Chinese Text Project |
羹 U+7FB9 | Seal script | 羮 Alternate form Semantic variant |
Radical: | 羊+ 13 strokes = 19 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.184#7 Kangxi: p.954#25 Cihai: p.1073r1c06 GSR: 747.a Hanyu: v5,p3139#13 |
Composition: | Top: 羔, bottom: 美. Component of: 𤄾 𦣍 |
Mandarin: | gēng láng ㄍㄥ ㄌㄤˊ |
Cantonese: | gang1 |
Tang reconstruction: | gæng |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·下平聲·庚·庚》羹:羹𦞦。《爾雅》云:肉謂之羹。 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·羊部·十三》羹:《廣韻》《正韻》古衡切《集韻》《韻會》居行切,𠀤音庚。《說文》作𩱧。五味和羹也。小篆从羔从美。《爾雅·釋器》肉謂之羹。《註》肉臛也。《疏》肉之所作臛名羹。《書·說命》若作和羹,爾惟鹽梅。《傳》鹽咸梅醋,羹須咸醋以和之。《禮·樂記》大羹不和。《註》大羹,肉湇,不調以鹽菜。又《云仙雜記》史鳳,宣城妓也。待客有差等,最下者不相見,以閉門羹待之。又《集韻》何庚切,音行。義同。又《集韻》盧當切,音郞。《韻補》左氏傳,陳蔡不羹。《釋文》音郞。正義曰:古者羹臛之字亦爲郞,故魯頌、楚辭、急就章與楊房漿爲韻。近世獨以爲地名。宋玉招魂:肥牛之腱臑若芳,和酸若苦陳吳羹。◎按說文、小篆俱作羹。《正字通》止收羮,不收羹,則从俗字,而反失正字矣。今增入。羮,俗羹字。見未集。 |
Fanqie: | 古行 (《廣韻·下平聲·庚·庚》) |
Unihan definition: | soup, broth |
Example usage
《論語·鄉黨》: | 雖疏食菜羹,瓜祭,必齊如也。 |
Although his food might be coarse rice and vegetable soup, he would offer a little of it in sacrifice with a grave, respectful air. | |
《孟子·盡心上》: | 孟子曰:「仲子,不義與之齊國而弗受,人皆信之,是舍簞食豆羹之義也。」 |
Mencius said, 'Supposing that the kingdom of Qi were offered, contrary to righteousness, to Chen Zhong, he would not receive it, and all people believe in him, as a man of the highest worth. But this is only the righteousness which declines a dish of rice or a plate of soup.' | |
《禮記·曲禮上》: | 凡進食之禮,左殽右胾,食居人之左,羹居人之右。 |
The rules for bringing in the dishes for an entertainment are the following: The meat cooked on the bones is set on the left, and the sliced meat on the right; the rice is placed on the left of the parties on the mat, and the soup on their right. | |
《墨子·節用中》: | 逮至其厚愛,黍稷不二,羹胾不重,飯於土塯,啜於土形,斗以酌。 |
Yet, even when he was served with what he much liked, he did not take a double cereal or both soup and meat. He ate out of an earthen liu and drank out of an earthen xing, and took wine out of a spoon. | |
《莊子·讓王》: | 孔子窮於陳、蔡之間,七日不火食,藜羹不糝,顏色甚憊,而弦歌於室。 |
When Confucius was reduced to extreme distress between Zhan and Cai, for seven days he had no cooked meat to eat, but only some soup of coarse vegetables without any rice in it. His countenance wore the appearance of great exhaustion, and yet he kept playing on his lute and singing inside the house. | |
《詩經·蕩》: | 如蜩如螗、如沸如羹。 |
[All around you] is like the noise of cicadas, Or like the bubbling of boiling soup. | |
《尚書·說命下》: | 若作和羹,爾惟鹽梅。 |
As the salt and the prunes in making agreeable soup. | |
《荀子·正名》: | 心平愉,則色不及傭而可以養目,聲不及傭而可以養耳,蔬食菜羹而可以養口,麤布之衣,麤紃之履,而可以養體。 |
《說苑·雜言》: | 孔子困於陳、蔡之間,居環堵之內,席三經之席,七日不食,藜羹不糝,弟子皆有饑色,讀詩書治禮不休。 |
《韓詩外傳·卷七》: | 孔子困於陳蔡之間,即三經之席,七日不食,藜羹不糝,弟子有飢色,讀書習禮樂不休。 |
《大戴禮記·禮三本》: | 大饗尚玄尊,俎生魚,先大羹,貴飲食之本也。 |
《新書·匈奴》: | 以匈奴之飢,飯羹啗膹炙,喗多飲酒,此則亡竭可立待也。 |
《新序·刺奢》: | 少焉日晏,進糲餐之食,瓜瓠之羹。 |
《孔子家語·問禮》: | 然後退而合烹,體其犬豕牛羊,實其簠、簋、籩、豆、鉶羹,祝以孝告,嘏以慈告,是為大祥。 |
《論衡·書虛》: | 一子胥之身,煮湯鑊之中,骨肉糜爛,成為羹葅,何能有害也? |
《太玄經·窮》: | 次五,羹無糝,其腹坎坎,不失其範。 |
《風俗通義》: | 孟軻譏仲子吐鶂鶂之羹而食井上苦李,鮑焦耕田而食,穿井而飲,非妻所織不衣,餓於山中,食棗,或問之:「此棗子所種耶?」 |
《孔叢子·詰墨》: | 詰之曰:所謂厄者、沽買無處,藜羹不粒,乏食七日。 |
《申鑒·雜言上》: | 君子食和羹以平其氣,聽和聲以平其志,納和言以平其政,履和行以平其德。 |
《新語·本行》: | 夫子陳、蔡之厄,豆飯菜羹,不足以接餒,二三子布弊褞袍,不足以避寒,倥偬屈厄,自處甚矣。 |
《獨斷·卷上》: | 凡祭宗廟禮牲之別名:牛曰一元大武,豕曰剛鬣,豚曰腯肥,羊曰柔毛,雞曰翰音,犬曰羹獻,雉曰疏趾,兔曰明視。 |
《蔡中郎集·獨斷》: | 凡祭宗廟禮牲之別名:牛曰一元大武,豕曰剛鬣,豚曰腯肥,羊曰柔毛,雞曰翰音,犬曰羹獻,雉曰疏趾,兔曰明視。 |
《列子·黃帝》: | 夫漿人特為食羹之貨,多餘之嬴。 |
《文始真經·四符》: | 關尹子曰:「庖人羹蟹,遺一足几上,蟹已羹,而遺足尚動。」 |
《韓非子·喻老》: | 象箸玉杯必不羹菽藿,則必旄象豹胎。 |
《管子·弟子職》: | 凡置彼食,鳥獸魚鱉,必先菜羹。 |
《六韜·盈虛》: | 糲粱之飯,藜藿之羹。 |
《孫子算經·卷下》: | 婦人曰:「二人共飯,三人共羹,四人共肉,凡用聣六十五。」 |
《淮南子·繆稱訓》: | 故傳曰:「魯酒薄而邯鄲圍,羊羹不斟而宋國危。」 |
《呂氏春秋·任數》: | 孔子窮乎陳、蔡之間,藜羹不斟,七日不嘗粒,晝寢。 |
《史記·項羽本紀》: | 漢王曰:「吾與項羽俱北面受命懷王,曰『約為兄弟』,吾翁即若翁,必欲烹而翁,則幸分我一桮羹。」 |
《春秋左傳》: | 食舍肉,公問之,對曰:「小人有母,皆嘗小人之食矣,未嘗君之羹。」 |
《國語·楚語上》: | 三年,陳、蔡及不羹人納棄疾而弒靈王 |
《晏子春秋》: | 和如羹焉,水火醯醢鹽梅,以烹魚肉,燀之以薪,宰夫和之,齊之以味,濟其不及。 |
《吳越春秋》: | 載飯與羹以游國中,國中僮子戲而遇孤,孤餔而啜之施以愛,問其名。 |
《戰國策》: | 其子在中山,中山之君烹其子而遺之羹,樂羊坐於幕下而啜之,盡一杯。 |
《鹽鐵論·毀學》: | 苟非其人,簞食豆羹猶為賴民也。 |
《漢書·王莽傳下》: | 乃巿所賣粱丽肉羹,持入視莽,曰:「居民食咸如此。」 |
《前漢紀》: | 封子信為刮羹侯。 |
《東觀漢記·王渙》: | 王渙為洛陽令,馬市正數從賣羹飯家乞貸,不得輒毆罵之。 |
《後漢書·禮儀中》: | 司空奉羹,大司農奉飯,奏食舉之樂。 |
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