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Chinese Text Project
Simplified Chinese version


Seal script

Semantic variant

Radical:+ 8 strokes = 11 strokes total.
References:Guangyun: p.473#29 Kangxi: p.314#03 Cihai: p.458r5c02 GSR: 490.c Hanyu: v1,p0782#09
Composition:Top: , bottom: . Compositionally related: .
Mandarin: cuì ㄗㄨˊ ㄘㄨㄟˋ
Cantonese:zeot1 zyut3
Tang reconstruction:dzhuət
Fanqie:慈恤 (《广韵·入声··》)
Unihan definition:rocky peaks; lofty and dangerous

CTP Dictionary

ㄗㄨˊ (1): 险岭,高峰。 High peaks.
ㄘㄨˋ (2): Same as “猝(2) ㄘㄨˋ: 副詞:突然。 Adverb: suddenly.
The streams all bubble up and overflow. The crags on the hill-tops fall down.
cuì ㄘㄨㄟˋ (3): 通“萃”:聚集,停留。 Gather, stay.

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