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Radical:+ 0 strokes = 3 strokes total.
References:Guangyun: p.258#1 p.363#35 Kangxi: p.254#22 Cihai: p.376r1c02 GSR: 94.a Hanyu: v2,p1023#23
Composition:Component of: 𫰆 𡚦 𡚧 𡚩 𡚬 𡚭 𡚨 𡚨 𫰇 𭑧 𭑩 𭑪 𠚰 𭑫 𡚫 𠕷 [More]
Mandarin: ㄋㄩˇ ㄖㄨˇ
Cantonese:jyu5 neoi5 neoi6
Tang reconstruction:*niǔ *njiǔ
Fanqie:尼吕 (《廣韻·上聲··》) 尼慮 (《廣韻·上聲··》) 尼據 (《廣韻·去聲··》)
Equivalent readings: (《四書章句集注·論語集注·為政第二》) (《四書章句集注·論語集注·八佾第三》) (《四書章句集注·論語集注·公冶長第五》) (《四書章句集注·論語集注·雍也第六》) (《四書章句集注·論語集注·雍也第六》) (《四書章句集注·論語集注·先進第十一》) (《四書章句集注·論語集注·衛靈公第十五》) (《四書章句集注·論語集注·陽貨第十七》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·梁惠王章句上》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·滕文公章句下》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·滕文公章句下》)
Unihan definition:woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38

CTP Dictionary

ㄋㄩˇ (1.1): 女性,與「男」相對。 Woman, female.
The guiding principles for these buildings were these: The house shall be built high enough to avoid the damp and moisture; the walls thick enough to keep out the wind and cold; the roof strong enough to stand snow, frost, rain, and dew; and the walls in the palace high enough to observe the propriety of the sexes. These are sufficient.
The Master said, "Of all people, girls and servants are the most difficult to behave to. If you are familiar with them, they lose their humility. If you maintain a reserve towards them, they are discontented."
For males and females not to allow their hands to touch in giving and receiving is the general rule.
Assembled a great number of play actors at Shaqiu, made a pond of wine, hung the trees with meat, made men and women chase each other about quite naked, and had drinking bouts the whole night long.
Male and female should not sit together (in the same apartment), nor have the same stand or rack for their clothes, nor use the same towel or comb, nor let their hands touch in giving and receiving.
By the Han are girls rambling about, But it is vain to solicit them.
ㄋㄩˇ (1.2): 特指未嫁之女。 Unmarried woman.
The Di caused his own children, nine sons and two daughters, the various officers, oxen and sheep, storehouses and granaries, all to be prepared, to serve Shun amid the channelled fields.
ㄋㄩˇ (2): 柔弱,矮小。 Weak and small.
In the silkworm month they strip the mulberry branches of their leaves, And take their axes and hatchets, To lop off those that are distant and high; Only stripping the young trees of their leaves.
ㄋㄩˋ (3): 嫁女。 Marry off.
His tears flowed forth while he gave his daughter to be married to the prince of Wu.
ㄖㄨˇ (4): Same as “汝(2) ㄖㄨˇ: 第二人稱代詞:你。 Second person pronoun: you.
Let me tell you. Then, our goal was to keep alive. Now our goal is to behave righteously.
Shall I teach you what knowledge is?
Come and I will tell you the perfect Dao.
We shall all perish together.
Zeng-zi was angry, and said, 'Shang, how can you say that you have no guilt?'
Who can say that you did not get me betrothed? How else could you have urged on this trial?
[Show proper names]
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