Radical: | 木+ 11 strokes = 15 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.416#59 p.464#21 p.505#21 Kangxi: p.548#20 Cihai: p.715r4c03 GSR: 1125.a Hanyu: v2,p1280#16 |
Composition: | Component of: 𠘙 𭀅 擽 濼 𡾒 𤢴 㜰 嚛 㦡 䑈 瓅 𫿾 𣀝 𣋵 𣤰 櫟 爍 䁻 皪 礫 [More] |
Mandarin: | lè yuè yào luò liáo ㄌㄜˋ ㄩㄝˋ ㄧㄠˋ ㄌㄨㄛˋ ㄌㄧㄠˊ |
Cantonese: | lok6 ngaau6 ngok6 |
Tang reconstruction: | *lɑk *ngak |
Shuowen: | 《》樂:五聲八音緫名。象鼓鞞。木,虡也。 |
Guangyun: | 《···》樂:好也。五敎切,又岳、洛二音。三。 《···》樂:音樂周禮有六樂雲門咸池大韶大夏大濩大武又姓出南陽本自有殷微子之後守戴公四丗孫樂莒爲大司宼。 《···》樂:喜樂。又五角、五敎二切。 |
Kangxi: | 《··》樂:《唐韻》五角切《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》逆角切,𠀤音岳。《》五聲八音之總名。《·》夔,命女典樂,敎胄子。詩言志,歌永言,聲依永,律和聲。《易·豫卦》先王作樂崇德,殷薦之上帝,以配祖考。《禮·樂記》大樂與天地同和。又鐘鼓、羽籥、干戚,樂之器也。屈伸、俯仰、綴兆、舒疾,樂之文也。《》移風易俗,莫善于樂。又姓。《》晉大夫樂王鮒,《》燕樂毅。複姓。《》樂正裘。又《唐韻》盧各切《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》歷各切,𠀤音洛。喜樂也。《通論》喜者主於心,樂者無所不被。《易·繫辭》樂天知命。《》與民同樂。又《集韻》力照切《正韻》力召切,𠀤音療。《·》可以樂飢。毛音洛,鄭音療。又《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》𠀤魚敎切。《》仁者樂山。又益者三樂。又《韻補》盧谷切,音祿。《太公·下略》四民用虛,國乃無儲。四民用足,國乃安樂。《班固·東都賦》食舉雍徹,太師奏樂,陳金石,布絲竹。又《唐韻》魯刀切,音勞。《》伯樂相馬。一作博勞。 考證:〔《》移風移俗,莫善于樂。〕謹照原文移俗改易俗。 |
Fanqie: | 五教 (《··》) 五敎 (《···》) 五角 (《···》) 盧各 (《···》) 五角 (《···》) 五敎 (《···》) |
Equivalent readings: | 洛 (《··》) 岳 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) 洛 (《··》) |
Unihan definition: | happy, glad; enjoyable; music |
樂 |
yuè ㄩㄝˋ (1.1): 音樂。 Music.
《·》: | 曰:「不圖為樂之至於斯也!」 | He said, "I did not think that music could have been made so excellent as this." | 《·》: | 曰:「王之好樂甚,則齊其庶幾乎!」 | Mencius said, 'If your Majesty's love of music were very great, Qi would be near to a state of good government!' | 《·》: | 昏禮不用樂,幽陰之義也。 | At the marriage ceremony, they did not employ music, having reference to the feeling of solitariness and darkness (natural to the separation from parents). | 《·》: | 先王以作樂崇德,殷薦之上帝,以配祖考。 | 《》: | 將說楚王路過洛陽,父母聞之,清宮除道,張樂設飲,郊迎三十里。 |
yuè ㄩㄝˋ (1.2): 奏樂。 Perform, play music.
《·》: | 曰:「獨樂樂,與人樂樂,孰樂?」 | Mencius asked, 'Which is the more pleasant - to enjoy music by yourself alone, or to enjoy it with others?' | 《·》: | 大夫不食粱,士飲酒不樂。 | Great officers will not eat the large grained millet; and (other) officers will not have music (even) at their drinking. |
yuè ㄩㄝˋ (2): 樂器。 Musical instrument.
《·》: | 樂具入奏、以綏後祿。 | The musicians all go in to perform, And give their soothing aid at the second blessing. |
yuè ㄩㄝˋ (3): 樂經。 The (now lost) classic of music.
《·》: | 孔子謂老聃曰:「丘治《》、《》、《禮》、《樂》、《》、《春秋》六經,自以為久矣,孰知其故矣,以奸者七十二君,論先王之道而明周、召之跡,一君無所鉤用。」 | Confucius said to Lao Dan, 'I have occupied myself with the Shi, the Shu, the Li, the Yue, the Yi, and the Chun Qiu, those six Books, for what I myself consider a long time, and am thoroughly acquainted with their contents. With seventy-two rulers, all offenders against the right, I have discoursed about the ways of the former kings, and set forth the examples (of the dukes of Zhou and Shao); and not one of them has adopted (my views) and put them in practice:' |
yuè ㄩㄝˋ (4): 樂工。 Musician.
《·》: | 齊人歸女樂,季桓子受之。 | The people of Qi sent to Lu a present of female musicians, which Ji Huan received. | 《·》: | 竽也者,五聲之長者也,故竽先則鍾瑟皆隨,竽唱則諸樂皆和。 |
yuè ㄩㄝˋ (5): 姓。 Yue, a surname.
lè ㄌㄜˋ (6.1): 喜悅,愉快。 Happiness.
《·》: | 有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎? | Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? | 《·》: | 曰:「獨樂樂,與人樂樂,孰樂?」 | Mencius asked, 'Which is the more pleasant - to enjoy music by yourself alone, or to enjoy it with others?' | 《·》: | 莊子曰:「儵魚出遊從容,是魚樂也。」 | When the former said, 'These thryssas come out, and play about at their ease - that is the enjoyment of fishes.' | 《·》: | 洧之外、洵訏且樂。 | Beyond the Wei, The ground is large and fit for pleasure. ' | 《·》: | 怡,懌,悅,欣,衎,喜,愉,豫,愷,康,妉,般,樂也。 |
lè ㄌㄜˋ (6.2): 使高興,使歡樂。 Make happy.
《·》: | 窈窕淑女、鍾鼓樂之。 | The modest, retiring, virtuous, young lady: With bells and drums let us show our delight in her. |
lè ㄌㄜˋ (7): 喜愛,喜歡。 Fondness for, liking of.
《·》: | 孟子見梁惠王,王立於沼上,顧鴻鴈麋鹿,曰:「賢者亦樂此乎?」 | Mencius, another day, saw King Hui of Liang. The king went and stood with him by a pond, and, looking round at the large geese and deer, said, 'Do wise and good princes also find pleasure in these things?' | 《·》: | 樂彼之園、爰有樹檀、其下維蘀。 | Pleasant is that garden, In which are the sandal trees; But beneath them are only withered leaves. |
lè ㄌㄜˋ (8): 樂於,樂意。 Happy to, willing to.
《·》: | 天子為其絕遠,非人所樂往,聽其言,予節,募吏民毋問所從來,為具備人眾遣之,以廣其道。 |
lè ㄌㄜˋ (9): 安樂。 Tranquil, contented.
《·》: | 內思畢心曰知中,中以應實曰知恕,內恕外度曰知外,外內參意曰知德,德以柔政曰知政,正義辨方曰知官,官治物則曰知事,事戒不虞曰知備,毋患曰樂,樂義曰終。 |
lè ㄌㄜˋ (10): 泛指聲色。 Music and debauchery.
《·》: | 又一年,王召范蠡而問焉,曰:「吾與子謀吳,子曰『未可也』,今吳王因于樂而忘其百姓,亂民功,逆天時。」 |
lè ㄌㄜˋ (11): 姓。 Le, a surname.