Chinese Text Project |
坐 U+5750 | Seal script | Jianbo | 㘸 Semantic variant | 座 Alternate form Specialized semantic variant |
Radical: | 土+ 4 strokes = 7 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.306#37 p.420#52 Kangxi: p.225#15 Cihai: p.317r1c01 GSR: 12.a Hanyu: v1,p0423#12 |
Composition: | Merging of 土 and 从. Compositionally related: 𭎂 . Component of: 侳 𨛏 剉 𨹫 𠩜 座 唑 㛗 㟇 𡘫 夎 𡨠 挫 𡯨 𡸄 𫐩 𢏬 𢒐 𡌚 𢚂 [More] |
Mandarin: | zuò ㄗㄨㄛˋ |
Cantonese: | co5 zo6 |
Tang reconstruction: | *dzhuɑ̀ *dzhuɑ̌ |
Shuowen: | 《土部》坐:止也。从土,从畱省。土,所止也。此與畱同意。 |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·上聲·果·坐》坐:《釋名》云:坐挫也,骨節挫屈也。徂果切,二。 《廣韻·去聲·過·座》坐:被罪。又藏果切。 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·土部·四》坐:〔古文〕㘸《唐韻》《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》𠀤徂臥切,音座。行之對也。《禮·曲禮》坐如尸。《又》虛坐盡後,食坐盡前。又便坐,別坐之處。《前漢·文翁傳》在便坐受事。又《後漢·宣秉傳》秉修高節,光武特拜御史中丞,詔與司隸校尉中書令同專席而坐,京師謂之三獨坐。又猶守也。《左傳·桓十二年》楚伐絞,軍其南門。絞人爭出,驅楚役徒于山中。楚人坐其北門,而覆諸山下,大敗之。又古者謂跪爲坐。《禮·曲禮》先生琴瑟書策在前,坐而遷之。《註》坐,跪也。又《律》有罪坐。《前漢·文帝紀》除收帑相坐律令。又罪人對理曰坐。《左傳·僖二十八年》鍼莊子爲坐。又釋氏大坐曰跏趺。《蓮華經》結跏趺坐。又與座通。《前漢·梅福傳》當戸牖之法坐。《註》正座也。又姓。見《姓苑》。又《集韻》徂果切,音睉。義同。○按坐有上去二音,字韻諸書訓註皆同,惟《轉註古音》坐註引《史記》高帝紀,遂坐上坐。《正義》云:前坐字,在果反,後坐字,在臥反。《字彙》行坐之坐讀上聲,非。《正字通》謂坐字在上聲者,叶音也,亦非。本作𡋲。《說文》从土,从畱省,土所止也。隷作坐。 考證:〔《左傳·桓十二年》楚人坐其北門,而覆其山下,大敗之。〕謹照原文覆其山下改爲覆諸山下。〔本作𡊎。《說文》从土从留省,土所止也。〕謹照說文𡊎改𡋲。留改畱。 |
Fanqie: | 才臥 (《四書章句集注·論語集注·先進第十一》) 徂果 (《廣韻·上聲·果·坐》) 徂臥 (《廣韻·去聲·過·座》) 藏果 (《廣韻·去聲·過·座》) |
Unihan definition: | sit; seat; ride, travel by |
Example usage
《論語·鄉黨》: | 齊,必變食,居必遷坐。 |
When fasting, he thought it necessary to change his food, and also to change the place where he commonly sat in the apartment. | |
《孟子·萬章下》: | 晉平公之於亥唐也,入云則入,坐云則坐,食云則食。 |
There was the duke Ping of Jin with Hai Tang - when Tang told him to come into his house, he came; when he told him to be seated, he sat; when he told him to eat, he ate. | |
《孝經·開宗明義》: | 復坐,吾語汝。 |
Sit down again, and I will explain the subject to you. | |
《揚子法言》: | 紹桀之後,纂紂之餘,法度廢,禮樂虧,安坐而視天下民之死,無為平? |
But as for those who inherited the throne after Jie and Zhou, when laws were abandoned and ritual and music were lost, to sit quietly and watch the death of all people under Heaven—would this have been wuwei? | |
《墨子·非命上》: | 是故古之聖王發憲出令,設以為賞罰以勸賢,是以入則孝慈於親戚,出則弟長於鄉里,坐處有度,出入有節,男女有辨。 |
The ancient sage-kings published laws and issued orders to be standards of reward and punishment, and to encourage the virtuous and to obstruct the evil. And so the people were filial to their parents at home and respectful to the elders in the village or the district. They observed propriety in conduct, moderation in going out and coming in, and decency between men and women. | |
《莊子·齊物論》: | 南郭子綦隱几而坐,仰天而噓,嗒焉似喪其耦。 |
Nan-Guo Zi-Qi was seated, leaning forward on his stool. He was looking up to heaven and breathed gently, seeming to be in a trance, and to have lost all consciousness of any companion. | |
《道德經》: | 故立天子,置三公,雖有拱璧以先駟馬,不如坐進此道。 |
Therefore when the sovereign occupies his place as the Son of Heaven, and he has appointed his three ducal ministers, though (a prince) were to send in a round symbol-of-rank large enough to fill both the hands, and that as the precursor of the team of horses (in the court-yard), such an offering would not be equal to (a lesson of) this Dao, which one might present on his knees. | |
《商君書·算地》: | 勝敵而草不荒,富強之功,可坐而致也。 |
If enemies are conquered and at the same time fields do not lie fallow, then without moving, the result will be obtained of having both wealth and strength. | |
《禮記·奔喪》: | 婦人奔喪,升自東階,殯東,西面坐,哭盡哀。 |
《荀子·大略》: | 故其行效,其立效,其坐效,其置顏色、出辭氣效。 |
《說苑·脩文》: | 曾子曰:「坐,吾語汝。」 |
《春秋繁露》: | 夫婦,對坐而食,喪禮別葬,祭禮先臊,夫妻昭穆別位。 |
《韓詩外傳·卷一》: | 受子貢觴,迎流而挹之,奐然而棄之,促流而挹之,奐然而溢之,坐、置之沙上,曰:「禮固不親受。」 |
《大戴禮記》: | 孔子侍坐於哀公。 |
《白虎通德論·爵》: | 故夫尊於朝,妻榮於室,隨夫之行,故《禮郊特牲》曰:「婦人無爵,坐以夫之齒。」 |
《新書·勸學》: | 今夫子之達,佚乎老聃,而諸子之材,不避榮跦,而無千里之遠,重繭之患,親與巨賢連席而坐,對膝相視,從容談語,無問不應,是天降大命以達吾德也。 |
《新序·善謀下》: | 於是高皇帝在雒陽南宮上臺,見群臣往往相與坐沙中語。 |
《中論·法象》: | 故立必磬折,坐必抱鼓。 |
《孔子家語·大昏解》: | 孔子侍坐於哀公。 |
《潛夫論·讚學》: | 是故造父疾趨,百步而廢,而託乘輿,坐致千里。 |
《論衡·命義》: | 性命在本,故《禮》有胎教之法:子在身時,席不正不坐。 |
《太玄經·䎡》: | 測曰,「縮失時」、坐逋後也。 |
《風俗通義》: | 俱去鄉里,居緱氏城中,亦教授,坐養聲價,伯大為議郎、益州太守,子敬辟司徒,公車徵 |
《孔叢子·嘉言》: | 陳惠公大城,因起凌陽之臺,未終而坐法死者數十人。 |
《申鑒·雜言上》: | 勾踐懸膽於坐,厲矣哉。 |
《新語·道基》: | 是以君子握道而治,德而行,席仁而坐,杖義而彊,虛無寂寞,通動無量。 |
《獨斷·卷下》: | 正月朝賀,三公奉璧上殿,向御座北面,太常贊曰:「皇帝為君興,三公伏,皇帝坐,乃進璧。」 |
《蔡中郎集·獨斷》: | 正月朝賀,三公奉璧上殿,向御座北面,太常贊曰:「皇帝為君興,三公伏,皇帝坐,乃進璧。」 |
《列子·黃帝》: | 從口之所言,庚无利害,夫子始一引吾並席而坐。 |
《鶡冠子·道端》: | 天不開門戶,使下相害也,進賢受上賞,則下不相蔽,不待事人賢士顯不蔽之功,則任事之人莫不盡忠,鄉曲慕義,化坐自端,此其道之所致德之所成也。 |
《文子·精誠》: | 夫召遠者使無為焉,親近者言無事焉,唯夜行者能有之,卻走馬以糞,車軌不接於遠方之外,是謂坐馳陸沉。 |
《文始真經·四符》: | 關尹子曰:「有死立者,有死坐者,有死臥者,有死病者,有死藥者。」 |
《列仙傳·琴高》: | 設祠,果乘赤鯉來,出坐祠中 |
《老子河上公章句》: | 枯老者,坐不行道也。 |
《韓非子·十過》: | 因靜坐撫琴而寫之 |
《慎子·逸文》: | 行海者,坐而至越,有舟也。 |
《管子·輕重丁》: | 管子曰:「惟反之以號令為可,請以令賀獻者皆以鐻枝蘭鼓,則必坐長什倍其本矣。」 |
《孫子兵法·九地》: | 令發之日,士卒坐者涕沾襟,偃臥者涕交頤,投之無所往,則諸劌之勇也。 |
《吳子·治兵》: | 其善將者,如坐漏船之中,伏燒屋之下,使智者不及謀,勇者不及怒,受敵可也。 |
《六韜·文師》: | 文王乃齋三日,乘田車,駕田馬,田於渭陽,卒見太公,坐茅以漁。 |
《司馬法·嚴位》: | 坐進跪。 |
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