實 |
shí ㄕˊ (1): 富裕。 Prosperous, wealthy.
shí ㄕˊ (2.1): 財富,財物。 Wealth, possessions.
《·》: | 是故生無爵,死無諡,實不聚,名不立,此之謂大人。 | Therefore though when living one may have no rank, and when dead no honorary epithet; though the reality (of what he is) may not be acknowledged and his name not established; we have in him what is called 'The Great Man.' | 《·》: | 其君子尊仁畏義,恥費輕實,忠而不犯,義而順,文而靜,寬而有辨。 | The superior men who stood in connexion with him gave honour to benevolence, and stood in awe of righteousness; were ashamed of lavish expenditure, and set little store by their accumulation of substance; loyal, but not coming into collision with their sovereign; righteous, and yet deferential to him; accomplished, and yet restful; generous, and yet discriminating. | 《·》: | 是故生無號,死無諡,實不聚而名不立,施者不德,受者不讓,德交歸焉。 |
shí ㄕˊ (2.2): 物資,器物。 Goods, supplies.
《》: | 若夫山林川澤之實,器用之資,皁隸之事,官司之守,非君所及也。 |
shí ㄕˊ (3.1): 充實,充滿。 Full.
《·》: | 而君之倉廩實,府庫充,有司莫以告,是上慢而殘下也。 | All the while, your granaries, 0 prince, have been stored with grain, and your treasuries and arsenals have been full, and not one of your officers has told you of the distress. Thus negligent have the superiors in your State been, and cruel to their inferiors. | 《·》: | 合百草兮實庭,建芳馨兮廡門。 |
shí ㄕˊ (3.2): 容納,填塞。 Fit into, stuff into.
《·》: | 惠子謂莊子曰:「魏王貽我大瓠之種,我樹之成而實五石,以盛水漿,其堅不能自舉也。」 | Huizi told Zhuangzi, saying, 'The king of Wei sent me some seeds of a large calabash, which I sowed. The fruit, when fully grown, could contain five piculs (of anything). I used it to contain water, but it was so heavy that I could not lift it by myself.' |
shí ㄕˊ (4.1): 果實,種子。 Fruit, seed.
《·》: | 桃之實,桃也。 | The fruit of a peach is a peach. | 《·》: | 井上有李,螬食實者過半矣,匍匐往將食之,三咽,然後耳有聞,目有見。 | Over a well there grew a plum-tree, the fruit of which had been more than half eaten by worms. He crawled to it, and tried to eat some of the fruit, when, after swallowing three mouthfuls, he recovered his sight and hearing. | 《·》: | 桃之夭夭、有蕡其實。 | The peach tree is young and elegant; Abundant will be its fruits. | 《·》: | 裕民則民富,民富則田肥以易,田肥以易則出實百倍。 |
shí ㄕˊ (4.2): 結果實。 Result.
《·》: | 秀而不實者有矣夫! | There are cases where it flowers but no fruit is subsequently produced! | 《·》: | 孟子曰:「仁之實,事親是也。」 | Mencius said, 'The richest fruit of benevolence is this: the service of one's parents.' |
shí ㄕˊ (5.1): 實際,實在内容。 Real thing, actual content.
《·》: | 知,聞、說、親,名、實、合、為 | Zhi (know). By hearsay, by explanation, by personal experience. The name, the object, how to relate, how to act. | 《·》: | 臣非非難言也,所以難言者:言順比滑澤,洋洋纚纚然,則見以為華而不實 | 《·》: | 異形離心交喻,異物名實玄紐,貴賤不明,同異不別 | 《·》: | 華而不實,恥也。 |
shí ㄕˊ (5.2): 事實,事跡。 Fact, thing which happened.
shí ㄕˊ (6): 真實,誠實。 True, honest.
shí ㄕˊ (7): 堅實,堅強。 Firm, unwavering.
《·》: | 夫兵形象水,水之形,避高而趨下:兵之形,避實而擊虛 | Military tactics are like unto water; for water in its natural course runs away from high places and hastens downwards. So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak. |
shí ㄕˊ (8): 實在,其實。 In fact, actually.
shí ㄕˊ (9): 證明,核實。 Prove, show to be true.
《·》: | 眾人以為虛言,吾將舉類而實之。 | 《·》: | 湯曰:「汝奚以實之?」 |
shí ㄕˊ (10): 實行,實踐。 Carry out, implement.
《》: | 曰,恤病討貳,於是卿不書,不實其言也,宋為盟故,伐陳,衛人救之。 |
shí ㄕˊ (11): 古算術稱被乘數、被除數為實數,簡稱「實」。 Term in arithmetic for a multiplicand or dividend.
《·》: | 經分術曰:以人數為法,錢數為實,實如法而一。 |
shí ㄕˊ (12): 通「寔」:確實,實在。 Really, indeed so.
《·》: | 趙穿攻公于桃園,逆公子黑臀而立之,實為成公。 |
shí ㄕˊ (13): 通「寔」:是,此。 This.
《·》: | 有頍者弁、實維伊何。 | Those in the leather caps, - Who are they? | 《》: | 陳侯曰,宋衛實難,鄭何能為,遂不許。 |
shí ㄕˊ (14): 助詞:用於前置賓語之後。 Particle used in a sentence after moving forward the object.
《》: | 對曰,臣聞之,鬼神非人實親,惟德是依,故《》曰:「皇天無親,惟德是輔」 |