Chinese Text Project |
帛 U+5E1B | Seal script | Jinwen | Jiaguwen | Jianbo |
Radical: | 巾+ 5 strokes = 8 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.510#25 Kangxi: p.330#07 Cihai: p.474r5c04 GSR: 782.f Hanyu: v1,p0734#06 |
Composition: | Top: 白, bottom: 巾. Compositionally related: 帕 . Component of: 淿 绵 𡍈 婂 𤦝 𦰬 棉 𢃺 𢄇 锦 䃇 𫷍 𢄗 𢄝 綿 𦧠 艊 𦈿 𬠒 緜 [More] |
Mandarin: | bó ㄅㄛˊ |
Cantonese: | baak6 |
Tang reconstruction: | bhæk |
Shuowen: | 《帛部》帛:繒也。从巾白聲。凡帛之屬皆从帛。 |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·入聲·陌·白》帛:幣帛尚書大傳曰舜修五禮五玉三帛又姓出吳神仙傳有帛和。 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·巾部·五》帛:《唐韻》旁陌切《集韻》《韻會》薄陌切,𠀤音白。《說文》繒也。《廣韻》幣帛。《易·賁卦》賁于丘園,束帛戔戔。《書·堯典》五玉三帛。《傳》三帛,諸侯世子執纁,公之孤執元,附庸之君執黃。《周禮·春官·典命註》帛,如今璧色繒也。《左傳·閔二年》衞文公大帛之冠。《註》大帛,厚繒。《後漢·鄧后紀》必書功於竹帛。《註》帛謂縑素。又執帛,官名《前漢·曹參傳》乃封參爲執帛。《註》張晏曰:執帛,孤卿也。或曰楚官名。又草名。《爾雅·釋草》帛似帛,華山有之。《疏》華山有草,葉似帛者,因以名云。又姓。《神仙傳》吳有帛和。《水經注》瀍水西有帛仲理墓。又叶僕各切,音薄。《禮·禮運》以烹以炙,以爲醴酪。治其絲麻,以爲布帛。《又》疏布以羃,衣其澣帛。醴醆以獻,薦其燔炙。 考證:〔《爾雅·釋草》帛似帛,華山有之,《疏》華山有草,葉似帛者,因名帛草。〕謹照原文因名帛草改因以名云。 |
Fanqie: | 傍陌 (《廣韻·入聲·陌·白》) |
Unihan definition: | silks, fabrics; wealth, property |
Example usage
《論語·陽貨》: | 子曰:「禮云禮云,玉帛云乎哉?」 |
'The Master said, "'It is according to the rules of propriety,' they say. 'It is according to the rules of propriety,' they say. Are gems and silk all that is meant by propriety? Are gems and silk all that is meant by propriety? | |
《孟子·盡心上》: | 五畝之宅,樹牆下以桑,匹婦蠶之,則老者足以衣帛矣。 |
Around the homestead with its five mau, the space beneath the walls was planted with mulberry trees, with which the women nourished silkworms, and thus the old were able to have silk to wear. | |
《禮記·檀弓上》: | 伯高之喪,孔氏之使者未至,冉子攝束帛、乘馬而將之。 |
On the mourning rites for Bo-gao, before the messenger from Confucius could arrive, Ran-zi had taken it on him, as his substitute, to present a parcel of silks and a team of four horses. | |
《揚子法言》: | 禽獸食人之食,土木衣人之帛。 |
When the birds and beasts eat people's food, when buildings are adorned with the silk that ought to be used for clothing. | |
《墨子·七患》: | 故凶饑存乎國,人君徹鼎食五分之三1,大夫徹縣,士不入學,君朝之衣不革制,諸侯之客,四鄰之使,雍飧2而不盛,徹驂騑,塗不芸,馬不食粟,婢妾不衣帛,此告不足之至也。 |
Therefore when famine and dearth visit a country, the ruler will omit three from the five items of sacrifice, the officials will suspend the courts, and the scholars will not go to school and the lord will not put on his robe to give audience. Even envoys from other feudal lords and messengers from neighbouring states are entertained with cooked food only, and it is not sumptuous. The side-horses of the carriage-team are done away with and the walks (in the palace) are not weeded. Neither are the horses fed with grains, nor are the concubines and maids clothed with silk. And this is the sign of extreme scarcity. | |
《莊子·讓王》: | 事之以皮帛而不受,事之以犬馬而不受,事之以珠玉而不受,狄人之所求者土地也。 |
He tried to serve them with skins and silks, but they were not satisfied. He tried to serve them with dogs and horses, but they were not satisfied, and then with pearls and jade, but they were not satisfied. What they sought was his territory. | |
《史記·五帝本紀》: | 遂見東方君長,合時月正日,同律度量衡,修五禮五玉三帛二生一死為摯,如五器,卒乃復。 |
He then gave audience to the chieftains of the East, putting in accord their seasons and months, and rectifying the days. He rendered uniform the standard tubes, the measures of length and capacity, and the scales; and regulated the five kinds of ceremonies. The five gems, the three kinds of silks, the two living animals, and one dead one were brought as presents to the audience, but the five implements were returned at the conclusion. | |
《荀子·大略》: | 禮云禮云,玉帛云乎哉 |
《說苑·脩文》: | 喪事有賵者,蓋以乘馬束帛輿馬曰賵,貨財曰賻,水被曰襚,口實曰唅,玩好曰贈。 |
《春秋繁露·玉杯》: | 禮云禮云,玉帛云乎哉? |
《韓詩外傳·卷二》: | 傳曰:孔子遭齊程本子於郯之間,傾蓋而語,終日,有間,顧子路曰:「由,東帛十匹,以贈先生。」 |
《大戴禮記·勸學》: | 其化如神,故天子藏珠玉,諸侯藏金石,大夫畜犬馬,百姓藏布帛。 |
《白虎通德論·誅伐》: | 《禮》曰:「使次介先假途,用束帛。」 |
《新書·道德說》: | 書者,著德之理於竹帛而陳之,令人觀焉,以著所從事,故曰:「書者,此之著者也。」 |
《新序·善謀下》: | 公誠能無愛金玉璧帛,令太子為書,卑辭以安車迎之,因使辯士固請宜來,來以為客,時時從入朝,令上見之,上見之即必異問之,問之,上知此四人,亦一助也。 |
《孔子家語·問禮》: | 以炮以燔,以烹以炙,以為醴酪,治其絲麻,以為布帛。 |
《潛夫論·遏利》: | 季文子相四君,馬不餼粟,妾不衣帛。 |
《論衡·逢遇》: | 伍員、帛喜,俱事夫𦍑,帛喜尊重,伍員誅死。 |
《太玄經·積》: | 次七,魁而顏而,玉帛班而,決欲收寇。 |
《風俗通義·五伯》: | 世之紀事者不詳察其本末,至書於竹帛,同之伯功,或誤後生,豈不暗乎! |
《孔叢子·記義》: | 妻不服綵,妾不衣帛,車器不彤,馬不食粟。 |
《申鑒·俗嫌》: | 故精以底之,犧牲玉帛,以昭祈請,吉朔以通之。 |
《獨斷·卷上》: | 先帝故事,所至見長吏三老官屬,親臨軒,作樂,賜食皁帛越巾刀珮帶,民爵有級數,或賜田租之半,是故謂之幸,皆非其所當得而得之。 |
《蔡中郎集·獨斷》: | 光武因而不改,朝臣曰稽首頓首,非朝臣曰稽首再拜,公卿、侍中、尚書衣帛而朝曰朝臣,諸營校尉將大夫以下亦為朝臣。 |
《列子·天瑞》: | 夫金玉珍寶穀帛財貨,人之所聚,豈天之所與? |
《鶡冠子·武靈王》: | 所謂因人事者,結幣帛用貨財閉近人之復其口,使其所謂是者盡非也,所謂非者盡是也,離君之際用忠臣之路。 |
《文子·精誠》: | 著於竹帛,鏤於金石,可傳於人者,皆其麤也 |
《列仙傳·介子推》: | 後文公遣數千人,以玉帛禮之,不出。 |
《老子河上公章句》: | 言義衰則失禮聘,行玉帛也。 |
《韓非子·十過》: | 舜禪天下而傳之於禹,禹作為祭器,墨染其外,而朱畫其內,縵帛為茵,蔣席頗緣,觴酌有采,而樽俎有飾,此彌侈矣,而國之不服者三十三。 |
《管子·輕重丁》: | 寡人欲使帛布絲纊之賈賤,為之有道乎? |
《尉繚子·治本》: | 春夏夫出於南畝,秋冬女練於布帛,則民不困。 |
《三略·下略》: | 施于竹帛,名曰令。 |
《淮南子·道應訓》: | 事之以皮帛、珠玉而弗受。 |
《呂氏春秋·審為》: | 太王亶父居邠,狄人攻之,事以皮帛而不受,事以珠玉而不肯,狄人之所求者地也。 |
《鬼谷子·飛箝》: | 其用或稱財貨、琦瑋、珠玉、璧帛、采邑以事之。 |
《尹文子·大道上》: | 昔晉國苦奢,文公以儉矯之,乃衣不重帛,食不兼肉,無幾時,人皆大布之衣,脫粟之飯。 |
《春秋左傳》: | 紀子帛莒子,盟于密。 |
《逸周書·武紀解》: | 幣帛之閒,有巧言令色,事不成。 |
《國語·吳語》: | 王曰:「越國南則楚,西則晉,北則齊,春秋皮幣、玉帛、子女以賓服焉,未嘗敢絕,求以報吳。」 |
《晏子春秋》: | 且夫富,如布帛之有幅焉,為之制度,使無遷也。 |
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