Chinese Text Project |
摩 U+6469 | Seal script | 擵 Semantic variant | 𢳀 Semantic variant |
Radical: | 手+ 11 strokes = 15 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.162#41 p.420#44 Kangxi: p.450#28 Cihai: p.589r1c02 GSR: 17.e Hanyu: v3,p1940#07 |
Composition: | Top: 麻, bottom: 手. Compositionally related: 𪎚 摩 . Component of: 𠘚 𠠒 𭢽 嚤 擵 𡾉 𢣾 𥗂 藦 𦇑 𭣒 𨣴 𫾝 𩉑 |
Mandarin: | mó mā ㄇㄛˊ ㄇㄚ |
Cantonese: | mo1 |
Tang reconstruction: | *mɑ |
Shuowen: | 《手部》摩:研也。从手麻聲。 |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·下平聲·戈·摩》摩:研摩又滅也,隱也,迫也。莫婆切,十一。 《廣韻·去聲·過·磨》摩:按摩。又莫禾切。 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·手部·十一》摩:〔古文〕𢳀《唐韻》莫婆切《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》眉波切,𠀤音磨。《說文》研也。《廣韻》迫也。《增韻》揩也。《易·繫辭》剛柔相摩。《註》相切摩也。《禮·學記》相觀而善之謂摩。《註》相切磋也。又《樂記》陰陽相摩。《註》猶迫也。《戰國策》於是乃摩燕烏集闕,見說趙王於華屋之下。《註》摩言切近過之。又揣摩也。《鬼谷子》摩之符也內,內符者,揣之主也。抱薪趨火,燥者先然。平地注水,濕者先濡。又《揚子·方言》滅也。𨻰之東鄙曰摩。《史記·平準書》姦或盜摩錢裏取鎔。又消摩。《曹毗杜蘭香傳》消摩自可愈疾,香以藥爲消摩。又《唐韻》《集韻》𠀤莫臥切,磨去聲。按摩也。《孟子·爲長者折枝註》折枝案摩,折手節解罷枝也。又《集韻》忙皮切,音糜。漢有施摩神,荆巫所祠。或作攠。又古與靡磨𠀤通。 考證:〔又揣摩也。《管子·輕重篇》摩之符也內,內符者,揣之主也。《鬼谷子·摩篇》抱薪趨火,燥者先然。〕謹按摩之符也內三句出鬼谷子不出管子。謹將管子以下三十字改爲鬼谷子摩之符也內,內符者,揣之主也。抱薪趨火,燥者先然。平地注水,濕者先濡。 |
Fanqie: | 莫婆 (《廣韻·下平聲·戈·摩》) 摸臥 (《廣韻·去聲·過·磨》) 莫禾 (《廣韻·去聲·過·磨》) |
Unihan definition: | rub, scour, grind; friction |
Example usage
《孟子·盡心上》: | 墨子兼愛,摩頂放踵利天下,為之。 |
The philosopher Mo loves all equally. If by rubbing smooth his whole body from the crown to the heel, he could have benefited the kingdom, he would have done it. | |
《禮記·內則》: | 炮:取豚若將,刲之刳之,實棗於其腹中,編萑以苴之,涂之以謹涂,炮之,涂皆乾,擘之,濯手以摩之,去其皽,為稻粉糔溲之以為酏,以付豚煎諸膏,膏必滅之,鉅鑊湯以小鼎薌脯於其中,使其湯毋滅鼎,三日三夜毋絕火,而後調之以醯醢。 |
For the Bake, they took a sucking-pig or a (young) ram, and having cut it open and removed the entrails, filled the belly with dates. They then wrapped it round with straw and reeds, which they plastered with clay, and baked it. When the clay was all dry, they broke it off. Having washed their hands for the manipulation, they removed the crackling and macerated it along with rice-flour, so as to form a kind of gruel which they added to the pig. They then fried the whole in such a quantity of melted fat as to cover it. Having prepared a large pan of hot water, they placed in it a small tripod, which was filled with fragrant herbs, and the slices of the creature which was being prepared. They took care that the hot water did not cover this tripod, but kept up the fire without intermission for three days and nights. After this, the whole was served up with the addition of pickled meat and vinegar. | |
《論衡·率性》: | 今妄以刀劍之鉤月,摩拭朗白,仰以嚮日,亦得火焉。 |
Now, one goes even so far as to furbish the crooked blades of swords, till they shine, when, held up against the sun, they attract fire also. | |
《莊子·則陽》: | 安危相易,禍福相生,緩急相摩,聚散以成。 |
Then were seen now security and now insecurity, in mutual change; misery and happiness produced each other; gentleness and urgency pressed on each other; the movements of collection and dispersion were established: | |
《說苑·辨物》: | 子容擣藥,子明吹耳,陽儀反神,子越扶形,子游矯摩。 |
《潛夫論·忠貴》: | 海內怨痛,人欲其亡,故一朝摩滅而莫之哀也。 |
《風俗通義·五伯》: | 莊王僭號,自下摩上,觀兵京師,問鼎輕重,恃彊肆忿,幾亡宋國,易子析骸,厥禍亦巨。 |
《孔叢子·抗志》: | 雖堅剛,卒盡相摩。 |
《文始真經·四符》: | 摩火以養神,神之所以不窮。 |
《韓非子·八說》: | 先聖有言曰:「規有摩,而水有波,我欲更之,無奈之何!」 |
《管子·侈靡》: | 能摩故道新道,定國家然後化時乎。 |
《淮南子·齊俗訓》: | 今之國都,男女切踦,肩摩於道,其於俗,一也。 |
《鬼谷子·摩篇》: | 摩者,揣之術也。 |
《史記·樂書》: | 地氣上隮,天氣下降,陰陽相摩,天地相蕩,鼓之以雷霆,奮之以風雨,動之以四時,煖之以日月,而百[物]化興焉,如此則樂者天地之和也。 |
《春秋左傳》: | 曰,寡君少遭閔凶,不能文,聞二先君之出入此行也,將鄭是訓定,豈敢求罪于晉,二三子無淹久,隨季對曰,昔平王命我先君文侯曰,與鄭夾輔周室,毋廢王命,今鄭不率,寡君使群臣問諸鄭,豈敢辱候人,敢拜君命之辱,彘子以為諂,使趙括從而更之曰,行人失辭,寡君使群臣遷大國之跡於鄭,曰,無辟敵,群臣無所逃命,楚子又使求成于晉,晉人許之,盟有日矣,楚許伯御樂伯,攝叔為右,以致晉師,許伯曰,吾聞致師者,御靡旌,摩壘而還,樂伯曰,吾聞致師者,左射以菆,代御執轡,御下兩馬,掉鞅而還,攝叔曰,吾聞致師者,右入壘,折馘,執俘而還,皆行其所聞而復,晉人逐之,左右角之,樂伯左射馬而右射人,角不能進,矢一而已。 |
《逸周書·武紀解》: | 大國之無養,小國之畏事,不可以本權失鄰家之交,不可以枉繩失鄰家之交,不據直以約,不虧體以陰,不可虞而奪也,不可策而服也,不可親而侵也,不可摩而測也,不可求而循也。 |
《國語·越語上》: | 其達士,潔其居,美其服,飽其食,而摩厲之于義。 |
《戰國策》: | 乃夜發書,陳篋書事,得《太公陰符》之謀,伏而誦之,簡練以為揣摩 |
《鹽鐵論·論勇》: | 專諸手劍摩萬乘,刺吳王,尸孽立正,鎬冠千里。 |
《漢書·敘傳下》: | 榮如辱如,有機有樞,自下摩上,惟德之隅。 |
《前漢紀》: | 湯親為之摩足。 |
《後漢書·列女傳》: | 號泣手撫摩,當發復回疑。 |
《周易·繫辭上》: | 是故,剛柔相摩,八卦相盪。 |
《周禮·冬官考工記》: | 凡攻木之工七,攻金之工六,攻皮之工五,設色之工五,刮摩之工五,搏埴之工二。 |
《焦氏易林·訟之》: | 鼎:虎聚摩牙,人待豚豬。 |
《說文解字·刀部》: | 一曰摩也。 |
《釋名·釋姿容》: | 摩娑猶未殺也,手上下之言也。 |
《方言·第六》: | 揞、揜、錯、摩,滅也。 |
《黃帝內經》: | 員鍼者,鍼如卵形,揩摩分間,不得傷肌肉,以寫分氣。 |
《金匱要略·雜療方》: | 一人摩拌臂脛,屈伸之。 |
《世說新語·文學》: | 初視維摩詰,疑般若波羅密太多,後見小品,恨此語少。 |
《顏氏家訓·書證》: | 蘇竟書云:「昔以摩研編削之才。」 |
《抱朴子·道意》: | 如此轉以相語,云頭痛者摩石人頭,腹痛者摩石人腹,亦還以自摩,無不愈者。 |
《水經注·濁漳水》: | 衡漳又東北,右會桑社溝,溝上承從陂,世稱盧達從薄,亦謂之摩訶河。 |
《神仙傳·彭祖》: | 常閉氣內息,從平日至日中,乃危坐拭目,摩搦身體,舔唇咽唾,服氣數十,乃起行,言笑如故。 |
《三國志·武帝紀》: | 王軍摩陂。 |
《群書治要·列傳》: | 凡賢主者,必將能拂世摩俗,而廢其所惡,立其所欲,故生則有尊重之勢,死則有賢明之謚也。 |
《藝文類聚·遊俠》: | 《梁何遜擬輕薄篇》曰:城東美少年,重身輕萬億,拓彈隨珠丸,白馬黃金飾,長安九逵上,青槐陰道植,轂擊晨已諠,肩摩暗不息,走狗通西望,牽牛亙南直,相期百戲傍,去來三市側,象床沓繡被,玉盤傳綺食。 |
《通典》: | 搔,摩也。 |
《意林》: | 及其羽翅成也,背負青天,膺摩赤霄,蒲且子不能得也。 |
《四書章句集注》: | 漸民以仁,摩民以義,使之浹於肌膚,淪於骨髓,而禮樂可興,所謂仁也。 |
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