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Chinese Text Project
Simplified Chinese version


Seal script

Radical:+ 1 strokes = 4 strokes total.
References:Guangyun: p.518#2 Kangxi: p.299#32 Cihai: p.445r6c01 GSR: 794.a Hanyu: v2,p0964#02
Composition:Component of: 𪞚 𪧆 𠧛 𡵸 𢗜 𡛄 ��� 𦬨 𭥜 𭴐 𣏧 𫵗 𣥉 [More]
Mandarin:chǐ chě ㄔˇ ㄔㄜˇ
Cantonese:ce2 cek3
Tang reconstruction:*chiɛk
Fanqie:昌石 (《广韵·入声··》)
Unihan definition:Chinese measure approx. 'foot'

CTP Dictionary

chǐ ㄔˇ (1): 量词:长度单位,十寸为尺。 Measure word: unit of length equal to ten cun.
When they are 'two', measured foot and measured foot both depart from one starting-point, which is being nowhere the same.
The philosopher Zeng said, "Suppose that there is an individual who can be entrusted with the charge of a young orphan prince, and can be commissioned with authority over a state of a hundred li, and whom no emergency however great can drive from his principles"
If a boy of five cubits were sent to the market, no one would impose on him.
As Zhuang Zhou was rambling in the park of Diao-ling he saw a strange bird which came from the south. Its wings were seven cubits in width, and its eyes were large, an inch in circuit. It touched the forehead of Zhou as it passed him, and lighted in a grove of chestnut trees.
On this, he (resolved to) raise a mound (over the grave) four feet high.
chǐ ㄔˇ (2): 尺子,量长度的器具。 Ruler, tool for measuring length.
chǐ ㄔˇ (3): 中医切脉部位名称之一。手掌后桡骨处下为寸,寸下一指处为关,关下一指处为尺。 Type of pulse-reading point in Chinese medicine.

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