绺 U+7EFA | 綹 Traditional character |
Radical: | 糸+ 8 strokes = 11 strokes total. |
References: | Kangxi: p.944#25 Hanyu: v5,p3418#07 |
Composition: | Left: 纟, right: 咎. |
Mandarin: | liǔ ㄌㄧㄡˇ |
Cantonese: | lau5 |
Unihan definition: | skein; tuft, lock; wrinkle |
Example usage
《·》: | 術曰:以绺米求粟,二十五之,十三而一。 |
《·》: | 以绺米求飯,八之,四而一。 |
《》: | 绺舊制,吏部給告身,先責其人輸朱膠綾軸錢。 |
《》: | ...有陳大巖者賃其舟至金陵見其髯五绺長尺許甚美目光煜霅如炬怪之及暮... |
《·》: | ...老在愆期期字之前信誓旦旦在體無绺言之後補序於此仍是戀戀不舍而不... |
《》: | ...事發中投拜為師將眉臉絞剌分作三绺戴上鬏髻粧作婦人就彼學女工描剪... |
The highlighted results are from texts in the Wiki section that may not yet have been adequately proofread. Please correct any errors encountered by editing the Wiki directly.You can examine all occurrences of this character or phrase in Pre-Qin and Han texts or Post-Han texts on the site.
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