Chinese Text Project |
玄 U+7384 | Seal script | Jinwen | Jiaguwen | Jianbo | 伭 Semantic variant | 𤣥 Semantic variant |
Radical: | 玄+ 0 strokes = 5 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.136#27 Kangxi: p.725#01 Cihai: p.883r1c01 GSR: 366.a Hanyu: v1,p0280#03 |
Composition: | Top: 亠, bottom: 幺. Compositionally related: ⽞ . Component of: 𨸫 𬣤 𠅋 𠛑 𠡆 𠣖 伭 弦 怰 泫 㹡 𫠊 𪨬 𮟴 𡊨 妶 𢂄 呟 𢫔 𡇎 [More] |
Mandarin: | xuán xuàn ㄒㄩㄢˊ ㄒㄩㄢˋ |
Cantonese: | jyun4 |
Tang reconstruction: | *huen |
Shuowen: | 《玄部》玄:幽遠也。黑而有赤色者為玄。象幽而入覆之也。凡玄之屬皆从玄。 |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·下平聲·先·玄》玄:黒也,寂也,幽逺也,又姓列仙傳有𤣥俗河閒人無影。胡㳙切,十三。 |
Fanqie: | 胡㳙 (《廣韻·下平聲·先·玄》) |
Unihan definition: | deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 |
CTP Dictionary
[Show proper names]Example usage
《論語·鄉黨》: | 羔裘玄冠不以弔。 |
He did not wear lamb's fur or a black cap on a visit of condolence. | |
《孟子·滕文公下》: | 有攸不惟臣,東征,綏厥士女,匪厥玄黃,紹我周王見休,惟臣附于大邑周。 |
There being some who would not become the subjects of Zhou, king Wu proceeded to punish them on the east. He gave tranquillity to their people, who welcomed him with baskets full of their black and yellow silks, saying "From henceforth we shall serve the sovereign of our dynasty of Zhou, that we may be made happy by him." So they joined themselves, as subjects, to the great city of Zhou. | |
《禮記·曲禮上》: | 行:前朱鳥而後玄武,左青龍而右白虎。 |
On the march the (banner with the) Red Bird should be in front; that with the Dark Warrior behind; that with the Azure Dragon on the left; and that with the White Tiger on the right. | |
《揚子法言》: | 或問:「犁牛之鞹與玄騂之鞹有以異乎?」 |
Someone asked: What is the difference between the leather hide of a plow ox and that of a black or red ox? | |
《墨子·兼愛下》: | 湯曰:『惟予小子履,敢用玄牡,告於上天后曰:「今天大旱,即當朕身履,未知得罪于上下,有善不敢蔽,有罪不敢赦,簡在帝心。』」 |
Tang said: "Unworthy Lu presumed to do sacrifice with a first-born male animal to Heaven on high and mother Earth, saying, 'Now there is a great drought from heaven. It happens right in my, Lu's, time. I do not know whether I have wronged Heaven or men. Good, I dare not cover up; guilt, I dare not let go -- this is clearly seen in the mind of God.'" | |
《莊子·大宗師》: | 曰:「聞諸副墨之子,副墨之子聞諸洛誦之孫,洛誦之孫聞之瞻明,瞻明聞之聶許,聶許聞之需役,需役聞之於謳,於謳聞之玄冥,玄冥聞之參寥,參寥聞之疑始。」 |
'I learned it,' was the reply, 'from the son of Fu-mo; he learned it from the grandson of Luo-song; he learned it from Zhan-ming; he learned it from Nie-xu; he, from Xu-yu; he, from Ou; he, from Xuan-ming; he, from Shen-liao; and he learned it from Yi-shi.' | |
《道德經》: | 此兩者,同出而異名,同謂之玄。 |
Under these two aspects, it is really the same; but as development takes place, it receives the different names. Together we call them the Mystery. | |
《史記·五帝本紀》: | 黃帝居于軒轅之丘,而娶于西陵之女,是為嫘祖為黃帝正妃,生二子,其後皆有天下:其一曰玄囂,是為青陽,青陽降居江水。 |
Huangdi lived at Xuanyuan hill, and married a woman of 'Western range' land called Leizu, who was his principal wife, and bore him two sons, both of whose descendants held Imperial sway. The eldest, named Xuanxiao, or Qingyang, dwelt on the Jiang stream. | |
《荀子·大略》: | 天子山冕,諸侯玄冠,大夫裨冕,士韋弁,禮也。 |
《說苑·脩文》: | 天子束帛五匹、玄三纁二,各五十尺,諸侯玄三纁二,各三十尺,大夫玄一纁二,各三十尺,元士玄一纁一,各二丈,下士綵縵各一匹,庶人布帛各一匹。 |
《春秋繁露·服制像》: | 冠之在首,玄武之象也。 |
《大戴禮記》: | 今夫端衣、玄裳、冕而乘路者,志不在於食葷。 |
《白虎通德論·五行》: | 其神玄冥,玄冥者,入冥也。 |
《新序·雜事五》: | 子獨不見夫玄蝯乎? |
《中論·治學》: | 民之初載,其矇未知,譬如寶在於玄室,有所求而不見,白日照焉,則群物斯辯矣。 |
《孔子家語·問禮》: | 故玄酒在室,醴、醆在戶,粢醍在堂,澄酒在下,陳其犧牲,備其鼎俎,列其琴、瑟、管、磬、鐘、鼓,以其祝嘏,以降其上神,與其先祖。 |
《潛夫論·五德志》: | 鳳氏、曆正也,玄鳥氏、司分者也,伯趙氏、司至者也,青鳥氏、司啟者也,丹鳥氏、司閉者也。 |
《論衡·物勢》: | 北方、水也,其星玄武也。 |
《太玄經·玄首都序》: | 玄,渾行無窮正象天。 |
《風俗通義·三皇》: | 三皇垂拱無為,設言而民不違,道德玄泊,有似皇天,故稱曰皇。 |
《孔叢子·廣詁》: | 玄、黔、驪、黝,黒也。 |
《申鑒·雜言下》: | 莫不為言,要其至矣:莫不為德,玄其奧矣。 |
《新語·道基》: | 後世淫邪,增之以鄭、衛之音,民棄本趍末,伎巧橫出,用意各殊,則加雕文刻鏤,傳致膠漆丹青、玄黃、琦瑋之色,以窮耳目之好,極工匠之巧。 |
《獨斷·卷上》: | 北方之神,其帝顓頊,其神玄冥。 |
《蔡中郎集·獨斷》: | 天子十二旒,三公九,諸侯卿七,其纓與組各如其綬之色,衣玄上纁下,日月星辰,山龍華蟲,祠宗廟則長冠袀玄。 |
《列子·天瑞》: | 《黃帝書》曰:「谷神不死,是謂玄牝。」 |
《文子·道原》: | 無所樂,無所苦,無所喜,無所怒,萬物玄同,無非無是。 |
《文始真經·一宇》: | 故曰天、曰命、曰神、曰玄。 |
《列仙傳·赤松子》: | 縱身長風,俄翼玄圃。 |
《老子河上公章句》: | 同謂之玄,玄,天也。 |
《韓非子·十過》: | 一奏之,有玄鶴二八,道南方來,集於郎門之垝。 |
《管子·輕重丁》: | 父兄相睹樹下,論議玄語,終日不歸,是以田不發,五穀不播,麻桑不種,璽縷不治,內嚴一家而三不歸,則帛布絲纊之賈安得不貴? |
《吳子·治兵》: | 必左青龍,右白虎,前朱雀,後玄武,招搖在上,從事於下。 |
《六韜·軍勢》: | 事莫大於必克,用莫大於玄默,動莫神於不意,謀莫善於不識。 |
《司馬法·天子之義》: | 旂,夏后氏玄首,人之執也。 |
《周髀算經·序》: | 體恢洪而廓落,形脩廣而幽清,可以玄象課其進退,然而宏遠不可指掌也。 |
《淮南子·齊俗訓》: | 今夫王喬、赤誦子,吹嘔呼吸,吐故內新,遺形去智,抱素反真,以游玄眇,上通雲天。 |
《呂氏春秋·勿躬》: | 精通乎鬼神,深微玄妙,而莫見其形。 |
《春秋左傳》: | 衛侯聞楚師敗,懼,出奔楚,遂適陳,使元咺奉叔武以受盟,癸亥,王子虎盟諸侯于王庭,要言曰,皆獎王室,無相害也,有渝此盟,明神殛之,俾隊其師,無克祚國,及其玄孫,無有老幼,君子謂是盟也信,謂晉於是役也,能以德攻,初,楚子玉自為瓊弁玉纓,未之服也,先戰,夢河神謂己曰,畀余,余賜女孟諸之麋,弗致也,大心與子西,使榮黃諫,弗聽,榮季曰,死而利國,猶或為之,況瓊玉乎,是糞土也,而可以濟師,將何愛焉,弗聽,出告二子曰,非神敗令尹,令尹其不勤民,實自敗也,既敗,王使謂之曰,大夫若入,其若申息之老何,子西,孫伯,曰,得臣將死,二臣止之曰,君其將以為戮,及連穀而死,晉侯聞之,而後喜可知也,曰,莫余毒也已,蒍呂臣實為令尹,奉己而已,不在民矣。 |
《逸周書·器服解》: | 斧巾,玄繢緌,縞冠素紕,玄冠組,武卷組纓,象琪,繢瑱,絺紳帶,象玦,朱極韋,素獨。 |
《國語·越語下》: | 至于玄月,王召范蠡而問焉,曰:「諺有之曰:『觥飯不及壺飧。』」 |
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