Radical: | 口+ 5 strokes = 8 strokes total. |
References: | Kangxi: p.181#24 Hanyu: v1,p0609#06 |
Composition: | Left: 口, right: 民. |
Mandarin: | wěn ㄨㄣˇ |
Cantonese: | man3 |
Kangxi: | 《··》呡:《篇海》武粉切,音抆。口呡也。◎按呡音義俱同吻。吻亦作㗃,當卽㗃字省文。詳前吻字註。 |
Unihan definition: | the corners of the mouth the lips |
Example usage
《·》: | 是故子墨子曰:「今天下之君子之為文學出言談也,非將勤勞其惟舌,而利其脣呡也,中實將欲為其國家邑里萬民刑政者也。」 |
And Mozi said: In expounding a doctrine or elaborating a system the gentlemen of the world should not do it just to exercise their voice and tongue and practise their lips. It must aim at being applied in the government of the country, the district, and the people. |
《》: | 呡欲以齊、秦劫魏而困薛公,佐欲定其弟,臣請為王因呡與佐也。 |
《·》: | 《》篇云:「今天下之士君子之為文學出言談也,非將勤勞其喉舌,而利其脣呡也。」 |
《·》: | 呡:《篇海》武粉切,音抆。 |
《·》: | 而避役之罷民,逃伍之潰卒,叛逸之臧獲,營生不給,求偶不得,無藉之惰呡,利其徒眾之繁有,可以抗句索、匿姓名、仰食而偷生。 |
《·》: | ...奉陽君孟嘗君韓珉呡周最周韓餘為徒... |
《·》: | ...之境也請問王之所以報齊者可乎韓呡處於趙 |
《》: | ...文武威鎮東海濱大將軍銜現任係哖呡人名巴蘭羅付有大戰名該國王深為... |
《·》: | ...出言談也非將勤勞其惟舌而利其脣呡也中實將欲為其國家邑里萬民刑政... |
《·》: | ...出言談也非將勤勞其惟舌而利其脣呡也中實將欲為其國家邑里萬民刑政... |
《·》: | ...臣又徧事三晉之吏奉陽君孟嘗君韓呡周㝡周韓餘為徒從而下之恐其伐秦... |
《·》: | ...奉陽君孟嘗君韓珉呡周最周韓餘為徒... |
《·》: | ...音鐫師古音子縁反此云與渻同非也呡注云同㗃省與吻同舊注音訓同吻分... |
《·》: | 咀呅呡吻 |
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