朕 |
zhèn ㄓㄣˋ (1.1): 第一人稱代詞。 First person pronoun: I, we.
《·》: | 牛羊父母,倉廩父母,干戈朕,琴朕,弤朕,二嫂使治朕棲。 | Let my parents have his oxen and sheep. Let them have his storehouses and granaries. His shield and spear shall be mine. His lute shall be mine. His bow shall be mine. His two wives I shall make attend for me to my bed. | 《·》: | 四嶽:朕在位七十載,汝能庸命,踐朕位? | O president of the four mountains, I have been on the throne seventy years; you are able to carry out the decrees, do you occupy my throne. | 《·》: | 於乎悠哉、朕未有艾。 | Ah! far-reaching [were his plans], And I am not yet able to carry them out. | 《·》: | 爾無不信,朕不食言。 | On no account disbelieve me - I will not eat my words. | 《·》: | 卬,吾,台,予,朕,身,甫,余,言,我也 | 《·》: | 帝高陽之苗裔兮,朕皇考曰伯庸 |
zhèn ㄓㄣˋ (1.2): 秦始皇之後成爲皇帝專用的自稱。 From the era of Qin Shi Huang onwards, used by the emperor to refer to himself.
《·》: | 上曰:「朕聞之,天生蒸民,為之置君以養治之。」 |
zhèn ㄓㄣˋ (2): 徵兆,形跡。 Sign, omen.