约 U+7EA6 | 約 Traditional character |
Radical: | 糸+ 3 strokes = 6 strokes total. |
References: | Kangxi: p.944#25 Hanyu: v5,p3366#01 |
Composition: | Left: 纟, right: 勺. Component of: 哟 药 |
Mandarin: | yuē ㄩㄝ |
Cantonese: | joek3 |
Unihan definition: | treaty, agreement, covenant |
Example usage
《·》: | 时贼十万,官军止三千餘,遂用宋廷杰计,招募襄阳官吏及土豪避兵者,得义丁二万,编排部伍,申其约束。 |
《》: | 皇帝巡边改期,所募兵各散遣,约八月复集,竟不成行。 |
《·》: | ...過於一国子路當以为榮不冝恥与言约子路之意魯伐小邾非己能禁●令己... |
《·》: | 舎弟書约今秋到此 |
《·》: | 干戈阻上書南國寄貧居舊里荒應盡新年病未除窗風連島𣗳門逕接鄰蔬我有閒來约相看雪滿株聞尚顔下世 |
《》: | ...喃喇(《三本》「喇」作「剌」)约思等及番僧营着卜(《三本》「营... |
《》: | 因以绛衣兵万人继其后,约相距十馀里。 |
《》: | 各家不同,约略举之。 |
《》: | 百约度余母同刻法。 |
《》: | 约束蛟鳄如驱羊。 |
The highlighted results are from texts in the Wiki section that may not yet have been adequately proofread. Please correct any errors encountered by editing the Wiki directly.You can examine all occurrences of this character or phrase in Pre-Qin and Han texts or Post-Han texts on the site.
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