Chinese Text Project |
本 U+672C | Seal script | Jinwen | 㮺 Semantic variant | 夲 Alternate form | 楍 Semantic variant | 𡴡 Semantic variant |
Radical: | 木+ 1 strokes = 5 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.282#21 Kangxi: p.509#07 Cihai: p.666r3c01 GSR: 440.a Hanyu: v2,p1151#01 |
Composition: | Component of: 体 呠 泍 𠄯 𡊖 𡭦 𡿶 𭕕 𢫆 𡇐 㡷 㤓 𤙃 𭯓 𪰐 𪱻 𦚄 㶱 𧙄 𬑊 [More] |
Mandarin: | běn ㄅㄣˇ |
Cantonese: | bun2 |
Tang reconstruction: | *bə̌n |
Shuowen: | 《木部》本:木下曰本。从木,一在其下。 |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·上聲·混·本》本:本末又治也,下也,舊也。《說文》曰:木下曰本从木一在其下俗作夲夲自音叨。布忖切,六。 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·木部·木部》本:〔古文〕楍㮺𡴡《唐韻》《正韻》布忖切《集韻》《韻會》補衮切,𠀤奔上聲。《說文》木下曰本。从木,一在其下,草木之根柢也。《左傳·昭元年》木水之有本原。《班固·西都賦》元元本本,殫見洽聞。又《玉篇》始也。又《廣韻》舊也,下也。《禮·禮器》反本修古,不忘其初。《爾雅·釋器疏》柢本也,凡物之本,必在底下。又《左傳註》豫爲後地曰張本。又《曲禮》韭曰豐本,菖蒲根曰昌本。又《集韻》《類篇》𠀤逋昆切。同奔。喻德宣譽曰本走。又叶方典切,音匾。《班婕妤·擣素賦》調非常律,聲無定本。或連躍而更投,或暫舒而常斂。 考證:〔《曲禮註》韭曰豐本。〕謹按韭曰豐本係經文,非註文,謹省註字。 |
Fanqie: | 布忖 (《廣韻·上聲·混·本》) |
Unihan definition: | root, origin, source; basis |
CTP Dictionary
[Show proper names]Example usage
《論語·學而》: | 君子務本,本立而道生。 |
The superior man bends his attention to what is radical. That being established, all practical courses naturally grow up. | |
《孟子·告子下》: | 不揣其本而齊其末,方寸之木可使高於岑樓。 |
If you do not adjust them at their lower extremities, but only put their tops on a level, a piece of wood an inch square may be made to be higher than the pointed peak of a high building. | |
《禮記·服問》: | 麻之有本者,變三年之葛。 |
'Where they wore the sash with the roots of hemp wrought into the cloth, they changed it for the dolychos cloth of the three years' mourning. | |
《孝經·喪親》: | 生事愛敬,死事哀戚,生民之本盡矣,死生之義備矣,孝子之事親終矣。 |
The services of love and reverence to parents when alive, and those of grief and sorrow to them when dead: these completely discharge the fundamental duty of living men. The righteous claims of life and death are all satisfied, and the filial son's service of his parents is completed. | |
《揚子法言·序》: | 事有本真,陳施於意,動不克,咸本諸身,譔《修身》。 |
Everything has an original essence, but it is unfolded in myriad forms. If one's actions cannot be brought to completion, one must seek the root of the matter in oneself. Thus, I have written "Cultivating the Self." | |
《莊子·逍遙遊》: | 其大本擁腫而不中繩墨,其小枝卷曲而不中規矩,立之塗,匠者不顧。 |
Its trunk swells out to a large size, but is not fit for a carpenter to apply his line to it; its smaller branches are knotted and crooked, so that the disk and square cannot be used on them. Though planted on the wayside, a builder would not turn his head to look at it. | |
《道德經》: | 輕則失本,躁則失君。 |
If he do act lightly, he has lost his root (of gravity); if he proceed to active movement, he will lose his throne. | |
《商君書·更法》: | 孝公平畫,公孫鞅、甘龍、杜摯三大夫御於君,慮世事之變,討正法之本,求使民之道。 |
Duke Xiao discussed his policy. The three Great Officers, Gong sun Yang, Gan Long and Du Zhi, were in attendance on the Prince. Their thoughts dwelt on the vicissitudes of the world's affairs; they discussed the principles of rectifying the law, and they sought for the way of directing the people. | |
《荀子·大略》: | 蘭茞槁本,漸於蜜醴,一佩易之。 |
《說苑·脩文》: | 黃帝詔伶倫作為音律,伶倫自大夏之西,乃之崑崙之陰,取竹於嶰谷,以生竅厚薄均者,斷兩節間,其長九寸而吹之,以為黃鐘之宮,日含少次,制十二管,以崑崙之下,聽鳳之鳴,以別十二律,其雄鳴為六,雌鳴亦六,以比黃鐘之宮,適合黃鐘之宮,皆可生之,而律之本也。 |
《春秋繁露·玉杯》: | 《易》本天地,故長於數。 |
《韓詩外傳·卷一》: | 夫利為害本,而福為禍先,唯不求利者為無害,不求福者為無禍。 |
《大戴禮記·主言》: | 七教者,治民之本也,教定是正矣。 |
《白虎通德論·爵》: | 內者為本,故不改內也。 |
《新書·大政下》: | 夫民者,諸侯之本也。 |
《新序·善謀下》: | 上曰:「本言都秦地者,婁敬也。」 |
《中論·脩本》: | 用乎己者謂之務本,用乎人者謂之近末。 |
《孔子家語·大昏解》: | 愛與敬,其政之本與。 |
《潛夫論·務本》: | 凡為人之大體,莫善於抑末而務本,莫不善於離本而餝末。 |
《論衡·命義》: | 性命在本,故《禮》有胎教之法:子在身時,席不正不坐。 |
《太玄經·失》: | 測曰,「滿倉」「蕪田」、不能脩本也。 |
《風俗通義》: | 聖人廢,則還其本俗。 |
《孔叢子·廣言》: | 苞、跋,本也。 |
《申鑒·政體》: | 夫道之本,仁義而已矣。 |
《忠經·天地神明章》: | 為國之本,何莫由忠! |
《素書·原始章》: | 夫欲為人之本,不可無一焉。 |
《新語·道基》: | 於是後聖乃定《五經》,明《六藝》,承天統地,窮事微,原情立本,以緒人倫,宗諸天地,脩篇章,垂諸來世,被諸鳥獸,以匡衰亂,天人合策,原道悉備,智者達其心,百工窮其巧,乃調之以管絃絲竹之音,設鍾鼓歌舞之樂,以節奢侈,正風俗,通文雅。 |
《獨斷·卷上》: | 群臣有所奏請,無尚書令奏制字,則荅曰「已奏」,如書本官下所當至,亦曰詔。 |
《蔡中郎集·獨斷》: | 群臣有所奏請,無尚書令奏制字,則荅曰「已奏」,如書本官下所當至,亦曰詔。 |
《墨子·經說下》: | 相衡則本短標長,兩加焉重相若,則標必下,標得權也。 |
《魯勝墨辯注敘》: | 墨子著書作辯經以立名本,惠施、公孫龍祖述其學,以正別 |
《列子·天瑞》: | 道終乎本无始,進乎本不久。 |
《鶡冠子·博選》: | 君也者,端神明者也,神明者,以人為本者也,人者,以賢聖為本者也,賢聖者,以博選為本者也,博選者,以五至為本者也。 |
《文子·道原》: | 是以聖人內修其本,而不外飾其末,厲其精神,偃其知見故漠然無為而無不為也,無治而無不治也。 |
《文始真經·一宇》: | 聖人之道:本無首,末無尾,所以應物不窮。 |
《列仙傳·赤松子》: | 今之雨師本是焉。 |
《鬻子》: | 卿相者、侯之本也。 |
《老子河上公章句》: | 始者道本也,吐氣布化,出於虛無,為天地本始也。 |
《韓非子·有度》: | 此亡之本也。 |
《申不害·佚文》: | 土,食之本也。太平御覽三十七、天中記七、繹史一百十一 |
《管子·輕重戊》: | 衡山之君告其相曰:「天下爭吾械器,令其買再什以上」,衡山之民,釋其本而修械器之巧。 |
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