Radical: | 玉+ 0 strokes = 4 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.177#22 p.426#47 Kangxi: p.727#02 Cihai: p.888r1c02 GSR: 739.a Hanyu: v2,p1099#10 |
Composition: | Top: 一, bottom: 土. Component of: 玍 玊 玌 主 玉 丟 玐 匡 仼 玑 全 全 兲 㺨 㺪 𪻍 㺫 𭸵 玎 玏 [More] |
Mandarin: | wáng wàng yù ㄨㄤˊ ㄨㄤˋ ㄩˋ |
Cantonese: | wong4 wong6 |
Tang reconstruction: | *hiuɑng hiuɑ̀ng |
Shuowen: | 《》王:天下所歸往也。董仲舒曰:「古之造文者,三畫而連其中謂之王。三者,天、地、人也,而參通之者王也。」孔子曰:「一貫三為王。」凡王之屬皆从王。 |
Guangyun: | 《···》王:大也,君也,字林云三者天地人一貫三爲王天下所法又姓出太原琅邪周靈王太子晉之後北海陳留齊王田和之後東海出自姫姓髙平京兆魏信陵君之後天水東平新蔡新野山陽中山章武東萊河東者殷王子比千爲紂所害子孫以王者之後号曰王氏金城廣漢長沙堂邑河南共二十一望又漢複姓五氏左傳晉有樂王鮒小王桃甲賈執英賢傳云東莞有五王氏史記云出齊威王至建王五王之後風俗通云漢有中郎威王弼出自楚威王後漢有新豐令王史音。雨方切,又雨誑切,四。 《···》王:霸王又盛也。又于方切。 |
Kangxi: | 《··》王:《》《集韻》《韻會》𠀤雨方切,音徨。《》大也,君也,天下所法。《正韻》主也,天下歸往謂之王。《易·坤卦》或從王事。又《隨卦》王用享于西山。《·》無偏無黨,王道蕩蕩。《·》宜君宜王。《註》君,諸侯也。王,天子也。◎按秦漢以下,凡諸侯皆稱王,天子伯叔兄弟分封于外者亦曰王。又諸侯世見曰王。《·》莫敢不來王。《箋》世見曰王。又凡尊稱亦曰王。《·》父之考爲王父,父之妣爲王母。又法王,象王,皆佛號。《華嚴偈》象王行處落花紅。《岑參詩》况値廬山遠,抽簪禮法王。《註》法王,佛尊號也。又姓。又《諡法》仁義所往曰王。又王屋,山名。《·》至于王屋。《疏》正義曰:王屋在河東垣縣東北。又弓名。《·》弓人,往體寡,來體多,謂之王弓之屬。又王連,遠志也。見《博雅》夫王,芏草也。見《爾雅·釋草疏》。又王鴡,鳥名。《·》鴡鳩,王鴡。《註》鵰類,今江東呼之爲鶚。又王鮪,魚名。《周禮·天官·人》春獻王鮪。《註》王鮪,鮪之大者。又蛇名。《·》蟒,王蛇。《註》蟒,蛇最大者,故曰王蛇。又蟲名。《·》王蛈蜴。註:卽螲蟷,似䵹鼄,在穴中,有蓋。今河北人呼蛈蜴。《博雅》虎,王蝟也。又《》《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》𠀤于放切,音旺霸王也。《正韻》凡有天下者,人稱之曰王,則平聲。據其身臨天下而言曰王,則去聲。《·》王此大邦。《箋》王,君也。《釋文》王,于况反。《·》項羽背約而王君王於南鄭。《師古註》上王字,于放反。又《》盛也。《·》神雖王,不善也。《註》謂心神長王。《釋文》王,于况反。又音往。《·》昊天曰明,及爾出王。《傳》王,往也。《朱註》音往。〇按王本古文玉字。註詳部首。 考證:〔《·》父之母曰王母。〕謹照原文改父之妣爲王母。〔《·》王弓。《註》往體寡來體多曰王。〕謹照原文改弓人,往體寡,來體多,謂之王弓之屬。〔又蟲名。《·》虎,王蝟也。〕謹於又蟲名爾雅釋蟲下增王蛈蜴。註:卽螲蟷,似䵹鼄,在穴中,有蓋。今河北人呼蛈蜴。二十二字。又按虎王蝟也非爾雅文,查係博雅,謹照原書增博雅二字。〔《》《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》𠀤于放切,徨去聲。霸王。〕謹按王于放切,徨胡光切,王非徨之去聲,今將徨去聲霸王五字改爲音旺霸王也。 |
Fanqie: | 雨方 (《···》) 雨誑 (《···》) 于放 (《···》) 于方 (《···》) |
Unihan definition: | king, ruler; royal; surname |
王 |
wáng ㄨㄤˊ (1.1): 夏商周三代的最高統治者。 King, title of supreme ruler of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties.
《·》: | 是故先王之治天下也,必察邇來遠,君子察邇而邇脩者也。 | Therefore, when the early kings administered the empire, they would investigate what was within reach and attract those at a distance. Investigation of a locality by the superior men means its orderly government. | 《·》: | 先王之道斯為美,小大由之。 | In the ways prescribed by the ancient kings, this is the excellent quality, and in things small and great we follow them. | 《·》: | 王變乎色,曰:「寡人非能好先王之樂也,直好世俗之樂耳。」 | The king changed colour, and said, 'I am unable to love the music of the ancient sovereigns; I only love the music that suits the manners of the present age.' | 《·》: | 春秋經世,先王之志,聖人議而不辯。 | In the Chun Qiu, which embraces the history of the former kings, the sage indicates his judgments, but does not argue (in vindication of them). | 《·》: | 湯始居亳,從先王居,作帝誥。 | Tang at first dwelt in Bo, choosing the residence of the first king, and the 'Emperor's Announcement' was written. | 《·》: | 必則古昔,稱先王。 | If he must (adduce proofs), let them be from antiquity, with an appeal to the ancient kings. |
wáng ㄨㄤˊ (1.2): 戰國時代諸侯國的統治者均稱王。 Ruler of a vassal state in the warring states period.
《·》: | 子墨子曰:「胡不見我於王?」 | Mozi said: Why not then present me to the Lord? | 《·》: | 王曰:「叟不遠千里而來,亦將有以利吾國乎?」 | The king said, 'Venerable sir, since you have not counted it far to come here, a distance of a thousand li, may I presume that you are provided with counsels to profit my kingdom?' | 《》: | 今王欲民無衣紫者,王以自解紫衣而朝,群臣有紫衣進者,曰益遠,寡人惡臭。 | 《·》: | 十年,齊滅宋,宋王死我溫 |
wáng ㄨㄤˊ (1.3): 封建社會皇族或功臣的最高爵位。 Highest title in feudal China.
wáng ㄨㄤˊ (2): 朝見天子。 Meet with the emperor.
《·》: | 昔有成湯、自彼氐羌、莫敢不來享、莫敢不來王、曰商是常。 | Formerly, in the time of Tang the Successful, Even from the Jiang of Di, They dared not but come with their offerings; [Their chiefs] dared not but come to seek acknowledgment: Such is the regular rule of Shang. ' | 《·》: | 是故先王制諸侯,使五年四王、一相朝。 |
wáng ㄨㄤˊ (3): 對祖父母輩的尊稱。見「王父」。 Respectful term for one's paternal grandparents.
wàng ㄨㄤˋ (4): 稱王,統治天下。 Rule as king, control all under heaven.
《·》: | 此四王者所染當,故王天下,立為天子,功名蔽天地。 | Now these four kings had been under good influences. Therefore they came to possess the empire and were commissioned Sons of Heaven (Emperors). Their achievements and great fame extended from Heaven to earth. | 《·》: | 故王之不王,不為也,非不能也。 | Therefore your Majesty's not exercising the royal sway, is because you do not do it, not because you are not able to do it. | 《·》: | 不拘一世之利以為己私分,不以王天下為己處顯。 | He would not grasp at the gain of the whole world to be held as his own private portion; he would not desire to rule over the whole world as his own private distinction. | 《·》: | 王天下有三重焉,其寡過矣乎! | He who attains to the sovereignty of the kingdom, having those three important things, shall be able to effect that there shall be few errors under his government. | 《·》: | 堯教於隸屬而民不聽,至於南面而王天下,令則行,禁則止。 | 《·》: | 故舜不降席而王天下者,求諸己也。 |
wàng ㄨㄤˋ (5): 封...為王。 Enfeoff as king.
wàng ㄨㄤˋ (6): 通「旺」:旺盛。 Flourish, abound.
《·》: | 神雖王,不善也。 | Though its spirit would (there) enjoy a royal abundance, it does not think (such confinement) good. |
wǎng ㄨㄤˇ (7): 通「往」:去,到。 To, go to.
《·》: | 昊天曰明、及爾出王。 | Great Heaven is intelligent, And is with you in all your goings. |
王父 |
wáng fù ㄨㄤˊ ㄈㄨˋ (1): 祖父。 Paternal grandfather.
《·》: | 王父死,未練祥而孫又死,猶是附於王父也。 | When a grandfather had died, and his grandson also died before the sacrifices at the end of the first or second year had been performed, (his spirit-tablet) was still placed next to the grandfather's. |
wáng fù ㄨㄤˊ ㄈㄨˋ (2): 對老人的尊稱。 Respectful term for an elder.
《·》: | 定百事,立百官,育門子,選賢良,興舊族,出滯賞,畢故刑,赦囚系,宥間罪,薦積德,逮鰥寡,振廢淹,養老幼,恤孤疾,年過七十,公親見之,稱曰王父,敢不承。 |
王公大人 |
wáng gōng dà rén ㄨㄤˊ ㄍㄨㄥ ㄉㄚˋ ㄖㄣˊ : 國君重臣。 Ruler, lord.
《·》: | 子墨子言曰:「今1者王公大人為政於國家者,皆欲國家之富,人民之眾,刑政之治,然而不得富而得貧,不得眾而得寡,不得治而得亂,則是本失其所欲,得其所惡,是其故何也?」 | Mozi said: Now, all the rulers desire their provinces to be wealthy, their people to be numerous, and their jurisdiction to secure order. But what they obtain is not wealth but poverty, not multitude but scarcity, not order but chaos - this is to lose what they desire and obtain what they avert. Why is this? | 《·》: | 民見其可以取王公大人也,而皆學之。 | And the people, seeing that they succeed in captivating kings, dukes and great men, all imitate them. | 《·》: | 嘗試使之施芳澤,正娥眉,設笄珥,衣阿錫,曳齊紈,粉白黛黑,佩玉環,揄步,雜芝若,籠蒙目視,冶由笑,目流眺,口曾撓,奇牙出,𩉇酺搖,則雖王公大人,有嚴志頡頏之行者,無不憚悇癢心而悅其色矣。 | 《》: | 其言洸洋自恣以適己,故自王公大人不能器之。 | 《·》: | 子墨子言曰:「今者王公大人為政於國家者,「今者」 | 《·》: | 皆死久矣,從屬彌眾,弟子彌豐,充滿天下,王公大人從而顯之,有愛子弟者隨而學焉,無時乏絕。 |
王屋 |
wáng wū ㄨㄤˊ ㄨ : [地名] [Name of a place]
《·》: | 砥柱、析城至于王屋。 | From Dizhu and Xicheng hills to 'King's house'. | 《·》: | 厎柱、析城至于王屋。 | (After these came) Di-zhu and Xi-cheng, from which he went on to Wang-wu. | 《·》: | 會稽、泰山、王屋、首山、太華、岐山、太行、羊腸、孟門。 | 《》: | 《尚書大傅》言:「周將同之時,有大赤鳥銜之種,而集王屋之上者,武王喜,諸大夫皆喜。」 | 《·》: | 會稽,太山,王屋,首山,太華,岐山,太行,羊腸,孟門。 | 《·》: | 出河東東垣王屋山,東為泲。 |