Chinese Text Project |
嗇 U+55C7 | Seal script | Jinwen | Jiaguwen | 啬 Simplified character | 𠻮 Semantic variant | 𤲝 Semantic variant | 𤲷 Semantic variant | 𤳋 Semantic variant |
Radical: | 口+ 10 strokes = 13 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.526#33 Kangxi: p.202#05 Cihai: p.287r2c06 GSR: 926.a Hanyu: v1,p0665#11 |
Composition: | Top: 坐, bottom: 回. Component of: 𠎸 𠟩 𠢳 懎 𡫆 濇 廧 𭢲 墻 嬙 𡀁 𢿿 牆 𤗼 𤛷 𥜎 檣 㱇 𬎓 穡 [More] |
Mandarin: | sè ㄙㄜˋ |
Cantonese: | sik1 |
Shuowen: | 《嗇部》嗇:愛瀒也。从來从㐭。來者,㐭而藏之。故田夫謂之嗇夫。凡嗇之屬皆从嗇。 |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·入聲·職·色》嗇:愛惜也,又貪也,慳也,又積也,亦姓。《說文》作𠾂愛歰也,从來㐭來麥也,來者㐭而藏之故田夫謂之嗇夫㐭音廪。 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·口部·十》嗇:〔古文〕𠻮𤲝𤳋𤲷《唐韻》所力切《集韻》《韻會》殺測切,𠀤音色。《說文》本作𠻮。愛濇也。从來从㐭。來者,㐭而藏之,故田夫謂之嗇夫。《玉篇》愛也,慳貪也。《易·說卦傳》爲吝嗇。《左傳·襄二十六年》嗇于𥚽。《註》嗇,貪也。又《老子·道德經》治人事天莫如嗇。《註》嗇者,有餘不盡用之意。又《史記·倉公傳》脈嗇而不屬。又官名。《書·胤征》嗇夫馳。《註》嗇夫,主幣之官。《詩·小雅·田畯至喜箋》田畯,司嗇,今之嗇夫也。《史記·張釋之傳》虎圈嗇夫。《註》正義曰:掌虎圈,百官表有鄉嗇夫,此其類也。又與穡同。《儀禮·特牲饋食禮》主人出寫嗇于房。《註》嗇者,農力之成功。《前漢·成帝紀》服田力嗇。 |
Fanqie: | 所力 (《廣韻·入聲·職·色》) |
Unihan definition: | miserly, thrifty, stingy; stopped up, constipated |
Example usage
《禮記·郊特牲》: | 蜡之祭也:主先嗇,而祭司嗇也。 |
In the ji sacrifice, the principal object contemplated was the Father of Husbandry. They also presented offerings to (ancient) superintendents of husbandry. | |
《道德經》: | 治人事天莫若嗇。 |
For regulating the human (in our constitution) and rendering the (proper) service to the heavenly, there is nothing like moderation. | |
《史記·殷本紀》: | 今女有眾,女曰:『我君不恤我眾,捨我嗇事而割政』。 |
Now, ye multitudes, you are saying, 'Our sovereign does not compassionate us; he disregards our husbandry, and his government is a cruel one.' | |
《尚書·胤征》: | 惟時羲和顛覆厥德,沈亂于酒,畔官離次,俶擾天紀,遐棄厥司,乃季秋月朔,辰弗集于房,瞽奏鼓,嗇夫馳,庶人走,羲和尸厥官罔聞知,昏迷于天象,以干先王之誅,《政典》曰:『先時者殺無赦,不及時者殺無赦。』 |
Now here are the Xi and He. They have allowed their virtue to be subverted, and are besotted by drink. They have violated the duties of their office, and left their posts. They have been the first to let the regulating of the heavenly (bodies) get into disorder, putting far from them their proper business. On the first day of the last month of autumn, the sun and moon did not meet harmoniously in Fang. The blind musicians beat their drums; the inferior officers galloped, and the common people (employed about the public offices) ran about. The Xi and the He, however, as if they were (mere) personators of the dead in their offices, heard nothing and knew nothing - so stupidly went they astray (from their duties) in the matter of the heavenly appearances, and rendered themselves liable to the death appointed by the former kings. The statutes of government say, "When they anticipated the time, let them be put to death without mercy; when (their reckoning) is behind the time, let them be put to death without mercy." | |
《周易·說卦》: | 坤為地,為母,為布,為釜,為吝嗇,為均,為子母牛,為大輿,為文,為眾,為柄,其於地也為黑。 |
Kun suggests the idea of the earth; of a mother; of cloth; of a caldron; of parsimony; of a turning lathe; of a young heifer; of a large waggon; of what is variegated; of a multitude; and of a handle and support. Among, soils it denotes what is black. | |
《荀子·君道》: | 材人:愿愨拘錄,計數纖嗇,而無敢遺喪,是官人使吏之材也。 |
《說苑·脩文》: | 祝雍曰:「使王近於民,遠於佞,嗇於時,惠於財,任賢使能。」 |
《春秋繁露·求雨》: | 田嗇夫亦齊三日,服青衣而立之。 |
《大戴禮記·夏小正》: | 嗇人不從。 |
《白虎通德論·禮樂》: | 瑟者,嗇也,閒也,所以懲忽宮商角則宜。 |
《中論·慎所從》: | 矜勇有力,詐虐無親,貪嗇專利,功勤不賞,有一范增,既不能用,又從而疑之,至令憤氣傷心,疽發而死。 |
《孔子家語·致思》: | 魯有儉嗇者,瓦鬲煮食食之,自謂其美。 |
《潛夫論·志氏姓》: | 會在河、伊之間,其君驕貪嗇儉,減爵損祿,群臣卑讓,上下不臨。 |
《論衡·明雩》: | 魯文公間歲大旱,臧文仲曰:「脩城郭,貶食省用,務嗇勸分。」 |
《太玄經·唫》: | 次五,不中不督,腐蠹之嗇。 |
《申鑒·俗嫌》: | 愛親、愛德、愛力、愛神,之謂嗇,否則不宣,過則不澹。 |
《獨斷·卷上》: | 先嗇、司嗇、農、郵表畷、貓虎、坊、水庸、昆蟲。 |
《蔡中郎集·獨斷》: | 先嗇、司嗇、農、郵表畷、貓虎、坊、水庸、昆蟲。 |
《鶡冠子·天則》: | 形嗇而亂益者,勢不相牧也。 |
《文子·守弱》: | 夫道,大以小而成,多以少為主,故聖人以道邪天下,柔弱微妙者見小也,儉嗇損缺者見少也,見小故能成其大,見少故能成其美。 |
《老子河上公章句》: | 莫若嗇。 |
《韓非子·解老》: | 苟極盡則費神多,費神多則盲聾悖狂之禍至,是以嗇之。 |
《管子·山至數》: | 桓公問管子曰:「特命我曰:『天子三百領,泰嗇,而散大夫』,准此而行,如何?」 |
《六韜·文啟》: | 太公曰:「何憂何嗇,萬物皆得。」 |
《淮南子·道應訓》: | 譬白公之嗇也,何以異於梟之愛其子也? |
《呂氏春秋·先己》: | 凡事之本,必先治身,嗇其大寶 |
《春秋左傳》: | 許靈公如楚,請伐鄭,曰,師不興,孤不歸矣,八月,卒于楚,楚子曰,不伐鄭,何以求諸侯,冬,十月,楚子伐鄭,鄭人將禦之,子產曰,晉楚將平,諸侯將和,楚王是故昧於一來,不如使逞而歸,乃易成也,夫小人之性,釁於勇,嗇於禍,以足其性,而求名焉者,非國家之利也,若何從之,子展說,不禦寇,十二月,乙酉,入南里,墮其城,涉於樂氏,門于師之梁,縣門發,獲九人焉,涉于氾而歸,而後葬許靈公。 |
《逸周書·史記解》: | 斧小不勝柯者亡,昔有鄶君嗇儉,減爵損祿,群臣卑讓,上下不臨,後鄶小弱,禁罰不行,重氏伐之,鄶君以亡。 |
《晏子春秋》: | 叔向問晏子曰:「嗇吝愛之于行何如?」 |
《戰國策》: | 不嗇於戰攻之患也。 |
《漢書·王莽傳下》: | 莽好空言,慕古法,多封爵人,性實遴嗇,託以地理未定,故且先賦茅土,用慰喜封者。 |
《前漢紀》: | 虎圈嗇夫代尉對。 |
《東觀漢記·散句》: | 廣漢坐論為鬼薪,輸掖庭,後為暴室嗇夫。 |
《後漢書》: | 率能行容成御婦人術,或飲小便,或自倒懸,愛嗇精氣,不極視大言。 |
《儀禮·覲禮》: | 嗇夫承命,告於天子。 |
《焦氏易林·旅之》: | 未濟:請冀左耳,嗇不我驅,與我父母。 |
《說文解字·艸部》: | 从艸嗇聲。 |
《釋名·釋言語》: | 省,嗇也,曜嗇約少之言也。 |
《方言·第十》: | 亄、嗇,貪也。 |
《急就篇》: | 嗇夫假佐扶致牢。 |
《傷寒論》: | 太陽中風,陽浮而陰弱,陽浮者熱自發,陰弱者汗自出,嗇嗇惡寒,淅淅惡風,翕翕發熱,鼻鳴乾嘔者,桂枝湯主之。 |
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