《·》: | 顏淵死,子哭之慟。 |
When Yan Yuan died, the Master bewailed him exceedingly. |
《·》: | 華周、杞梁之妻善哭其夫,而變國俗。 |
The wives of Hua Zhou and Qi Liang bewailed their husbands so skilfully, that they changed the manners of the State. |
《·》: | 斬衰三升,既虞卒哭,受以成布六升、冠七升。 |
The sackcloth with jagged edges (worn at first) was made with 3 sheng, but after the sacrifice of repose when the wailing was over, this was exchanged for a different fabric made with 6 sheng, while the material for the cap was made with 7 sheng. |
《·》: | 子曰:「孝子之喪親也,哭不偯,禮無容,言不文,服美不安,聞樂不樂,食旨不甘,此哀戚之情也。」 |
The Master said, "When a filial son is mourning for a parent, he wails, but not with a prolonged sobbing. In the movements of ceremony he pays no attention to his appearance. His words are without elegance of phrase. He cannot bear to wear fine clothes. When he hears music, he feels no delight. When he eats a delicacy, he is not conscious of its flavor. Such is the nature of grief and sorrow." |
《·》: | 是故楊子哭岐道,墨子哭練絲也,蓋傷離本,不可復變也。 |
It is for this reason that Yangzi wept over the by-roads and Mozi over boiled silk. They were sorrowful, because men having gone astray from the right path cannot be transformed any more. |
《·》: | 昔者三苗大亂,天命殛之,日妖宵出,雨血三朝,龍生於廟,犬哭乎巿,夏冰,地坼及泉,五穀變化,民乃大振。 |
Anciently, the three Miao tribes were in great confusion. Heaven ordered their destruction. The sun rose at night. It rained blood for three days. Dragons emerged in the temple and dogs cried in the market place. Ice came in summer and earth cracked until water gushed forth. The five grains appeared in mutation. At these, the people were greatly shocked. |
《·》: | 夢飲酒者,旦而哭泣。 |
Those who dream of (the pleasures of) drinking may in the morning wail and weep. |
《·》: | 武王始入殷,表商容之閭,釋箕子之囚,哭比干之墓,天下鄉善矣。 |
《·》: | 孔子晨立堂上,聞哭者聲音甚悲,孔子援琴而鼓之,其音同也。 |
《·》: | 父不哭子。 |
《·》: | 魯公甫文伯死,其母不哭也。 |
《·》: | 三年之哭不反也,清廟之歌一倡而三歎也,縣一罄而尚拊搏、朱絃而通越也,一也。 |
《·》: | 何以言災有哭也 |
《·》: | 鄒穆公死,鄒之百姓,若失慈父,行哭三月。 |
《·》: | 今陛下起豐擊沛,收卒三千人,以之徑往卷蜀漢,定三秦,與項羽大戰七十,小戰四十,使天下民肝腦塗地,父子暴骨中野,不可勝數,哭泣之聲未絕,傷夷者未收,而欲比隆成康周公之時,臣竊以為不侔矣。 |
《·》: | 絃歌也,如號哭。 |
《·》: | 孔子適齊,中路聞哭者之聲,其音甚哀。 |
《·》: | 小民守門號哭啼呼,曾無怵惕慚怍哀矜之意。 |
《·》: | 上九,極樂之幾,不移日而悲,則哭泣之𨲠資。 |
《·》: | 然而立談者人異,綴文者家舛,斯乃楊朱哭於岐路,墨翟悲於練素者也。 |
《·》: | 其母怒而不哭,相室諫之。 |
《·》: | 楊朱哭岐路,所通逼者然也。 |
《·》: | 觀天之化,推演萬事之類,散之於之間,調之以寒暑之節,養之以四時之氣,同之以風雨之化,故絕國異俗,莫不知□□□,樂則歌,哀則哭,蓋聖人之教所齊一也 |
《》: | 洎于永和元年十有二月,當臘之夜,上有哭聲,其音甚哀,坿居者往聞而怪之,明則登其墓察焉。 |
《·》: | 飲酒者憂,歌儛者哭。 |
《·》: | 莫敢道一旦之善,皆以終身為期,素無失次,故化立而世無邪,化立俗成,少則同儕,長則同友,遊敖同品,祭祀同福,死生同愛,禍災同憂,居處同樂,行作同和,吊賀同雜,哭泣同哀。 |
《·》: | 和陰陽,節四時,調五行,潤乎草木,浸乎金石,禽獸碩大,毫毛潤澤,鳥卵不敗,獸胎不殰,父無喪子之憂,兄無哭弟之哀,童子不孤,婦人不孀,虹蜺不見,盜賊不行,含德之所致也。 |
《》: | |
《·》: | 武王薨,文王即位,和乃抱其璞而哭於楚山之下,三日三夜,泣盡而繼之以血。 |
《·》: | 故卒伍之人,人與人相保,家與家相愛,少相居,長相游,祭祀相福,死喪相恤,禍福相憂,居處相樂,行作相和,哭泣相哀。 |
《·》: | 夫載哀者聞歌聲而泣,載樂者見哭者而笑。 |
《·》: | 狐援出而哭國三日,其辭曰:「先出也,衣絺紵。」 |
《·》: | 行日,百里傒、蹇叔二人哭之。 |
《》: | 夏,君氏卒,聲子也,不赴於諸侯,不反哭于寢,不祔于姑,故不曰薨,不稱夫人,故不言葬,不書姓,為公故,曰君氏。 |
《·》: | 哭不留日,祭降一等。 |
《·》: | 必哭泣葬埋之,如其子。 |
《》: | 對曰:「服牛死,夫婦哭,非骨肉之親也,為其利之大也。」 |
《》: | 長子死,三年釋吾政,季子死,三月釋吾政,必哭泣葬埋之,如吾子也。 |
《·》: | 故身操死持傷及被兵者,莫不悉於子胥之手,垂涕啼哭,欲伐而死。 |
《》: | 夫戰之明日,尸死扶傷,雖若有功也,軍出費,中哭泣,則傷主心矣。 |
《·》: | 商鞅峭法長利,秦人不聊生,相與哭孝公。 |