Chinese Text Project |
敬 U+656C | Seal script | Jinwen | Jianbo | 𢿩 Semantic variant | 𣀖 Semantic variant |
Radical: | 攴+ 9 strokes = 13 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.428#55 Kangxi: p.473#35 Cihai: p.606r5c02 GSR: 813.a Hanyu: v2,p1466#02 |
Composition: | Left: 苟, right: 攵. Compositionally related: 敬 . Component of: 𠧂 儆 擏 𭋆 𭘷 㢣 𢐧 𢢩 𤀂 𫱻 曔 檠 璥 𭶍 㯳 憼 擎 蟼 𫄿 警 [More] |
Mandarin: | jìng ㄐㄧㄥˋ |
Cantonese: | ging3 |
Tang reconstruction: | *giæ̀ng |
Shuowen: | 《茍部》敬:肅也。从攴、茍。 |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·去聲·映·敬》敬:恭也,肅也,愼也,又姓陳敬仲之後出風俗通後漢有揚州刺史敬歆。居慶切,四。 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·攴部·九》敬:〔古文〕𣀖𢿩《廣韻》《集韻》《韻會》𠀤居慶切,音竟。《說文》肅也。《釋名》敬,警也。恆自肅警也。《玉篇》恭也,愼也。《易·坤卦》君子敬以直內,義以方外。《書·洪範》敬用五事。《周禮·天官·小宰》三日廉敬。《註》敬,不解於位也。《禮·曲禮》毋不敬。《註》禮主於敬。《左傳·僖三十三年》敬德之聚也。《論語》修己以敬。又《後漢·周燮傳》安帝以𤣥纁羔幣聘燮,燮因自載到潁川陽城,遣生送敬,遂辭疾而歸。《註》送敬,猶致謝也。又姓。《廣韻》𨻰敬仲之後,漢有揚州刺史敬歆。又《韻補》叶居卿切。《曹植·車渠椀賦》何神怪之巨偉,信一覽而尤敬。雖離朱之聰明,猶炫耀而失精。 |
Fanqie: | 居慶 (《廣韻·去聲·映·敬》) |
Unihan definition: | respect, honor; respectfully |
CTP Dictionary
[Show proper names]Example usage
《論語·學而》: | 子曰:「道千乘之國:敬事而信,節用而愛人,使民以時。」 |
The Master said, "To rule a country of a thousand chariots, there must be reverent attention to business, and sincerity; economy in expenditure, and love for men; and the employment of the people at the proper seasons." | |
《孟子·盡心上》: | 愛而不敬,獸畜之也。 |
To love him and not respect him, is to keep him as a domestic animal. | |
《禮記·投壺》: | 賓曰:「某固辭不得命,敢不敬從?」 |
And then the guest says, 'I have firmly declined what you request, but you will not allow me to refuse; --I venture respectfully to obey you.' | |
《孝經·喪親》: | 生事愛敬,死事哀戚,生民之本盡矣,死生之義備矣,孝子之事親終矣。 |
The services of love and reverence to parents when alive, and those of grief and sorrow to them when dead: these completely discharge the fundamental duty of living men. The righteous claims of life and death are all satisfied, and the filial son's service of his parents is completed. | |
《揚子法言》: | 母懷,愛也:父懷,敬也。 |
Cherishing one's mother is love. Cherishing one's father is reverence. | |
《墨子·經上》: | 禮,敬也。 |
Li (manners/courtesy) is respect. | |
《莊子·人間世》: | 葉公子高將使於齊,問於仲尼曰:「王使諸梁也甚重,齊之待使者,蓋將甚敬而不急。」 |
Zi Gao, duke of She, being about to proceed on a mission to Qi, asked Zhongni, saying, The king is sending me, Zhu Liang, on a mission which is very important. Qi will probably treat me as his commissioner with great respect, but it will not be in a hurry (to attend to the business). | |
《史記·五帝本紀》: | 取地之財而節用之,撫教萬民而利誨之,歷日月而迎送之,明鬼神而敬事之。 |
He secured the revenue of the land, and spent it economically. He governed and instructed all his subjects, and they profited by the instruction. He made a calendar of the days and months past as well as future. He knew all about spirits, and worshipped them respectfully. | |
《荀子·大略》: | 治國者敬其寶,愛其器,任其用,除其妖。 |
《說苑·君道》: | 凡處尊位者必以敬,下順德規諫,必開不諱之門,撙節安靜以藉之,諫者勿振以威,毋格其言,博采其辭,乃擇可觀。 |
《春秋繁露·玉杯》: | 誌敬而節具,則君子予之知禮。 |
《韓詩外傳·卷二》: | 至於顏淪少衰矣,馬知後有輿而輕之,知上有人而敬之,馬親其正,而敬其事,如使馬能言,彼將必曰:『騶來!』 |
《大戴禮記·主言》: | 孔子曰:「上敬老則下益孝,上順齒則下益悌,上樂施則下益諒,上親賢則下擇友,上好德則下不隱,上惡貪則下恥爭,上強果則下廉恥,民皆有別,則貞、則正,亦不勞矣,此謂七教。」 |
《白虎通德論·號》: | 故《孝經》曰:「君子之教以孝也,下言敬天下之為人父者也。」 |
《新書·脩政語下》: | 政曰:治國之道,上忠於主,而中敬其士,而下愛其民。 |
《新序·善謀下》: | 四人皆對曰:「陛下輕士善罵,臣等義不辱,故恐而亡匿,聞太子為人子孝仁、敬愛士,天下莫不延頸,願為太子死者,故來耳。」 |
《中論·法象》: | 《詩》云:「敬爾威儀,惟民之則。」 |
《孔子家語·大昏解》: | 所以治禮,敬為大。 |
《潛夫論·務本》: | 是故務本則雖虛偽之人皆歸本,居末則雖篤敬之人皆就末。 |
《論衡·骨相》: | 韓生謝遣相工,通刺倪寬,結膠漆之交,盡䈥力之敬,徙舍從寬,深自附納之 |
《太玄經·少》: | 測曰,「貧不貧」、何足敬也。 |
《風俗通義·六國》: | 陳完字敬仲,陳厲公之子也。 |
《孔叢子·論書》: | 苟由其道、致其仁,則遠方歸志而致其敬焉。 |
《申鑒·雜言上》: | 禮者,敬而已矣。 |
《忠經·聖君章》: | 文王敬遜、虞芮遜畔是也。 |
《素書·遵義章》: | 慢其所敬者凶。 |
《新語·輔政》: | 然處高之安,乘克讓之敬,德配天地,光被四表,功垂於無窮,名傳於不朽,蓋自處得其巢,任杖得其材也。 |
《獨斷·卷上》: | 凡樹社者,欲令萬民加肅敬也,各以其野所宜之木以名其社及其野,位在未地。 |
《蔡中郎集·獨斷》: | 帝謚:違拂不成曰隱,靖民則法曰黃,翼善傳聖曰堯,仁聖盛明曰舜,殘人多壘曰桀,殘義損善曰紂,慈惠愛親曰孝,愛民好與曰惠,聖善同文曰宣,聲聞宣遠曰昭,克定禍亂曰武,聰明睿智曰獻,溫柔聖善曰懿,布德執義曰穆,仁義說民曰元,安仁立政曰神,布綱治紀曰平,亂而不損曰靈,保民耆艾曰明,辟土有德曰襄,貞心大度曰匡,大慮慈民曰定,知過能改曰恭,不生其國曰聲,一德不懈曰簡,夙興夜寐曰敬,清白自守曰貞,柔德好眾曰靖,安樂治民曰康,小心畏忌曰僖,中身早折曰悼,慈仁和民曰順,好勇致力曰莊,恭人短折曰哀,在國逢難曰愍,名實過爽曰繆,壅遏不通曰幽,暴虐無親曰厲,致志大圖曰景,辟土兼國曰桓,經緯天地曰文,執義揚善曰懷,短折不成曰殤,去禮遠眾曰煬,怠政外交曰攜,治典不敷曰祈。 |
《列子·黃帝》: | 楊朱蹴然變容曰:「敬聞命矣!」 |
《鶡冠子·度萬》: | 因治者,招賢聖而道心術,敬事生和,名尸后王。 |
《文子·道德》: | 曰:為上則恭嚴,為下則卑敬,退讓守柔,為天下雌,立於不敢,設於不能,此之謂禮也。 |
《老子河上公章句》: | 而身先,天下敬之,先以為長。 |
《韓非子·飾邪》: | 賞罰敬信,民雖寡,強。 |
《慎子·知忠》: | 官正以敬其業,和順以事其上,如此則至治已。 |
《管子·輕重己》: | 必具教民為酒食,所以為孝敬也。 |
《六韜·盈虛》: | 民、有孝慈者愛敬之,盡力農桑者慰勉之。 |
《司馬法·嚴位》: | 凡戰:敬則慊。 |
《淮南子·齊俗訓》: | 故四夷之禮不同,皆尊其主而愛其親,敬其兄。 |
《呂氏春秋·過理》: | 沮麛見之,不忍賊,曰:「不忘恭敬,民之主也。」 |
《尹文子·大道下》: | 見富貴,則敬而親之。 |
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