Chinese Text Project |
月 U+6708 | Seal script | Jinwen | Jiaguwen | Jianbo |
Radical: | 月+ 0 strokes = 4 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.477#25 Kangxi: p.504#19 Cihai: p.655r4c05 GSR: 306.a Hanyu: v3,p2041#01 |
Composition: | Component of: 且 肊 𣍝 肌 𦘩 肍 有 𦘪 𬁰 肎 𦘭 𣍞 𦘰 𦘮 𦘱 𦘯 𦘲 𭨤 肋 𭨥 [More] |
Mandarin: | yuè ㄩㄝˋ |
Cantonese: | jyut6 |
Tang reconstruction: | *ngiuæt |
Shuowen: | 《月部》月:闕也。大陰之精。象形。凡月之屬皆从月。 |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·入聲·月·月》月:范子計然云月者尺也,者紀度而成數也,王子年拾遺録曰水精爲月。魚厥切,十一。 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·月部·月部》月:《唐韻》《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》𠀤魚厥切,音軏。《說文》闕也。太隂之精。《釋名》月,缺也,滿則缺也。《易·繫辭》隂陽之義配日月。《禮·祭義》月生於西。《公羊傳·莊二十五年註》月者,土地之精。《史記·天官書註》月者,隂精之宗。《淮南子·天文訓》水氣之精者爲月。又《書·堯典》以閏月定四時成歲。《傳》一歲十二月,月三十日,三歲則置閏焉。又《洪範》二曰月。《傳》所以紀一月。《疏》從朔至晦,大月三十日,小月二十九日。《禮·禮運》月以爲量。《註》天之運行,每三十日爲一月。又姓。金月彥明首建孔子廟,明洪武中有月輝、月文憲。又外國名。《前漢·霍去病傳》遂臻小月氏。又《韻補》叶危睡切。《曹植·七啓》世有聖宰,翼帝霸世。同量乾坤,等曜日月。又叶魚橘切。《黃庭經》洞房靈象斗日月,父曰泥丸母雌一,三光煥照入子室。《類篇》唐武后作囝。 《正字通》肉字偏旁之文本作肉。石經改作月,中二畫連左右,與日月之月異。今俗作月以別之。月中从冫,不从二作。 |
Fanqie: | 魚厥 (《廣韻·入聲·月·月》) |
Unihan definition: | moon; month; KangXi radical 74 |
Example usage
《論語·雍也》: | 子曰:「回也,其心三月不違仁,其餘則日月至焉而已矣。」 |
The Master said, "Such was Hui that for three months there would be nothing in his mind contrary to perfect virtue. The others may attain to this on some days or in some months, but nothing more." | |
《孟子·盡心上》: | 王子有其母死者,其傅為之請數月之喪。 |
'At that time, the mother of one of the king's sons had died, and his tutor asked for him that he might be allowed to observe a few months' mourning. | |
《禮記·深衣》: | 制:十有二幅以應十有二月。 |
In the making (of the garment) twelve strips (of the cloth) were used, to correspond to the twelve months. | |
《揚子法言》: | 曰:「視日月而知眾星之蔑也,仰聖人而知眾說之小也。」 |
Yangzi said: Looking at the sun and moon, one knows the faintness of the multitude of stars. Gazing upon the sage one knows the pettiness of the multitude of other doctrines. | |
《墨子·尚賢中》: | 若日之光,若月之明,與天地同常。 |
Luminating as the sun, brilliant as the moon, eternal with heaven and earth. | |
《莊子·逍遙遊》: | 諧之言曰:「鵬之徙於南冥也,水擊三千里,摶扶搖而上者九萬里,去以六月息者也。」 |
We have in it these words: 'When the peng is removing to the Southern Ocean it flaps (its wings) on the water for 3000 li. Then it ascends on a whirlwind 90,000 li, and it rests only at the end of six months.' | |
《商君書·錯法》: | 夫民力盡而爵隨之,功立而賞隨之,人君能使其民信於此明如日月,則兵無敵矣。 |
Now, if titles follow upon the people's exertion of strength, if rewards follow upon their acquisition of merit, and if the prince succeeds in making people believe in this as firmly as they do in the shining of sun and moon, then his army will have no equal. | |
《孫子兵法·謀攻》: | 修櫓轒轀,具器械,三月而後成。 |
The preparation of mantlets, movable shelters, and various implements of war, will take up three whole months. | |
《史記·五帝本紀》: | 時播百穀草木,淳化鳥獸蟲蛾,旁羅日月星辰水波土石金玉,勞勤心力耳目,節用水火材物。 |
The planting of the crops, plants, and trees in their seasons, and the transformations of birds, beasts, insects, and moths. He also prepared a record of the movements of the sun, moon, and stars; the flow of the tides; and the properties of clay, stones, metals, and gems. He devoted much careful attention to these things, and his observation was applied to ascertaining how fire, water, wood, and other elements could be used economically. | |
《荀子·大略》: | 嬰貧無財,請假於君子,贈吾子以言:乘輿之輪,太山之木也,示諸檃栝,三月五月,為幬采,敝而不反其常。 |
《說苑·脩文》: | 韶樂方作,孔子至彼,聞韶三月不知肉味 |
《春秋繁露·玉杯》: | 三年之喪,二十五月。 |
《韓詩外傳·卷一》: | 傳曰:在天者、莫明乎日月,在地者、莫明於水火,在人者、莫明乎禮儀。 |
《大戴禮記》: | 故其事大,配乎天地,參乎日月,雜於雲蜺,總要萬物,穆穆純純,其莫之能循。 |
《白虎通德論·爵》: | 故《春秋》:「魯僖公三十三年十二月乙巳,薨于小寢。」 |
《新書·脩政語上》: | 其士月朝,而禹親見之,故是以禹一皆知其體也。 |
《新序·善謀下》: | 漢六年,正月,封功臣,張子房未嘗有戰功,高皇帝曰:「鉉籌策帷幄之中,決勝千里之外,子房功也,子房自擇齊三萬戶。」 |
《中論·治學》: | 故君子之於學也,其不懈,猶上天之動,猶日月之行,終身亹亹,沒而後已 |
《孔子家語·相魯》: | 三月,則鬻牛馬者不儲價。 |
《潛夫論·讚學》: | 我日斯邁,而月斯征。 |
《論衡·命義》: | 《月令》曰:「是月也,雷將發聲,有不戒其容者,生子不備,必有大凶。」 |
《太玄經·中》: | 次六,月闕其博,不如開明于西。 |
《風俗通義》: | 周、秦常以歲八月遣輶軒之使,求異代方言,還奏籍之,藏於秘室。 |
《孔叢子·論書》: | 子夏對曰:「《書》之論事也,昭昭然若日月之代明,離離然若星辰之錯行。」 |
《申鑒·時事》: | 十三曰月正聽朝。 |
《忠經·冢臣章》: | 尊其君有天地之大,日月之明,陰陽之和,四時之信。 |
《新語·道基》: | 故曰:張日月,列星辰,序四時,調陰陽,布氣治性,次置五行,春生夏長,秋收冬藏,陽生雷電,陰成雪霜,養育群生,一茂一亡,潤之以風雨,曝之以日光,溫之以節氣,降之以殞霜,位之以眾星,制之以斗衡,苞之以六合,羅之以紀綱,改之以災變,告之以禎祥,動之以生殺,悟之以文章。 |
《獨斷·卷上》: | 《月令》曰:「固封璽。」 |
《蔡中郎集·獨斷》: | 天地五郊、明堂月令舞者服之。 |
《列子·天瑞》: | 人生有不見日月、不免襁褓者,吾既已行年九十矣,是三樂也。 |
《鶡冠子·夜行》: | 天文也,地理也,月刑也,日德也,四時檢也,度數節也,陰陽氣也。 |
《文子·道原》: | 所謂後者,調其數而合其時,時之變則,間不容息,先之則太過,後之則不及,日迴月周,時不與人遊,故聖人不貴尺之璧,而貴寸之陰,時難得而易失。 |
《文始真經·五鑑》: | 曰想、曰識,譬犀望月,月形入角,特因識生,始有月形。 |
《列仙傳·琴高》: | 留一月餘,復入水去。 |
《鬻子》: | 昔者五帝之治天下也,其道昭昭若日月之明然,若以晝代夜然。 |
《老子河上公章句》: | 譬如日中則移,月滿則虧,物盛則衰,樂極則哀。 |
《韓非子·初見秦》: | 知伯率三國之眾以攻趙襄主於晉陽,決水而灌之三月,城且拔矣。 |
《慎子·逸文》: | 日月為天下眼目,人不知德。 |
《諫逐客書》: | 今陛下致昆山之玉,有隨、和之寶,垂明月之珠,服太阿之劍,乘纖離之馬,建翠鳳之旗,樹靈鼉之鼓。 |
《管子·輕重己》: | 三月之後,皆以其所有易其所無,謂之大通。 |
《六韜·盈虛》: | 百姓戴其君如日月,親其君如父母。 |
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