Chinese Text Project |
泉 U+6CC9 | Seal script | Jiaguwen | 洤 Semantic variant Semantic variant |
Radical: | 水+ 5 strokes = 9 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.140#14 Kangxi: p.615#12 Cihai: p.777r6c03 GSR: 237.a Hanyu: v3,p1576#10 |
Composition: | Top: 白, bottom: 水. Compositionally related: 泊 . Component of: 𪵿 𠗯 厡 𨜩 湶 𡎏 𪡠 𡺙 𢝓 缐 𣸕 𬯏 㟫 㣐 𭒉 𮞰 瑔 腺 𣹻 楾 [More] |
Mandarin: | quán ㄑㄩㄢˊ |
Cantonese: | cyun4 |
Tang reconstruction: | *dzhiuɛn |
Shuowen: | 《泉部》泉:水原也。象水流出成川形。凡泉之屬皆从泉。 |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·下平聲·仙·全》泉:水源也,又錢別名。 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·水部·五》泉:〔古文〕洤《唐韻》疾緣切《集韻》《韻會》從緣切《正韻》才緣切,𠀤音全。《說文》水原也。象水流成川形。《易·蒙象》山下出泉。又《爾雅·釋水》濫泉正出。正出,涌出也。沃泉縣出。縣出,下出也。氿泉穴出。穴出,仄出也。又同出異歸曰肥泉。《詩·衞風》我思肥泉,兹之永歎。又醴泉。《禮·禮運》天降膏露,地出醴泉。又泉有光華曰榮泉。《前漢·郊祀歌》食甘露,飮榮泉。又瀑布曰立泉。《班固·終南山賦》立泉落落。又州名。《廣輿記》周時爲七閩地,隋曰溫陵,唐曰泉州。又天泉,星名。《甘氏星經》天泉十星,在鼈東。一曰大海,主灌漑溝渠之事。又龍泉,劒名。卽龍淵也。《杜甫詩》三尺獻龍泉。又姓。南史有泉企。又貨泉,卽錢也。《周禮·天官》外府掌布之出入。《註》布,泉也。其藏曰泉,其行曰布,取名于水泉,其流行無不徧也。又《地官·泉府註》泉,或作錢。又《集韻》疾眷切,全去聲。義同。又《韻補》叶才勻切,音秦。《李尤·東觀銘》房闥內布,疏綺外陳。是謂東觀,書籍林泉。《集韻》或作灥。又𤽄、𤿁、𤆁。 |
Fanqie: | 疾縁 (《廣韻·下平聲·仙·全》) |
Unihan definition: | spring, fountain; wealth, money |
Example usage
《孟子·盡心上》: | 孟子曰:「有為者辟若掘井,掘井九軔而不及泉,猶為棄井也。」 |
Mencius said, 'A man with definite aims to be accomplished may be compared to one digging a well. To dig the well to a depth of seventy-two cubits, and stop without reaching the spring, is after all throwing away the well.' | |
《禮記·檀弓下》: | 其坎深不至於泉,其斂以時服。 |
The grave was not so deep as to reach the water-springs. The grave-clothes were such as (the deceased) had ordinarily worn. | |
《揚子法言》: | 次,山陵、川泉也。 |
Next he turns to mountains and hills, rivers and springs. | |
《論衡·率性》: | 世稱利劍有千金之價,棠谿、魚腸之屬,龍泉、太阿之輩,其本鋌,山中之恆鐵也,冶工鍜鍊,成為銛利。 |
One speaks of good swords for which a thousand jin are paid, such as the Yuchang sword of Tangqi and the Tai'a sword of Longquan. Their blade is originally nothing more than a common piece of iron from a mountain. By the forger's smelting and hammering they become sharp-edged. | |
《墨子·非攻下》: | 昔者三苗大亂,天命殛之,日妖宵出,雨血三朝,龍生於廟,犬哭乎巿,夏冰,地坼及泉,五穀變化,民乃大振。 |
Anciently, the three Miao tribes were in great confusion. Heaven ordered their destruction. The sun rose at night. It rained blood for three days. Dragons emerged in the temple and dogs cried in the market place. Ice came in summer and earth cracked until water gushed forth. The five grains appeared in mutation. At these, the people were greatly shocked. | |
《莊子·大宗師》: | 泉涸,魚相與處於陸,相呴以溼,相濡以沫,不如相忘於江湖。 |
When the springs are dried up, the fishes collect together on the land. Than that they should moisten one another there by the damp about them, and keep one another wet by their slime, it would be better for them to forget one another in the rivers and lakes. | |
《史記·五帝本紀》: | 軒轅乃修德振兵,治五氣,藝五種,撫萬民,度四方,教熊羆貔貅貙虎,以與炎帝戰於阪泉之野。 |
Who practised virtue, marshalled his men, controlled the five elements, cultivated the five kinds of grain, pacified the nations, and went over all parts of his country. Training black bears, grizzly bears, foxes, panthers, lynxes, and tigers, he, with their aid, fought with 'Flame emperor' in the desert of Banquan. | |
《荀子·君道》: | 如是,國者,事物之至也如泉原,一物不應,亂之端也。 |
《說苑·脩文》: | 使子貢往而觀之,其穿,深不至泉 |
《春秋繁露·王道》: | 故天為之下甘露,朱草生,醴泉出,風寸時,嘉禾興,鳳凰麒麟游於郊。 |
《韓詩外傳·卷五》: | 智如泉源,行可以為表儀者、人師也。 |
《大戴禮記》: | 其為人之淵泉也,多聞而難誕也,不內辭足以沒世。 |
《白虎通德論·號》: | 故黃金棄於山,珠玉捐於淵,巖居穴處,衣皮毛,飲泉液,吮露英,虛無寥廓,與天地通靈也。 |
《新書·官人》: | 知足以為源泉,行足以為表儀。 |
《新序·善謀》: | 遇黃帝戰於阪泉之兆。 |
《中論·考偽》: | 以其泉不自中涌,而注之者從外來也。 |
《孔子家語·入官》: | 凡法象在內,故法不遠而源泉不竭。 |
《潛夫論·浮侈》: | 「後世聖人易之以棺槨」,桐木為棺,葛采為緘,下不及泉,上不泄臭 |
《太玄經·礥》: | 初一,黃純于潛,不見其畛,藏鬱於泉。 |
《風俗通義》: | 風者、天氣有寒煖,地形有險易,水泉有美惡,草木有剛柔也。 |
《孔叢子·記義》: | 孔子讀《詩》及《小雅》,喟然而嘆,曰:「吾於《周南》、《召南》見周道之所以盛也,於《柏舟》見匹夫執志之不可易也,於《淇奧》見學之可以為君子也,於《考槃》見遁世之士而不悶也,於《木瓜》見苞苴之禮行也,於《緇衣》見好賢之心至也,於《鷄鳴》見古之君子不忘其敬也,於《伐檀》見賢者之先事後食也,於《蟋蟀》見陶唐儉德之大也,於《下泉》見亂世之思明君也,於《七月》見豳公之所以造周也,於《東山》見周公之先公而後私也,於《狼跋》見周公之遠志所以為聖也,於《鹿鳴》見君臣之有禮也,於《彤弓》見有功之必報也,於《羔羊》見善政之有應也,於《節南山》見忠臣之憂世也,於《蓼莪》見孝子之思養也,於《楚茨》見孝子之思祭也,於《裳裳者華》見古之賢者世保其祿也,於《采菽》見古之明王所以敬諸侯也。」 |
《申鑒·俗嫌》: | 故盜泉、朝歌,孔、墨不由,惡其名者,順其心也。 |
《新語·道基》: | 故地封五嶽,畫四瀆,規洿澤,通水泉,樹物養類,苞殖萬根,暴形養精,以立群生,不違天時,不奪物性,不藏其情,不匿其詐。 |
《獨斷·卷上》: | 周以十一月為正,八寸為尺,律中黃鍾,言陽氣踵黃泉而出,故以為正也。 |
《蔡中郎集·獨斷》: | 在長安時,出祠天于甘泉備之,百官有其儀注,名曰甘泉鹵簿。 |
《列子·黃帝》: | 心如淵泉,形如處女,不偎不愛,仙聖為之臣。 |
《鶡冠子·度萬》: | 唯聖人能正其音調其聲,故其德上反太清,下及泰寧,中及萬靈,膏露降,白丹發,醴泉出,朱草生,眾祥具,故萬口云,帝制神化,景星光潤。 |
《文子·精誠》: | 故精誠內形,氣動於天,景星見,黃龍下,鳳皇至,醴泉出,嘉穀生,河不滿溢,海不波涌。 |
《文始真經·一宇》: | 知言如泉鳴,知行如禽飛。 |
《列仙傳·鹿皮公》: | 岑山上有神泉,人不能至也。 |
《老子河上公章句》: | 水善利萬物而不爭,水在天為霧露,在地為源泉也。 |
《韓非子·說疑》: | 此十二人者,或伏死於窟穴,或槁死於草木,或飢餓於山谷,或沉溺於水泉。 |
《管子·輕重丁》: | 源泉有竭,鬼神有歇,守物之終始,身不竭,此謂源究。 |
《六韜·三陳》: | 丘陵水泉,亦有前後、左右之利,此謂地陳。 |
《尉繚子·治本》: | 三尺之泉,足止三軍渴。 |
《淮南子·齊俗訓》: | 川谷通原,積水重泉,黿鼉之所便也。 |
《呂氏春秋·觀表》: | 地為大矣,而水泉草木毛羽裸鱗未嘗息也。 |
《鄧析子·無厚》: | 圂非羆虎之窟也,池非鯨鯢之泉也。 |
《春秋左傳》: | 遂寘姜氏于城潁,而誓之曰:「不及黃泉,無相見也!」 |
《逸周書·周祝解》: | 故曰:肥豕必烹,甘泉必竭,直木必伐。 |
《國語·鄭語》: | 北有衛、燕、狄、鮮虞、潞、洛、泉、徐、蒲。 |
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