彘 |
zhì ㄓˋ (1): 豬。 Pig
《·》: | 昔者文王之治西土,若日若月,乍光于四方于西土,不為大國侮小國,不為眾庶侮鰥寡,不為暴勢奪穡人黍、稷、狗、彘。 | When King Wen was ruling the Western land, he shone forth like the sun and the moon all over the four quarters as well as in the Western land. He did not allow the big state to oppress the small state, he did not allow the multitude to oppress the singlehanded, he did not allow the influential and strong to take away the grain and live stock from the farmers. | 《·》: | 雞豚狗彘之畜,無失其時,七十者可以食肉矣。 | In keeping fowls, pigs, dogs, and swine, let not their times of breeding be neglected, and persons of seventy years may eat flesh. | 《·》: | 牛馬犬彘嘗有入此者乎? | 《·》: | 道不拾遺,市不豫賈,城郭不關,邑無盜賊,鄙旅之人相讓以財,狗彘吐菽粟于路,而無仇爭之心。 | 《·》: | 人也,憂忘其身,內忘其親,上忘其君,則是人也,而曾狗彘之不若也。 | 《·》: | 其妖孽有生如帶,有鬼投其陴,有菟生雉,雉亦生鴳,有螟集其國,其音匈匈,國有游蛇西東,馬牛乃言,犬彘乃連,有狼入於國,有人自天降,市有舞鴟,國有行飛,馬有生角,雄雞五足,有豕生而彌,雞卵多假,有社遷處,有豕生狗。 |
zhì ㄓˋ (2): [地名] [Name of a place]
《》: | 及至厲王,以惡聞其過,公卿懼誅而禍作,厲王遂奔于彘,亂自京師始,而共和行政焉。 | 《·》: | 彘之亂,宣王在邵公之宮,國人圍之,邵公曰:「昔吾驟諫王,王不從,是以及此難。」 | 《·》: | 自此之後,天下大亂,篡殺殃禍並作,厲王奔彘,幽王見殺。 | 《》: | 厲王奔彘。 |