《·》: | 子游曰:「事君數,斯辱矣,朋友數,斯疏矣。」 |
Zi You said, "In serving a prince, frequent remonstrances lead to disgrace. Between friends, frequent reproofs make the friendship distant." |
《·》: | 無他,疏之也。 |
For no other reason but that he is not related to me. |
《·》: | 曰:稱情而立文,因以飾群,別親疏貴踐之節,而不可損益也。 |
The different rules for the mourning rites were established in harmony with (men's) feelings. By means of them the differences in the social relations are set forth, and the distinctions shown of kindred as nearer or more distant, and of ranks as more noble or less. They do not admit of being diminished or added to. |
《》: | 曰:「血國三千,使捋疏、飲水、褐博,沒齒無愁也?」 |
They've always sucked the kingdom's blood dry, making people have to pick wild grasses to eat, drink [only] water and wear coarse clothing. How can they live until their teeth fall out with nothing to worry about? |
《·》: | 親者聞之,亦退而謀曰:『始我所恃者親也,今上舉義不辟親2疏,然則我不可不為義。』 |
Upon hearing this, the favoured also began to deliberate, saying: "What I have been depending on was favour. Now the Lord promotes the righteous without discrimination against those thus far neglected. Hence I may not do unrighteousness." |
《·》: | 支離疏者,頤隱於臍,肩高於頂,會撮指天,五管在上,兩髀為脅。 |
There was the deformed object Shu. His chin seemed to hide his navel; his shoulders were higher than the crown of his head; the knot of his hair pointed to the sky; his five viscera were all compressed into the upper part of his body, and his two thigh bones were like ribs. |
《·》: | 故賞厚而利,刑重而必,不失疏遠,不私親近。 |
Therefore he benefits by giving liberal rewards, and by making penalties severe, he ensures that he is feared. He does not neglect those that are distant, nor does he run counter to those that are near. |
《·》: | 靜淵以有謀,疏通而知事。 |
Calm and unfathomable in his designs, and thoroughly versed in all matters. |
《·》: | 疏知而不法,辨察而操僻,勇果而無禮,君子之所憎惡也。 |
《·》: | 故疏河以導之,鑿江通於九派,灑五湖而定東海,民亦勞矣,然而不怨者,利歸於民也。 |
《》: | 曰:遠者號尊而地小,近者號卑而地大,親疏之義也。 |
《·》: | 曾子曰:「君子有三言可貫而佩之:一曰:無內疏而外親,二曰:身不善而怨他人,三曰:患至而後呼天。」 |
《》: | 非禮無以節事天地之神明也,非禮無以辨君臣上下長幼之位也,非禮無以別男女父子兄弟之親、昏姻、疏數之交也,君子以此之為尊敬然。 |
《·》: | 王者賜先親近、後疏遠何法? |
《·》: | 各以其次,上下更居,三廟以別,親疏有制。 |
《·》: | 君曰:「列地而與之,疏爵而貴之,君有難不死,出亡不送,可謂忠乎?」 |
《·》: | 學也者、所以疏神達思、怡情理性,聖人之上務也。 |
《·》: | 非禮則無以別男女、父子、兄弟、婚姻、親族、疏數之交焉。 |
《·》: | 秦之二世,務隱藏己,而斷百僚,隔捐疏賤而信趙高,是以聽塞於貴重之臣,明蔽於驕妬之人,故天下潰叛,弗得聞也。 |
《》: | 謹按:桂陽太守江夏張遼叔高去𨻳令家居,買田,田中有大樹十餘圍,扶疏蓋數畝地,播不生穀,遣客伐之,木中血出。 |
《·》: | 中正弼非,則君疏之。 |
《·》: | 凡祭宗廟禮牲之別名:牛曰一元大武,豕曰剛鬣,豚曰腯肥,羊曰柔毛,雞曰翰音,犬曰羹獻,雉曰疏趾,兔曰明視。 |
《·》: | 水曰清滌,酒曰清酌,黍曰薌合,梁曰香萁,稻曰嘉疏,鹽曰鹹鹺,玉曰嘉玉,幣曰量幣。 |
《·》: | 故先王之服師術者呼往發蒙,釋約解刺,達昏開明,而且知焉,故能說適計險,歷越踰俗,軼倫越等,知略之見,遺跋眾人,求絕紹遠,難之在前者能當之,難之在後者能章之,要領天下而無疏,遠乎敵國之制,戰勝攻取之道,應物而不窮,以一宰萬而不總,類類生之,耀名之所在,究賢能之變,極蕭楯之元,謂之無方之傳,著乎無封之宇。 |
《·》: | 神明者,得其內,得其內者,五藏寧,思慮平,耳目聰明,筋骨勁強,疏達而不悖,堅強而不匱,無所太過,無所不逮。 |
《·》: | 邛疏者,周封史也。 |
《》: | 天網恢恢,疏而不失。 |
《·》: | 見二疏,非所以強於諸侯也。 |
《·》: | 故善為主者,倚於愚,立於不盈,設於不敢,藏於無事,竄端匿疏,示天下無為。 |
《·》: | 有親疏之禮,無愛憎之禮也。 |
《》: | 向使四君卻客而不內,疏士而不用,是使國無富利之實,而秦無彊大之名也。 |
《·》: | 夏人之王,外鑿二十虻,韘十七湛,疏三江,鑿五湖,道四涇之水,以商九州之高,以治九藪,民乃知城郭門閭室屋之築,而天下化之。 |
《·》: | 欲離其親,因其所愛,與其寵人,與之所欲,示之所利,因以疏之,無使得志。 |
《·》: | 凡陣:行惟疏,戰惟密,兵惟雜。 |
《·》: | 陳以密則固,鋒以疏則達。 |
《·》: | 霸者,制士以權,結士以信,使士以賞:信衰則士疏,賞虧則士不用命。 |
《·》: | 處十月,知伯圍襄子于晉陽,襄子疏隊而擊之,大敗知伯,破其首以為飲器 |
《·》: | 今虎非親言者也,而賞猶及之,此疏遠者之所以盡能竭智者也。 |
《·》: | 君臣上下之事,有遠而親,近而疏。 |
《·》: | 今親賢而疏不肖,賞善而罰惡,賢、不肖、善、惡之名,宜在彼,親、疏、賞、罰之稱宜屬我。 |
《·》: | 近故親疏,三累。 |