《·》: | 有子曰:「其為人也孝弟,而好犯上者,鮮矣。」 |
The philosopher You said, "They are few who, being filial and fraternal, are fond of offending against their superiors." |
《·》: | 孟子曰:「是猶或紾其兄之臂,子謂之姑徐徐云爾,亦教之孝弟而已矣。」 |
Mencius said, 'That is just as if there were one twisting the arm of his elder brother, and you were merely to say to him "Gently, gently, if you please." Your only course should be to teach such an one filial piety and fraternal duty.' |
《·》: | 曰:孝子喪親,哭泣無數,服勤三年,身病體羸,以杖扶病也 |
And the answer is - When a filial son mourns for a parent, he wails and weeps without regard to the number of times; his endurances are hard for three years; his body becomes ill and his limbs emaciated; and so he uses a staff to support his infirmity. |
《·》: | 子曰:「孝子之喪親也,哭不偯,禮無容,言不文,服美不安,聞樂不樂,食旨不甘,此哀戚之情也。」 |
The Master said, "When a filial son is mourning for a parent, he wails, but not with a prolonged sobbing. In the movements of ceremony he pays no attention to his appearance. His words are without elegance of phrase. He cannot bear to wear fine clothes. When he hears music, he feels no delight. When he eats a delicacy, he is not conscious of its flavor. Such is the nature of grief and sorrow." |
《·》: | 孝莫大於寧親,寧親莫大於寧神,寧神莫大於四表之歡心,譔《孝至》。 |
In terms of filial devotion, nothing is greater than pacifying one's parents. In pacifying one's parents, nothing is greater than pacifying the spirits. In pacifying the spirits, nothing is greater than making the xin of the whole world joyful. Thus I have written "The Ultimate in Filial Devotion." |
《·》: | 孝,利親也。 |
To be xiao (filial) is to benefit one's parents. |
《·》: | 是以夫事其親者,不擇地而安之,孝之至也。 |
Therefore a son finds his rest in serving his parents without reference to or choice of place; and this is the height of filial duty. |
《》: | 六親不和,有孝慈。 |
When harmony no longer prevailed throughout the six kinships, filial sons found their manifestation. |
《·》: | 孝公平畫,公孫鞅、甘龍、杜摯三大夫御於君,慮世事之變,討正法之本,求使民之道。 |
Duke Xiao discussed his policy. The three Great Officers, Gong sun Yang, Gan Long and Du Zhi, were in attendance on the Prince. Their thoughts dwelt on the vicissitudes of the world's affairs; they discussed the principles of rectifying the law, and they sought for the way of directing the people. |
《·》: | 父頑,母嚚,弟傲,能和以孝,烝烝治,不至姦。 |
His father was unprincipled, his mother insincere, and his brother arrogant, but he managed by his dutiful conduct to be reconciled to them, so they have gradually improved, and not been extremely wicked. |
《·》: | 虞舜、孝己孝而親不愛,比干、子胥忠而君不用,仲尼、顏淵知而窮於世。 |
《·》: | 是則孝子之齋也。 |
《·》: | 孝子之心,三年不當。 |
《·》: | 窘其身而約其親者,不可與語孝。 |
《·》: | 孔子曰:「上敬老則下益孝,上順齒則下益悌,上樂施則下益諒,上親賢則下擇友,上好德則下不隱,上惡貪則下恥爭,上強果則下廉恥,民皆有別,則貞、則正,亦不勞矣,此謂七教。」 |
《·》: | 《》曰:「葬從死者,祭從生者,所以追孝繼養也。」 |
《·》: | 子愛利親謂之孝,反孝為孽。 |
《·》: | 四人皆對曰:「陛下輕士善罵,臣等義不辱,故恐而亡匿,聞太子為人子孝仁、敬愛士,天下莫不延頸,願為太子死者,故來耳。」 |
《·》: | 學者、心之白日也,故先王立教官,掌教國子,教以六德,曰智、仁、聖、義、中、和,教以六行,曰孝、友、睦、婣、任、恤。 |
《·》: | 季孫聞之,不說,曰:「司寇欺余,曩告余曰:國家必先以孝。」 |
《·》: | 民富乃可教,學正乃得義,民貧則背善,學淫則詐偽,入學則不亂,得義則忠孝。 |
《·》: | 籍孺幸於孝惠,鄧通愛於孝文,無細簡之才,微薄之能,偶以形佳骨嫺,皮媚色稱。 |
《·》: | 故有宗祖者則稱乎孝,序君臣者則稱乎忠,實告大訓。 |
《》: | 《孝經》曰:「移風易俗,莫善於樂。」 |
《·》: | 通乎此事,然後乃能上以孝於舅姑,下以事夫養子也。 |
《·》: | 孝武皇帝以四夷未賓,寇賊姦宄,初置武功賞官,以寵戰士。 |
《·》: | 是故祗承君之法度,行孝悌於其家,服勤稼穡以供王賦,此兆人之忠也。 |
《·》: | 故虐行則怨積,德布則功興,百姓以德附,骨肉以仁親,夫婦以義合,朋友以義信,君臣以義序,百官以義承,曾、閔以仁成大孝,伯姬以義建至貞,守國者以仁堅固,佐君者以義不傾,君以仁治,臣以義平,鄉黨以仁恂恂,朝廷以義便便,美女以貞顯其行,烈士以義彰其名,陽氣以仁生,陰節以義降,《鹿鳴》以仁求其群,《關雎》以義鳴其雄,《春秋》以仁義貶絕,《詩》以仁義存亡,《乾》、《坤》以仁和合,《八卦》以義相承,《書》以仁敘九族,君臣以義制忠,《禮》以仁盡節,樂以禮升降。 |
《·》: | 孝元皇后父大司馬陽平侯名禁,當時避之,故曰省中。 |
《·》: | 帝謚:違拂不成曰隱,靖民則法曰黃,翼善傳聖曰堯,仁聖盛明曰舜,殘人多壘曰桀,殘義損善曰紂,慈惠愛親曰孝,愛民好與曰惠,聖善同文曰宣,聲聞宣遠曰昭,克定禍亂曰武,聰明睿智曰獻,溫柔聖善曰懿,布德執義曰穆,仁義說民曰元,安仁立政曰神,布綱治紀曰平,亂而不損曰靈,保民耆艾曰明,辟土有德曰襄,貞心大度曰匡,大慮慈民曰定,知過能改曰恭,不生其國曰聲,一德不懈曰簡,夙興夜寐曰敬,清白自守曰貞,柔德好眾曰靖,安樂治民曰康,小心畏忌曰僖,中身早折曰悼,慈仁和民曰順,好勇致力曰莊,恭人短折曰哀,在國逢難曰愍,名實過爽曰繆,壅遏不通曰幽,暴虐無親曰厲,致志大圖曰景,辟土兼國曰桓,經緯天地曰文,執義揚善曰懷,短折不成曰殤,去禮遠眾曰煬,怠政外交曰攜,治典不敷曰祈。 |
《·》: | 楚之南有炎人之國,其親戚死,㱙其肉而棄之,然後埋其骨,迺成為孝子 |
《·》: | 父與父言義,子與子言孝。 |
《·》: | 天之道其猶響之報聲也,德積則福生,禍積則怨生,官敗於官茂,孝衰於妻子,患生於憂解,病甚於且瘉,故「慎終如始,無敗事也。」 |
《·》: | 《孝經援神契》言,不過天地造靈洞虛,猶立五嶽、設三台。 |
《》: | 民復孝慈。 |
《·》: | 彌子瑕母病,人閒往夜告彌子,彌子矯駕君車以出,君聞而賢之曰:「孝哉,為母之故,忘其刖罪。」 |
《·》: | 然則孝子不生慈父之家,而忠臣不生聖君之下。 |
《》: | 孝公用商鞅之法,移風易俗,民以殷盛,國以富彊,百姓樂用,諸侯親服,獲楚、魏之師,舉地千里,至今治彊。 |
《·》: | 必具教民為酒食,所以為孝敬也。 |
《·》: | 尹文曰:『今有人於此,事君則忠,事親則孝,交友則信,處鄉則順,有此四行,可謂士乎?』 |
《·》: | 民、有孝慈者愛敬之,盡力農桑者慰勉之。 |