Radical: | 女+ 0 strokes = 3 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.258#1 p.363#35 Kangxi: p.254#22 Cihai: p.376r1c02 GSR: 94.a Hanyu: v2,p1023#23 |
Composition: | Component of: 𫰆 𡚦 𡚧 𡚩 𡚬 㚢 𡚭 𡚨 𡚨 𫰇 奴 𭑧 奵 𭑩 奶 𭑪 𠚰 𭑫 𡚫 𠕷 [More] |
Mandarin: | nǚ rǔ ㄋㄩˇ ㄖㄨˇ |
Cantonese: | jyu5 neoi5 neoi6 |
Tang reconstruction: | *niǔ *njiǔ |
Shuowen: | 《》女:婦人也。象形。王育說。凡女之屬皆从女。 |
Guangyun: | 《···》女:禮記曰女者如也,如男子之敎。尼吕切,又尼慮切,二。 《···》女:以女妻人也。尼據切,二。 |
Kangxi: | 《··》女:〔古文〕𠨰《唐韻》《正韻》尼呂切《集韻》《韻會》碾與切,𠀤茹上聲。《博雅》女,如也。言如男子之敎,人之陽曰男,隂曰女。《易·繫辭》坤道成女。《·》乃生女子,載寢之地,載衣之裼,載弄之瓦。《禮·內則》女子生,設帨於門右。《淮南子·地形訓》土地各以類生,澤氣生女。又已嫁曰婦,未字曰女。《禮·曾子問》嫁女之家,三夜不息燭,思相離也。又星名。須女四星,主布帛,爲珍寶藏,一名婺女。十二月旦在北,二月旦中。又織女三星,天女也,主苽果絲帛,𠀤見《星經》。又水名。《》嶧臯之山,其水出焉,東流注于激女之水。又𤣥女,九天妃也。黃帝與蚩尤戰,不勝,歸太山,遇一婦人,曰:吾所謂𤣥女者。見《𤣥女戰法》。又金女,西王母也,厥姓緱氏,見《集仙錄》。又靑女,霜神也,至秋三月地氣下藏,靑女乃出,以降霜雪,見《·》。又奼女,丹汞也。河上奼女,得火則飛,見《參同契》。又國名。女子國,在巫咸北。《郭璞·圖贊》女子之國,浴于黃水。乃媷乃字,生男則死。又東女國,女主號賔就。見《唐書·西域傳》。又扶桑東千里有女國,其人容貌端正,身體有毛,見《通考》。又姓。湯賢臣女鳩,女房,漢賢良女敦,晉大夫女叔寬。又梵言阿摩,此言女,言母。蘇弗室利,此言善女。又鸚䳇名雪衣女,見《漢武外傳》。鵲名神女,見《古今注》。蜆名縊女,見《·》。螟蛉名戎女,見《毛詩·註疏》。又《集韻》《韻會》𠀤忍與切。同汝,對我之稱。又《》《集韻》《韻會》𠀤尼據切,茹去聲。以女妻人曰女。《·》女于時。 |
Fanqie: | 尼吕 (《···》) 尼慮 (《···》) 尼據 (《···》) |
Equivalent readings: | 汝 (《··》) 汝 (《··》) 汝 (《··》) 汝 (《··》) 汝 (《··》) 汝 (《··》) 汝 (《··》) 汝 (《··》) 汝 (《··》) 汝 (《··》) 汝 (《··》) |
Unihan definition: | woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 |
女 |
nǚ ㄋㄩˇ (1.1): 女性,與「男」相對。 Woman, female.
《·》: | 為宮室之法,曰:室2高足以辟潤濕,邊足以圉風寒,上足以待雪霜雨露,宮牆之高,足以別男女之禮,謹此則止。 | The guiding principles for these buildings were these: The house shall be built high enough to avoid the damp and moisture; the walls thick enough to keep out the wind and cold; the roof strong enough to stand snow, frost, rain, and dew; and the walls in the palace high enough to observe the propriety of the sexes. These are sufficient. | 《·》: | 子曰:「唯女子與小人為難養也,近之則不孫,遠之則怨。」 | The Master said, "Of all people, girls and servants are the most difficult to behave to. If you are familiar with them, they lose their humility. If you maintain a reserve towards them, they are discontented." | 《·》: | 男女授受不親,禮也。 | For males and females not to allow their hands to touch in giving and receiving is the general rule. | 《·》: | 大聚樂戲於沙丘,以酒為池,縣肉為林,使男女裸相逐其閒,為長夜之飲。 | Assembled a great number of play actors at Shaqiu, made a pond of wine, hung the trees with meat, made men and women chase each other about quite naked, and had drinking bouts the whole night long. | 《·》: | 男女不雜坐,不同椸枷,不同巾櫛,不親授。 | Male and female should not sit together (in the same apartment), nor have the same stand or rack for their clothes, nor use the same towel or comb, nor let their hands touch in giving and receiving. | 《·》: | 漢有游女、不可求思。 | By the Han are girls rambling about, But it is vain to solicit them. |
nǚ ㄋㄩˇ (1.2): 特指未嫁之女。 Unmarried woman.
《·》: | 帝使其子九男二女,百官牛羊倉廩備,以事舜於畎畝之中。 | The Di caused his own children, nine sons and two daughters, the various officers, oxen and sheep, storehouses and granaries, all to be prepared, to serve Shun amid the channelled fields. |
nǚ ㄋㄩˇ (2): 柔弱,矮小。 Weak and small.
《·》: | 蠶月條桑、取彼斧斨、以伐遠揚、猗彼女桑。 | In the silkworm month they strip the mulberry branches of their leaves, And take their axes and hatchets, To lop off those that are distant and high; Only stripping the young trees of their leaves. |
nǜ ㄋㄩˋ (3): 嫁女。 Marry off.
《·》: | 涕出而女於吳。 | His tears flowed forth while he gave his daughter to be married to the prince of Wu. |
rǔ ㄖㄨˇ (4): Same as “” rǔ ㄖㄨˇ: 第二人稱代詞:你。 Second person pronoun: you.
《·》: | 吾語女,曩與女為苟生, | Let me tell you. Then, our goal was to keep alive. Now our goal is to behave righteously. | 《·》: | 誨女知之乎? | Shall I teach you what knowledge is? | 《·》: | 吾語女至道。 | Come and I will tell you the perfect Dao. | 《·》: | 予與女皆亡 | We shall all perish together. | 《·》: | 曾子怒曰:「商,女何無罪也?」 | Zeng-zi was angry, and said, 'Shang, how can you say that you have no guilt?' | 《·》: | 誰謂女無家、何以速我訟。 | Who can say that you did not get me betrothed? How else could you have urged on this trial? |