thought that they did what they did by earnest effort. | |
《道德經》: | 綿綿若存,用之不勤。 |
Long and unbroken does its power remain, Used gently, and without the touch of pain. | |
《商君書·壹言》: | 民壹則樸,樸則農,農則易勤,勤則富。 |
If they are single-minded, they are simple, and being simple, they farm; if they farm, they easily become diligent, and being diligent, they become rich. | |
《史記·五帝本紀》: | 時播百穀草木,淳化鳥獸蟲蛾,旁羅日月星辰水波土石金玉,勞勤心力耳目,節用水火材物。 |
The planting of the crops, plants, and trees in their seasons, and the transformations of birds, beasts, insects, and moths. He also prepared a record of the movements of the sun, moon, and stars; the flow of the tides; and the properties of clay, stones, metals, and gems. He devoted much careful attention to these things, and his observation was applied to ascertaining how fire, water, wood, and other elements could be used economically. | |
《荀子·富國》: | 誅而不賞,則勤厲之民不勸。 |
《說苑·指武》: | 智伯曰:「吾聞田恒新得國而愛其民,內同其財,外同其勤勞,治軍若此,其得眾也,不可待也。」 |
《春秋繁露·五行對》: | 勤勞在地,名一歸於天,非至有義,其孰能行此? |
《韓詩外傳·卷二》: | 子路曰:「士不能勤苦,不能輕死亡,不能恬貧窮,而曰我行義,吾不信也。」 |
《大戴禮記》: | 勤勞之,而觀其不擾人也。 |
《白虎通德論·巡狩》: | 《春秋梁傳》曰:「古之君民以時視民之勤。」 |
《新書·耳痺》: | 越國之俗,勤勞而不慍,好亂勝而無禮,谿徼而輕絕,俗好詛而倍盟。 |
《新序·善謀》: | 狐偃言於晉文公曰:「求諸侯,莫如勤王,且大義也,諸侯信之,繼文之業,而信宣於諸侯,今為可矣。」 |
《中論·治學》: | 故《書》曰:「若作梓材,既勤樸斲,惟其塗丹雘。」 |
《孔子家語·相魯》: | 事既成矣而又享之,是勤執事。 |
《潛夫論·讚學》: | 富佚若彼,而能勤精若此者,材子也。 |
《論衡·命祿》: | 勉力勤事以致富,砥才明操以取貴 |
《太玄經·難》: | 次五,難無間,雖大不勤。 |
《風俗通義》: | 妻者、既齊於己,澄灑酒,以養姑舅,契闊中饋,經理蚕織,垂統傳重,其為恩篤勤至矣。 |
《孔叢子·廣詁》: | 勤、勉、事,力也。 |
《申鑒·政體》: | 承天惟允,正身惟常,任賢惟固,恤民惟勤,明制惟典,立業惟敦,是謂政體也。 |
《忠經·兆人章》: | 是故祗承君之法度,行孝悌於其家,服勤稼穡以供王賦,此兆人之忠也。 |
《獨斷·卷上》: | 五祀之別名:法施于民則祀,以死勤事則祀,以勞定國則祀,能禦大災則祀,能扞大患則祀。 |
《蔡中郎集·獨斷》: | 五祀之別名:法施于民則祀,以死勤事則祀,以勞定國則祀,能禦大災則祀,能扞大患則祀。 |
《列子·天瑞》: | 綿綿若存,用之不勤。 |
《文子·道原》: | 布德不溉,用之不勤,視之不見,聽之不聞,無形而有形生焉,無聲而五音鳴焉,無味而五味形焉,無色而五色成焉,故有生於無,實生於虛。 |
《文始真經·一宇》: | 關尹子曰:「勿以聖人力行不怠,則曰道以勤成。」 |
《列仙傳·介子推》: | 推祿讓勤,何求何取。 |
《老子河上公章句》: | 用之不勤。 |
《韓非子·定法》: | 故託万乘之勁韓,七十年而不至於霸王者,雖用術於上,法不勤飾於官之患也。 |
《管子·事語》: | 農夫寒耕暑耘,力歸於上,女勤於緝績徽織,功歸於府者,非怨民心,傷民意也。 |
《吳子·料敵》: | 敵人遠來新至、行列未定可擊,既食未設備可擊,奔走可擊,勤勞可擊,未得地利可擊,失時不從可擊,旌旗亂動可擊,涉長道後行未息可擊,涉水半渡可擊,險道狹路可擊,陳數移動可擊,將離士卒可擊,心怖可擊。 |
《尉繚子·戰威》: | 夫勤勞之師,將必先己,暑不張蓋,寒不重衣,險必下步,軍井成而後飲,軍食熟而後飯,軍壘成而後舍,勞佚必以身同之。 |
《淮南子·主術訓》: | 及至亂主,取民則不裁其力,求於下則不量其積,男女不得事耕織之業,以供上之求,力勤財匱,君臣相疾也。 |
《呂氏春秋·愛類》: | 勤勞為民,無苦乎禹者矣。 |
《鬼谷子·決篇》: | 用力犯勤苦,然而不得已而得之者,可則決之。 |
《鄧析子·轉辭》: | 此四君子者,聖人也,而猶若此之勤。 |
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