Chinese Text Project |
矢 U+77E2 | Seal script | Jinwen | Jiaguwen | Jianbo | 笶 Alternate form | 𠂕 Semantic variant | 𠓡 Semantic variant |
Radical: | 矢+ 0 strokes = 5 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.248#32 Kangxi: p.823#34 Cihai: p.955r4c04 GSR: 560.a Hanyu: v4,p2580#01 |
Composition: | Top: 𠂉, bottom: 大. Component of: 𥎦 𭿽 𥎧 医 𫨸 矣 𠤑 𠤕 𢇻 𭜟 𨒔 垁 𫶬 矤 知 𪭨 𠱈 𪵳 㞺 𡧦 [More] |
Mandarin: | shǐ ㄕˇ |
Cantonese: | ci2 |
Tang reconstruction: | shǐ |
Shuowen: | 《矢部》矢:弓弩矢也。从入,象鏑栝羽之形。古者夷牟初作矢。凡矢之屬皆从矢。 |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·上聲·旨·矢》矢:陳也,誓也,正也,直也。《說文》曰:弓弩矢也,古者夷牟初作矢。式視切,四。 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·矢部·矢部》矢:〔古文〕𠂕𠓡《唐韻》《廣韻》式視切《集韻》《類篇》《韻會》矧視切,𠀤尸上聲。《說文》弓弩矢也。从入,象鏑括羽之形。古者夷牟初作矢。《宋衷云》黃帝臣也。《荀子·解蔽篇》浮游作矢。《山海經》少皡生般,始爲弓矢。《爾雅·釋詁》矢,弛也。《疏》以弓釋弦曰弛。《釋名》指也,言其有所指向,迅疾也。《揚子·方言》箭,自關而東謂之矢。《易·繫辭》剡木爲矢。《書·顧命》垂之竹矢。《周禮·夏官》司弓矢,掌八矢之灋。枉矢,絜矢,利火射,用諸守城車戰。殺矢,鍭矢,用諸近射田獵。矰矢,茀矢,用諸弋射。恆矢,𤷒矢,用諸散射。《史記·孔子世家》肅愼貢楛矢石砮,長尺有咫。又嚆矢,響箭也。《莊子·在宥篇》焉知曾史之不爲桀紂嚆史也。一作嗃矢。黃庭堅曰:安能爲人作嗃矢。《註》射者必先以嗃矢定其遠近也。又《爾雅·釋詁》𨻰也。《虞書序》臯陶矢闕謨。《春秋·隱五年》公矢魚于棠。《詩·大雅》無矢我陵。《傳》矢,𨻰也。《箋》猶當也。《正義》矢實𨻰義,欲言威武之盛,敵不敢當,以其當侵而𨻰,故言矢猶當也。又《爾雅·釋言》誓也。《書·盤庚》出矢言。《詩·衞風》永矢勿諼。又《博雅》正也。直也。《易·解卦》得黃矢貞吉。《詩·小雅》其直如矢。又施也。《詩·大雅》矢其文德。又投壷之籌曰矢。《禮·投壷》主人奉矢。又星名。《史記·天官書》枉矢,類大流星,虵行而蒼黑,望之如有毛羽然。又《釋名》齊魯謂光景爲枉矢,言其光行若射矢之所至也。又鉗矢,蓬矢,諸羌州名。見《唐書·地理志》。又《廣韻》屎本作矢。《左傳·文十八年》埋之馬矢之中。《史記·廉頗傳》一飯三遺矢。又複姓。《前漢·馬宮傳》本姓馬矢,宮仕學,稱馬氏云。《集韻》或作𥬘。 |
Fanqie: | 式視 (《廣韻·上聲·旨·矢》) |
Unihan definition: | arrow, dart; vow, swear |
Example usage
《論語·雍也》: | 夫子矢之曰:「予所否者,天厭之!」 |
On which the Master swore, saying, "Wherein I have done improperly, may Heaven reject me!" | |
《孟子·離婁下》: | 抽矢扣輪,去其金,發乘矢而後反 |
He then took his arrows, knocked off their steel points against the carriage-wheel, discharged four of them, and returned. | |
《禮記·投壺》: | 投壺之禮,主人奉矢,司射奉中,使人執壺。 |
According to the rules for Pitch-pot, the host carries the arrows in both his hands put together; the superintendent of the archery carries in the same way the stand on which the tallies were placed; and an attendant holds in his hand the pot. | |
《揚子法言》: | 修身以為弓,矯思以為矢,立義以為的,奠而後發,發必中矣。 |
Cultivating oneself is the bow; rectifying one's thoughts is the arrow; establishing yi is the target. Being settled and then shooting, the shot will inevitably hit the bull's-eye. | |
《墨子·親士》: | 其直如矢,其平如砥,不足以覆萬物,是故谿陝者速涸,逝淺者速竭,墝埆者其地不育。 |
As to the chieftain of only a thousand people, he is straight like an arrow and smooth like a whetstone, unable to tolerate the manifold ways. For narrow gorges clog up rapidly, shallow streams are soon exhausted, and the barren land does not bear fruits. | |
《莊子·人間世》: | 夫愛馬者,以筐盛矢,以蜄盛溺。 |
Those again who are fond of horses preserve their dung in baskets, and their urine in jars. | |
《商君書·慎法》: | 且先王能令其民蹈白刃,被矢石,其民之欲為之,非好學之,所以避害。 |
Furthermore, the early kings were able to command their people to walk on bare swords and to suffer arrows and stones, and the people were willing to do so, not because they liked learning such things, but because they escaped harm thereby. | |
《孫子兵法·作戰》: | 國之貧于師者遠輸,遠輸則百姓貧,近于師者貴賣,貴賣則百姓財竭,財竭則急于丘役,力屈財殫,中原內虛于家,百姓之費,十去其七,公家之費,破車罷馬,甲冑矢弩,戟楯蔽櫓,丘牛大車,十去其六。 |
Poverty of the State exchequer causes an army to be maintained by contributions from a distance. Contributing to maintain an army at a distance causes the people to be impoverished. On the other hand, the proximity of an army causes prices to go up; and high prices cause the people's substance to be drained away. When their substance is drained away, the peasantry will be afflicted by heavy exactions. With this loss of substance and exhaustion of strength, the homes of the people will be stripped bare, and three-tenths of their income will be dissipated; while government expenses for broken chariots, worn-out horses, breast-plates and helmets, bows and arrows, spears and shields, protective mantles, draught-oxen and heavy wagons, will amount to four-tenths of its total revenue. | |
《史記·殷本紀》: | 紂乃許之,賜弓矢斧鉞,使得征伐,為西伯。 |
The emperor agreed to this, and gave him bows, arrows, axes, and halberds, with a commission to start on a warlike expedition. He was appointed Chief of the West. | |
《荀子·解蔽》: | 倕作弓,浮游作矢,而羿精於射。 |
《說苑·脩文》: | 射者必心平體正,持弓矢審固,然後射者能以中。 |
《韓詩外傳·卷三》: | 《詩》曰:『周道如砥,其直如矢。』 |
《大戴禮記·勸學》: | 是故正鵠張,而弓矢至焉。 |
《白虎通德論·三軍》: | 《王制》曰:「賜之弓矢,乃得專征伐。」 |
《新書·過秦上》: | 秦無亡矢遺鏃之費,而天下諸侯已困矣。 |
《新序·善謀》: | 其後三年,文公遂再會諸侯以朝天子,天子錫之弓矢秬鬯,以為方伯。 |
《中論·譴交》: | 星言夙駕,送往迎來,亭傳常滿,吏卒傳問,炬火夜行,閽寺不閉,把臂捩腕,扣天矢誓。 |
《孔子家語·辯物》: | 時有隼集陳侯之庭而死,楛矢貫之,石砮,其長尺有咫。 |
《潛夫論·勸將》: | 《詩》云:「脩爾輿馬,弓矢戈兵,用戒作則,用逖蠻方。」 |
《論衡·命祿》: | 高祖擊黥布,為流矢所中,疾甚 |
《太玄經·戾》: | 次五,東南射兕,西北其矢。 |
《風俗通義·六國》: | 秦無一矢遺鏃之費,而關東已困。 |
《孔叢子·廣器》: | 矢服,謂之弢。 |
《申鑒·政體》: | 泅者勞而危,乘舟者逸而安,虛入水則必溺矢。 |
《獨斷·卷上》: | 桃弧棘矢土鼓鼓,旦射之以赤丸,五穀播灑之以除疫殃,已而立桃人葦索,儋牙虎神荼、鬱壘以執之,儋牙虎神荼、鬱壘二神海中有度朔之山,上有桃木蟠屈三千里卑枝,東北有鬼門,萬鬼所出入也。 |
《蔡中郎集·獨斷》: | 桃弧棘矢土鼓鼓,旦射之以赤丸,五穀播灑之以除疫殃,已而立桃人葦索,儋牙虎神荼、鬱壘以執之,儋牙虎神荼、鬱壘二神海中有度朔之山,上有桃木蟠屈三千里卑枝,東北有鬼門,萬鬼所出入也。 |
《列子·黃帝》: | 列禦寇為伯昏无人射,引之盈貫,措杯水其肘上,發之,鏑矢復沓,方矢復寓。 |
《鶡冠子·世兵》: | 昔善戰者舉兵相從,陳以五行,戰以五音,指天之極,與神同方,類類生成,用一不窮,明者為法,微道是行,齊過進退,參之天地,出實觸虛,禽將破軍,發如鏃矢,動如雷霆,暴疾擣虛,殷若壞牆,執急節短,用不縵縵,避我所死,就吾所生,趨吾所時,援吾所勝。 |
《文子·上德》: | 繩之與矢,孰先直焉? |
《文始真經·一宇》: | 聖人力行,猶之發矢,因彼而行,我不自行。 |
《韓非子·守道》: | 寄千金於羿之矢,則伯夷不得亡,而盜跖不敢取。 |
《管子·形勢解》: | 羿,古之善射者也,調和其弓矢而堅守之。 |
《公孫龍子·跡府》: | 龍聞楚王張繁弱之弓,載亡歸之矢,以射蛟兕於雲夢之圃,而喪其弓。 |
《六韜·勵軍》: | 高城深池,矢石繁下,士爭先登。 |
《司馬法·定爵》: | 順天奉時,阜財因敵,懌眾勉若,利地守隘阻,右兵弓矢禦,殳矛守,戈戟助。 |
《尉繚子·制談》: | 殺人於百步之外者弓矢也,殺人於五十步之內者矛戟也,將已鼓而士卒相囂,拗矢折矛抱戟,利後發,戰,有此數者,內自敗也,世將不能禁。 |
《九章算術·均輸》: | 術曰:矯矢五十,用徒一人。 |
《淮南子·兵略訓》: | 知土地之宜,羽險隘之利,明奇正之變,察行陳解贖之數,維枹綰而鼓之,白刃合,流矢接,涉血屬腸,輿死扶傷,流血千里,暴骸盈場,乃以決勝,此用兵之下也。 |
《呂氏春秋·貴直》: | 簡子乃去犀蔽屏櫓而立於矢石之所及,一鼓而士畢乘之 |
《鬼谷子·反應》: | 符應不失,如螣蛇之所指,若羿之引矢。 |
《春秋左傳》: | 曰,寡君少遭閔凶,不能文,聞二先君之出入此行也,將鄭是訓定,豈敢求罪于晉,二三子無淹久,隨季對曰,昔平王命我先君文侯曰,與鄭夾輔周室,毋廢王命,今鄭不率,寡君使群臣問諸鄭,豈敢辱候人,敢拜君命之辱,彘子以為諂,使趙括從而更之曰,行人失辭,寡君使群臣遷大國之跡於鄭,曰,無辟敵,群臣無所逃命,楚子又使求成于晉,晉人許之,盟有日矣,楚許伯御樂伯,攝叔為右,以致晉師,許伯曰,吾聞致師者,御靡旌,摩壘而還,樂伯曰,吾聞致師者,左射以菆,代御執轡,御下兩馬,掉鞅而還,攝叔曰,吾聞致師者,右入壘,折馘,執俘而還,皆行其所聞而復,晉人逐之,左右角之,樂伯左射馬而右射人,角不能進,矢一而已。 |
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