明 |
míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ (1.1): 明亮,光明。 Bright, brilliant.
《·》: | 日月有明,容光必照焉。 | The sun and moon being possessed of brilliancy, their light admitted even through an orifice illuminates. | 《·》: | 東方明矣、朝既昌矣 | ' The east is bright; The court is crowded. ' |
míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ (1.2): 白天。 Daytime.
《·》: | 自庶人以下,明而動,晦而休,無日以怠。 | 《·》: | 自庶人以下,明而動,晦而休,無自以怠。 |
míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ (2): 顯明,清楚。 Clear, obvious.
《·》: | 可與不可,其相非明。 | Acceptable and unacceptable are clearly in opposition to each other. | 《·》: | 故主道利明不利幽,利宣不利周。 | 《》: | 是故恫疑虛猲,高躍而不敢進,則秦不能害齊,亦已明矣。 |
míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ (3): 明確,闡明。 Clarify, make clear.
《·》: | 夫辯者,將以明是非之分,審治亂之紀,明同異之處,察名實之理,處利害,決嫌疑 | "Distinguishing" will be used to make clear the distinction between so and not-so; investigate the rules of order and chaos; make clear the locations of similarity and difference; examine the patterns of name and stuff; locate benefit and harm, and resolve doubts. | 《·》: | 國家閒暇,及是時明其政刑。 | When throughout his kingdom there is leisure and rest from external troubles, let him, taking advantage of such a season, clearly digest the principles of his government with its legal sanctions. | 《·》: | 帝舜乃令質修九招、六列、六英,以明帝德。 |
míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ (4): 明白,懂得。 Understand.
《·》: | 而今天下之士君子,居處言語皆尚賢,逮至其臨眾發政而治民,莫知尚賢而使能,我以此知天下之士君子,明於1小而不明於大也 | The gentlemen of to-day all exalt the virtuous in their private speech and conduct. But when it comes to the administration of the government for the public, they fail to exalt the virtuous and employ the capable. Then I know the gentlemen understand only trifles and not things of significance. | 《·》: | 孝景時,御史大夫晁錯明於世務刑名,數干諫孝景曰:「諸侯藩輔,臣子一例,古今之制也。」 | 《·》: | 故明於天人之分,則可謂至人矣。 | 《·》: | 老子曰:凡學者,能明於天人之分,通於治亂之本,澄心清意以存之,見其終始反其虛無,可謂達矣。 |
míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ (5): 明白地。 Straightforwardly, clearly.
《·》: | 願夫子輔吾志,明以教我。 | I wish you, my Master, to assist my intentions. Teach me clearly. |
míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ (6): 明淨,淨潔。 Clear, clean.
míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ (7.1): 明智,賢明。 Wise.
《》: | 不自見,故明。 | He is free from self- display, and therefore he shines. | 《·》: | 吾聞之,明君知臣,明父知子。 |
míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ (7.2): 使明智。 Make wise.
《》: | 古之善為道者,非以明民,將以愚之。 | The ancients who showed their skill in practising the Dao did so, not to enlighten the people, but rather to make them simple and ignorant. |
míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ (8): 神靈,神明。 Spirit, god.
《·》: | 式遏寇虐、憯不畏明。 | And to repress robbers and oppressors, Who have no fear of the clear will [of Heaven]. | 《·》: | 如是,百姓貴之如帝,高之如天,親之如父母,畏之如神明。 | 《》: | 師歸自伐秦,晉侯舍新軍,禮也,成國不過半天子之軍,周為六軍,諸侯之大者,三軍可也,於是知朔生盈而死,盈生六年而武子卒,彘裘亦幼,皆未可立也,新軍無帥,故舍之,師曠侍於晉侯,晉侯曰,衛人出其君,不亦甚乎,對曰,或者其君實甚,良君將賞善而刑淫,養民如子,蓋之如天,容之如地,民奉其君,愛之如父母,仰之如日月,敬之如神明,畏之如雷霆,其可出乎,夫君,神之主也,民之望也,若困民之主,匱神乏祀,百姓絕望,社稷無主,將安用之,弗去何為,天生民而立之君,使司牧之,勿使失性,有君而為之貳,使師保之,勿使過度,是故天子有公,諸侯有卿,卿置側室,大夫有貳,宗士有朋友,庶人工商皂隸牧圉,皆有親暱,以相輔佐也,善則賞之,過則匡之,患則救之,失則革之,自王以下,各有父兄子弟,以補察其政,史為書,瞽為詩,工誦箴諫,大夫規誨,士傳言,庶人謗,商旅于市,百工獻藝,故夏書曰,遒人以木鐸徇于路,官師相規,工執藝事以諫,正月孟春,於是乎有之,諫失常也,天之愛民甚矣,豈其使一人肆於民上,以從其淫,而棄天地之性,必不然矣。 | 《·》: | 《》曰:「朁不畏明。」 | 《·》: | 如是,百姓愛之如父母,畏之如神明。 | 《·》: | 愛之如父母,仰之如日月,敬之如神明,畏之如雷霆,此其可以卜祚遐長,而禍亂不作也。 |
míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ (9): 敬。 Respect.
《·》: | 對曰:「尊貴、明賢、庸勛、長老、愛親、禮新、親舊。」 | 《·》: | 故省刑之要,在禁文巧,守國之度,在飾四維,順民之經,在明鬼神,祇山川,敬宗廟,恭祖舊。 | 《》: | 古者朝廷必有同姓以明親親,必有異姓以明賢賢,此聖王之所以大通天下也。 | 《》: | 以明賢賢。 | 《·》: | 東京皇統屢絕,權歸女主,外立者四帝,臨朝者六后,莫不定策帷帟,委事父兄,貪孩童以久其政,抑明賢以專其威。 |
míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ (10): 視力。 Eyesight.
《·》: | 若明。 | Like the eyesight. | 《·》: | 明足以察秋毫之末 | My eyesight is sharp enough to examine the point of an autumn hair. | 《·》: | 子夏喪其子而喪其明 | When Zi-xia was mourning for his son, he lost his eyesight. |
míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ (11.1): 視力好。 Good eyesight.
《·》: | 若明。 | Like clearness of sight. | 《·》: | 聰以知遠,明以察微。 | Intelligent enough to understand things far off, and clever enough to search into minutiae. | 《·》: | 聰以知遠,明以察微。 |
míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ (11.2): 看得清楚。 See clearly.
《·》: | 目不能兩視而明,耳不能兩聽而聰。 | 《·》: | 目不能兩視而明,耳不能兩聽而聰。 |
míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ (12): 今之次。第二(天、月、年)。 The following (day, month, year, etc.).
《·》: | 明日遂行。 | On this, he took his departure the next day. | 《·》: | 明年,伐犬戎。 |