而 |
ér ㄦˊ (1): 頰毛。 Whiskers.
《·》: | 而:頰毛也。 | 《·》: | 凡攫殺、援噬之類,必深其爪,出其目,作其鱗之而。 |
ér ㄦˊ (2): 如,像,似。 Like, similar to.
《·》: | 彼都人士、垂帶而厲。 | Those officers of the [old] capital, With their girdles hanging elegantly down! - | 《·》: | 諺曰:『有白頭而新,傾蓋而故。』 |
ér ㄦˊ (3.1): 代詞:你,你們。 Pronoun: you.
《·》: | 呂后復問其次,上曰:「此後亦非而所知也。」 | 《·》: | 非而所知也。 |
ér ㄦˊ (3.2): 代詞:此,這樣。 Pronoun: this, like this.
《》: | 豫讓拔劍三躍,呼天擊之曰:「而可以報知伯矣。」 |
ér ㄦˊ (4.1): 連詞:表示並列,相當於「和」、「與」。 Connective: and, with.
《》: | 吾聞之,哀樂而樂哀,皆喪心也,心之精爽,是謂魂魄,魂魄去之,何以能久。 | 《·》: | 吾聞之:哀樂而樂哀,皆喪心也。 |
ér ㄦˊ (4.2): 連詞:表示順承,相當於「就」、「才」。 Connective: and, then.
《·》: | 馬四足者,一馬而四足也,非兩馬而四足也。 | Horses have four feet: one horse has four feet; two horses do not have four feet. | 《·》: | 子曰:「學而時習之,不亦說乎?」 | The Master said, "Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?" | 《·》: | 湯崩,太子太丁未立而卒,於是乃立太丁之弟外丙,是為帝外丙。 | After the demise of Tang his eldest son, Taiding (Great D), died before he could come to the throne; and so Taiding's younger brother Waibing (Outer C), that is Emperor Waibing, came to the throne. | 《》: | 鄭人有且置履者,先自度其足而置之其坐,至之市而忘操之,已得履,乃曰:「吾忘持度。」 | 《·》: | 孕婦見兔而子缺唇,見麋而子四目。 | 《·》: | 雩而雨,何也? |
ér ㄦˊ (4.3): 連詞:表示假設,相當於「如果」。 Connective: if, supposing.
《·》: | 子曰:「人而無信,不知其可也。」 | The Master said, "I do not know how a man without truthfulness is to get on." | 《·》: | 夫諸侯而驕人則失其國,大夫而驕人則失其家。 |
ér ㄦˊ (4.4): 連詞:表示轉折,相當於「卻」、「但是」。 Connective: yet, however.
《·》: | 有一宅於國,而不為有國。 | Having a house within the state is not having the state. | 《·》: | 人不知而不慍,不亦君子乎? | Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him? | 《·》: | 青、取之於藍,而青於藍。 | 《·》: | 君子曰:學不可以已矣,青取之於藍,而青於藍。 |
ér ㄦˊ (4.5): 連詞:表示因果,相當於「因而」、「所以」。 Connective: therefore, hence.
《·》: | 故,所得而後成也。 | The gu (reason/cause) of something is what it must get before it will come about. | 《·》: | 故玉在山而草木潤,淵生珠而岸不枯。 | 《·》: | 戰,齊急,丑父恐齊侯得,乃易處,頃公為右,車絓於木而止。 | 《·》: | 玉在山而草木潤,淵生珠而崖不枯。 | 《》: | 逢丑父與公易位,將及華泉,驂絓於木而止。 | 《·》: | 玉在山而草木潤,珠生淵而岸不枯,蚯蚓無筋骨之強,爪牙之利,上食咘堁,下飲黃泉,用心一也。 |
ér ㄦˊ (4.6): 連詞:表示方式或狀態。 Connective: expresses method or state.
《·》: | 嘑爾而與之,行道之人弗受。 | If they are offered with an insulting voice, even a tramper will not receive them. | 《·》: | 故使天下之士,傾耳而聽,重足而立,拑口而不言。 | 《·》: | 故使天下之士傾耳而聽,重足而立,闔口而不言。 |
ér ㄦˊ (5.1): 助詞:相當於「之」。 Particle: of.
《·》: | 子曰:「君子恥其言而過其行。」 | The Master said, "The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions." | 《·》: | 虞之與虢,相恃而勢也。 |
ér ㄦˊ (5.2): 助詞:表示語氣,相當於「啊」或「吧」。 Expressive particle.
《·》: | 唐棣之華,偏其反而。 | How the flowers of the aspen-plum flutter and turn! | 《》: | 若敖氏之鬼,不其餒而! |
néng ㄋㄥˊ (6.1): Same as “” néng ㄋㄥˊ: 能夠,勝任。 Able to, competent.
《·》: | 唯而以尚同一義為政故也。 | Just because the administration is based on the principle of Identification with the Superior. | 《·》: | 托小以包大,在中以制外,行柔而剛,用弱而強,轉化推移,得一之道,而以少正多。 | 《·》: | 不逢湯武與桓繆兮,世孰雲而知之。 |
néng ㄋㄥˊ (6.2): Same as “” néng ㄋㄥˊ: 才能。 Ability, talent.
《·》: | 故夫知效一官,行比一鄉,德合一君而徵一國者,其自視也亦若此矣。 | Thus it is that men, whose wisdom is sufficient for the duties of some one office, or whose conduct will secure harmony in some one district, or whose virtue is befitting a ruler so that they could efficiently govern some one state, are sure to look on themselves in this manner (like the quail). |
而後 |
ér hòu ㄦˊ ㄏㄡˋ : 以後,然後。 And then, only then.
《·》: | 子曰:「先行其言,而後從之。」 | The Master said, "He acts before he speaks, and afterwards speaks according to his actions." |