將 |
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (1): 取,拿。 Take.
《·》: | 井上有李,螬食實者過半矣,匍匐往將食之,三咽,然後耳有聞,目有見。 | Over a well there grew a plum-tree, the fruit of which had been more than half eaten by worms. He crawled to it, and tried to eat some of the fruit, when, after swallowing three mouthfuls, he recovered his sight and hearing. | 《·》: | 瑤席兮玉瑱,盍將把兮瓊芳。 |
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (2): 用。 Use.
《》: | 及三晉分知氏,趙襄子最怨知伯,而將其頭以為飲器。 |
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (3.1): 扶進。 Push forward.
《·》: | 無將大車、祇自塵兮。 | Do not push forward a wagon; - You will only raise the dust about yourself. |
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (3.2): 駕,禦。 Drive.
《·》: | 甯越欲幹齊桓公,困窮無以自達,於是為商旅,將任車,以商于齊,暮宿于郭門之外。 | 《·》: | 甯戚欲干齊桓公,窮困無以自進,於是為商旅將任車以至齊,暮宿於郭門之外。 |
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (4.1): 扶持,扶助。 Help, support.
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (4.2): 補助,補益。 Help financially.
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (5.1): 行,行進。 Advance, go forward.
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (5.2): 推行,奉行。 Carry out, execute.
《·》: | 肅肅王命、仲山甫將之。 | Most dignified was the king's charge, And Zhong Shan-fu carries it into execution. |
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (6.1): 跟從。 Follow.
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (6.2): 順從,遵奉。 Comply, submit.
《·》: | 語曰「將順其美,匡救其惡,故上下能相親也」 |
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (7): 為,進行。 Do, carry out.
《》: | 對曰,吾由子事公孟,子假吾名焉,故不吾遠也,雖其不善,吾亦知之,抑以利故,不能去,是吾過也,今聞難而逃,是僭子也,子行事乎,吾將死之,以周事子,而歸死於公孟,其可也,丙辰,衛侯在平壽,公孟有事於蓋獲之門外,齊子氏帷於門外,而伏甲焉,使祝蛙寘戈於車薪,以當門,使一乘從公孟以出,使華齊御公孟,宗魯驂乘,及閎中,齊氏用戈擊公孟,宗魯以背蔽之,斷肱,以中公孟之肩,殺皆之,公聞亂,乘驅自閱門入,慶比御公,公南楚驂乘,使華寅乘貳車,及公宮,鴻騮魋駟乘于公,公載寶以出,褚師子申,遇公于馬路之衢,遂從,過齊氏,使華寅肉袒執蓋,以當其闕,齊氏射公,中南楚之背,公遂出,寅閉郭門,踰而從公,公如死鳥,析朱鉏宵從竇出,徒行從公,齊侯使公孫青聘于衛,既出,聞衛亂,使請所聘,公曰,猶在竟內,則衛君也,乃將事焉,遂從諸死鳥,請將事,辭曰,亡人不佞,失守社稷,越在草莽,吾子無所辱君命。 |
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (8): 送。 Accompany, see off.
《·》: | 發伏利,輸墆積修道途,便關市,慎將宿,此謂輸之以財。 |
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (9.1): 傳,傳達。 Transmit.
《·》: | 闕黨童子將命。 | A youth of the village of Que was employed by Confucius to carry the messages between him and his visitors. |
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (9.2): 表達。 Express.
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (10): 奉獻,祭奉。 Offer (as a sacrifice).
《·》: | 師金曰:「夫芻狗之未陳也,盛以篋衍,巾以文繡,尸祝齊戒以將之。」 | And the other said, 'Before the grass-dogs are set forth (at the sacrifice), they are deposited in a box or basket, and wrapt up with elegantly embroidered cloths, while the representative of the dead and the officer of prayer prepare themselves by fasting to present them.' | 《·》: | 我將我享、維羊維牛、維天其右之。 | I have brought my offerings, A ram and a bull. May Heaven accept them! |
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (11): 奉養,飼養。 Look after, raise.
《·》: | 王事靡盬、不遑將父。 | But the king's business was not to be slackly performed; And I had not leisure to nourish my father. | 《·》: | 口必甘味,和精端容,將之以神氣。 |
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (12): 保護,衛護。 Protect.
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (13): 強壯。 Strong, robust.
《·》: | 嘉我未老、鮮我方將。 | They praise me as not yet old; They think few like me in vigour. |
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (14): 長久。 Long time.
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (15): 攜帶,帶領。 Carry, lead.
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (16): 側,旁邊。 Side, beside.
《·》: | 度其鮮原、居歧之陽、在渭之將。 | He then determined the finest of the plains, And settled on the south of Qi, On the side of the Wei. |
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (17): 將要。 Will, about to.
《·》: | 夫辯者,將以明是非之分,審治亂之紀,明同異之處,察名實之理,處利害,決嫌疑。 | "Distinguishing" will be used to make clear the distinction between so and not-so; investigate the rules of order and chaos; make clear the locations of similarity and difference; examine the patterns of name and stuff; locate benefit and harm, and resolve doubts. | 《·》: | 天下之無道也久矣,天將以夫子為木鐸。 | The kingdom has long been without the principles of truth and right; Heaven is going to use your master as a bell with its wooden tongue. | 《·》: | 仲尼曰:「齋,吾將語若!」 | Zhongni replied, 'It is fasting, (as) I will tell you.' | 《·》: | 晉獻公將殺其世子申生,公子重耳謂之曰:「子蓋言子之志於公乎?」 | Duke Xian of Jin, intending to put to death his heir-son Shen-sheng, another son, Chong-er, said to the latter, 'Why should you not tell what is in your mind to the duke?' | 《·》: | 墨子聞之,自魯往,裂裳裹足,日夜不休,十日十夜而至於郢,見荊王曰:「臣北方之鄙人也,聞大王將攻宋,信有之乎?」 |
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (18): 將近。 Close to, almost.
《·》: | 今滕,絕長補短,將五十里也,猶可以為善國。 | Now, Teng, taking its length with its breadth, will amount, I suppose, to fifty li. It is small, but still sufficient to make a good State. |
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (19): 豈。 How?
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (20): 介詞:與。 Preposition: with.
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (21.1): 連詞:表示並列,相當於「和」、「與」。 Connective: and, with.
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (21.2): 連詞:表示選擇,相當於「還是」。 Connective: or, otherwise.
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (21.3): 連詞:表示假設,相當於「如果」。 Connective: if, supposing.
《·》: | 不悅曰:「先君所為,不與子而與弟者,凡為季子也,將從先君之命,則國宜之季子也,如不從先君之命而與子,我宜當立者也,僚惡得為君?」 | 《》: | 將從先君之命與,則國宜之季子者也。 |
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (22): 助詞:加在動詞後,無實義。 Particle used after a verb.
jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ (23): 通「螀」:一種昆蟲。 A kind of insect.
《·》: | 鳥飛反鄉,兔走歸窟,狐死首丘,寒將翔水,各哀其所生。 |
jiàng ㄐㄧㄤˋ (24.1): 領兵。 Command troops.
《·》: | 公將上軍,太子申生將下軍,趙夙御戎,畢萬為右,伐滅霍,滅魏,滅耿。 |
jiàng ㄐㄧㄤˋ (24.2): 將領。 Military commander.
《·》: | 雖至士之為將相者,皆有法,雖至百工從事者,亦皆有法。 | The gentlemen fulfilling their duties as generals and councillors have their standards. Even the artisans performing their tasks also have their standards. |
jiàng ㄐㄧㄤˋ (24.3): 以...為將。 Appoint as military commander.
qiāng ㄑㄧㄤ (25): 請。 Please, humbly request.
《·》: | 將仲子兮、無踰我里、無折我樹杞。 | I pray you, Mr. Zhong, Do not come leaping into my hamlet; Do not break my willow trees. |
qiāng ㄑㄧㄤ (26): 通「鏘」,見「將將」。 [Onomatopoeia]
zāng ㄗㄤ (27): 通「牂」:母羊。 Female sheep.
《·》: | 炮:取豚若將,刲之刳之,實棗於其腹中,編萑以苴之,涂之以謹涂,炮之,涂皆乾,擘之,濯手以摩之,去其皽,為稻粉糔溲之以為酏,以付豚煎諸膏,膏必滅之,鉅鑊湯以小鼎薌脯於其中,使其湯毋滅鼎,三日三夜毋絕火,而後調之以醯醢。 | For the Bake, they took a sucking-pig or a (young) ram, and having cut it open and removed the entrails, filled the belly with dates. They then wrapped it round with straw and reeds, which they plastered with clay, and baked it. When the clay was all dry, they broke it off. Having washed their hands for the manipulation, they removed the crackling and macerated it along with rice-flour, so as to form a kind of gruel which they added to the pig. They then fried the whole in such a quantity of melted fat as to cover it. Having prepared a large pan of hot water, they placed in it a small tripod, which was filled with fragrant herbs, and the slices of the creature which was being prepared. They took care that the hot water did not cover this tripod, but kept up the fire without intermission for three days and nights. After this, the whole was served up with the addition of pickled meat and vinegar. |
將將 |
qiāng qiāng ㄑㄧㄤ ㄑㄧㄤ (1): 高大莊嚴的樣子。 Tall and stately appearance.
《·》: | 迺立應門、應門將將。 | They set up the court gate; And the court gate stood grand. |
qiāng qiāng ㄑㄧㄤ ㄑㄧㄤ (2): 廣大的樣子。 Large appearance.
《·》: | 《》云:「如霜雪之將將,如日月之光明,為之則存,不為則亡。」 |
qiāng qiāng ㄑㄧㄤ ㄑㄧㄤ (3): 交集,聚集的樣子。 Assemblage.
qiāng qiāng ㄑㄧㄤ ㄑㄧㄤ (4): 金、玉撞擊的聲音。 Sound of metal and jade colliding.
《·》: | 將翱將翔、佩玉將將。 | As they move about, The gems of her girdle-pendant tinkle. |