小 |
xiǎo ㄒㄧㄠˇ (1.1): 與「大」相對。 Small.
《》: | 是以聖人不親細民,明主不躬小事。 | 《》: | 楚子伐陸渾之戎,遂至于雒,觀兵于周疆,定王使王孫滿勞楚子,楚子問鼎之大小輕重焉,對曰,在德不在鼎,昔夏之方有德也,遠方圖物,貢金九牧,鑄鼎象物,百物而為之備,使民知神姦,故民入川澤山林,不逢不若,螭魅罔兩,莫能逢之,用能協于上下,以承天休,桀有昏德,鼎遷于商,載祀六百,商紂暴虐,鼎遷于周,德之休明,雖小,重也,其姦回昏亂,雖大,輕也,天祚明德,有所底止,成王定鼎于郟鄏,卜世三十,卜年七百,天所命也,周德雖衰,天命未改,鼎之輕重,未可問也。 |
xiǎo ㄒㄧㄠˇ (1.2): 使變小。 Make small.
《·》: | 匠人斵而小之,則王怒,以為不勝其任矣。 | Should the workmen hew them so as to make them too small, then your Majesty will be angry, thinking that they will not answer for the purpose. | 《·》: | 凡大者,小鄰國也。 |
xiǎo ㄒㄧㄠˇ (1.3): 以為小,小看,輕視。 View as small.
《·》: | 孟子曰:「孔子登東山而小魯,登太山而小天下。」 | Mencius said, 'Confucius ascended the eastern hill, and Lu appeared to him small. He ascended the Tai mountain, and all beneath the heavens appeared to him small.' |
xiǎo ㄒㄧㄠˇ (2.1): 細。 Thin.
xiǎo ㄒㄧㄠˇ (2.2): 狹隘,不足。 Insufficient.
《·》: | 好問則裕,自用則小 | He who likes to put questions, becomes enlarged; he who uses only his own views, becomes smaller (than he was). |
xiǎo ㄒㄧㄠˇ (3): 短暫。 Short (time), fleeting.
《·》: | 小知不及大知,小年不及大年。 | The knowledge of that which is small does not reach to that which is great; (the experience of) a few years does not reach to that of many. |
xiǎo ㄒㄧㄠˇ (4): 年幼。 Young.
xiǎo ㄒㄧㄠˇ (5): 稍微,略。 Slightly, somewhat.
《·》: | 曰:「其為人也小有才,未聞君子之大道也,則足以殺其軀而已矣。」 | Mencius replied, 'He was a man, who had a little ability, but had not learned the great doctrines of the superior man. He was just qualified to bring death upon himself, but for nothing more.' |
xiǎo ㄒㄧㄠˇ (6.1): 低微。 Low level.
《·》: | 柳下惠,不羞汙君,不辭小官。 | Hui of Liu Xia was not ashamed to serve an impure prince, nor did he think it low to be an inferior officer. |
xiǎo ㄒㄧㄠˇ (6.2): 小人,地位低微的人。 A person of low rank.
xiǎo ㄒㄧㄠˇ (6.3): 品質壞的人。 A person of bad moral character.
xiǎo ㄒㄧㄠˇ (7): 謙詞:如「小人」、「小子」等。 Humble term for oneself.
小人 |
xiǎo rén ㄒㄧㄠˇ ㄖㄣˊ (1): 地位低下的人。 Commoner.
《·》: | 子曰:「唯女子與小人為難養也,近之則不孫,遠之則怨。」 | The Master said, "Of all people, girls and servants are the most difficult to behave to. If you are familiar with them, they lose their humility. If you maintain a reserve towards them, they are discontented." | 《·》: | 有大人之事,有小人之事。 | Great men have their proper business, and little men have their proper business. |
xiǎo rén ㄒㄧㄠˇ ㄖㄣˊ (2): 無道德的人,與「君子」相對。 A mean man, a man with no morals.
《·》: | 應之曰:「古者羿作弓,伃作甲,奚仲作車,巧垂作舟,然則今之鮑函車匠皆君子也,而羿、伃、奚仲、巧垂皆小人邪?」 | We answer him: In antiquity Yi invented the bow, Yu invented armour, Xi Zhong invented vehicles, and Qiao Cui invented boats. Would he say, the tanners, armourers, and carpenters of to-day are all superior men, whereas Yi, Yu, Xi Zhong, and Qiao Cui were all ordinary men? | 《·》: | 子曰:「君子周而不比,小人比而不周。」 | The Master said, "The superior man is catholic and not partisan. The mean man is partisan and not catholic." | 《·》: | 尹士聞之曰:「士誠小人也。」 | When Yin Shi heard this explanation, he said, 'I am indeed a small man.' | 《·》: | 君子小人之反也:君子大心則敬天而道,小心則畏義而節。 |
xiǎo rén ㄒㄧㄠˇ ㄖㄣˊ (3): 對地位高於自己或平輩自稱德謙辭。 Humble way of referring to oneself used when speaker to a superior.
《》: | 食舍肉,公問之,對曰:「小人有母,皆嘗小人之食矣,未嘗君之羹。」 |